Reminder that pic related is what peak women want (age 14-21)
You're a retard if you want to attract """""women""""" over 23 (aka worthless subhumans)
Reminder that pic related is what peak women want (age 14-21)
The extra thicc muscular volleyball braphogs want a beefcake though you fucking twink
>muscular """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""women""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
low T detected
Might as well go all out and go full gay
OK, but how am I going to intimidate people? I need a body that will not only aquire gf but retain gf as well, which means fending off competition and intimidating her into submission indefinitely
Will that body get pic related?
I feel like she'd be into slightly more athletic/muscular.
Asking for a friend
>I feel like she'd be into slightly more athletic/muscular
you fell for the memes
Face + ottermode = peak quality pussy
Is that a pizzagate shirt dude?
tfw you paint on your abs
yup you're right
however I think that girls are slowly drifting from ottermode to slightly muscular guys
OP's pic does have muslces/abs, just enough to make women say that he's "muscular"
my goal body is almost OP's pic, slightly leaner and slightly more muscular
>i love pizza
Holy shit john podesta you bold son of a bitch
Why not be something that she likes at a personal level and chooses to be with without being intimidated?
You could just cut his body off, it literally doesn't matter Tbh
>be 6'2+
You need 1,9+ FWHR as well, but bloatmaxxing could possibly help with that
get off Veeky Forums you fucking normie
get out of my thread
there's no need to do that if she's attracted to you
everyone knows how retarded peak women are
So like Alex Prange mode is best for JB?
No its not.
What about 22 year old women?
>like a man for his personality
lol, just lol
What a stupid bait OPEE
t. facelet/fat fuck/deluled bodybuilder/aiming for subhumans
>peak women
>age 14
triggered subhuman ("""""woman""""" over 23) detected