Why do I lift? Why to defend capitalism from leftist subhumans of course!

Why do I lift? Why to defend capitalism from leftist subhumans of course!

delet thes

Also inb4 some uneducated dip who can't tell the difference between liberals and leftists shits up the thread.

>Implying you have to lift to "defeat" these people

They look like 9 year olds

>implying you have to "defend" the current world order

You all sound like 15 year olds

Leftists are degenerate scum. Liberals are moderate, compassionate thinkers

Lifting won't help you defeat them, though. I mean, what if that fedora on the far right knows jiu jitsu? You're fucked, m8. Learn a combat sport if you want to pretend you're some kind of champion of the alt-right.

All liberals are leftists but not all leftists are liberals.
Did i get that right?

>he isn't swoleleft

>he isnt natsoc or thirdposition
>implying nationalist leftism is best leftism

Compassionate conservatism is the only CHAD political ideology. You get to hate both commies and Nazi filth while distinguishing yourself from deadbeat smug liberals. If you aren't lifting for HW kill yourself


Homogeneity causes higher social trust in basically every section of society. And thus socialism is much easier to implement.



I said I was a capitalist dumbass. Why would I support tribalism nationalism? I support globalism above all else

All humanity must eventually be united under one banner. The leftists and nationalists are clinging onto defunct ideologies that belong in the dustbin of history.

Please go back to the unemployed undergrad/Starbucks employee clubhouse

>think capitalism only benefits people who were born rich and/or beautiful
>goyim are expected to work for these people for much less than their time is worth
>working for yourself makes you swim upstream because of all the bullshit laws like goyim licences, goyim certifications, goyim taxes, etc and often these people fail
>hate limp wristed commie fags though and in general only think it would work for small countries
>cant be national socialist because all the rednecks and fedorians ruined it so it is pretty much social suicide

I have no idea where I stand

What about capitalism with a social safety net and laws to protect workers. Even better strict laws to crack down on dipshits and degenrates a la Singapore.



Singapore is clean, efficient, and safer than any western nation, but the cost of living there is through the fucking roof.

Even the best rebuttal to socialism and defense of capitalism mentioned the need for regulations and social safety nets

Uh no shit idiot. All western nations implement this. Socialism is never the solution because it's means of production and ability to meet demands can't match capitalism.

Fuck off back to your containment board you loser

>you get to be a hypocrite and a dumbass
