Question for all of the long haired Veeky Forumsizens...

Question for all of the long haired Veeky Forumsizens. I'm growing my hair out but I'm in that awkward stage right before you can put it up. Shit is a fucking mess as soon as a start lifting, is there any sort of a solution to stop it from frizzing until I can put it up?

I would wear a hat

its called a hat. u may have heard of them

Literally how the fuck did that not cross my mind

Don't wash it

Its okay I won't make fun of you

Life tip: there is no man who looks better with long hair and that includes you
People think you look like a slob

Check out the fucking hairlet here



See here now. Exhibit A

Exhibit B


>have short hair
>get lazy, grow it out
>go to party
>multiple girls come up to me and tell me how beautiful my hair is
>become party friends with one, intros me to everyone
>instantly friends with like 8 chicks from having long hair
>more girls keep coming up and talking to me
>guys start acting odd and beta around me
>mfw situational party alpha from being too lazy to get a haircut

Pomade it up into a sick pompadour. Continue doing this even after you have achieved the desired length.

And then you woke up. It was a nice tale, though.

>go to party, girls talk to me
>Fake and gay

Never change, Veeky Forums

t. baldy

>its ok friend

Remember where you are
Nope. Not a hairlet

>Nope. Not a hairlet
exactly what someone with no hair would say

>exactly what someone with no hair would say
Exactly what a LARPfag would say

>tfw i can role play characters with hair

>still not a baldieboy

Beanies are good if it's not swelteringly crispy out

Its okay, hats inside are for faggots.
You'll only be wearing it temporarily so it's fine