I'm doing a three day zero cal water fast. What am I in for here?

I'm doing a three day zero cal water fast. What am I in for here?

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muscle loss

a headache

massive gains

>We evolved to become litteral fat balls that can't move when there is nothing to eat

Really made me think

You'll probably feel thirsty and maybe hungry too.

No , you lose a lot of fat , but also a lot of muscle .
And IT IS logical for our bodies to shed muscle in period of famine ,because it require a lot of energy to maintain and strength is NOT linearly correlated to mass , you can lose lot of mass but only little strength.

You're in for a meme way to not gain muscle


just hit day 72 hours fasting for the first time, 2nd day dinner time was hell but i woke up day 3 not hungry and full of energy all day shits weird man

I have bulimia I just forget to throw up

> just 3 days
only minimal, muscle loss would be only significant after 10+ days

should I try 7-10 days instead? i want to reach godhood

3 days? You're in for mild inconvenience. That's it.

You'll be hungrier than normal, and maybe a bit more tired in the evenings.

Not sure if joke or if some people seriously think they can lead a normal life without eating for a whole week.

Are you supposed to lift when you are fasting?

>day 72 hours
Kinda believe you

Posts like this is why you should never take advice from Veeky Forums

I did four days before.

First day was the hardest, but then I just felt normal, not even hungry.
On the fourth day I ate some steamed vegetables in the evening and then next day normal food again.

OP asked about 3 days. I've fallen for the meme and fasted Monday-Friday a few times. It's easy as piss.

i just said that you won't lose a significant amount of muscle after 3 days. which is true. but losing weight is a long uphill battle. there are no shortcuts, doing prolonged water fasting to lose weight is pretty retarded because you'll look like a skinny-fat blob in the end and hate yourself.
i only see water fasting as a reasonable option if you are morbidly obese and can't exercise effectively anyways.

that being said, if he wants to do a water fast as some sort of self-control exercise he should do it. maybe he will learn better self-control and discipline, who knows. i'll always recommend IF or OMAD as a permanent lifestyle though, forming a healthy relationship with food and exercise should be the end-goal. i do high intensity cardio and lift on the same day most days, so IF is hard enough.

the euforia feeling when the autofagy starts
then you start peeing gasoline
and you realize you are destroying your kidneys, your liver
then 2 days later, you wake up with bloodshot eyes, like you are just coming back from swimming in a pool
that is when you are destroying your eyesight

Uh shut the fuck up you're fucking up my thread. I'd you don't agree go somewhere else

> ppl who have never fasted in their life
yet have and give fucking retarded opinions

>listening to fucktards on Veeky Forums

>ppl who have never fasted in their life
you know shit about me, mate

Not eating between breakfast and lunch doesn't count as fasting fatso

>muh muscle loss meme
Pic related

There is still muscle being consumed. There is still muscle being lost.
Way to be so fucking stupid.

how about taking liver, kidneys and pancreas health into account

Really bad diarrhea.

Protein != muscle.

Also there's lots of studies that show lean mass stays the same when fasting.

Please show some evidence that fasting is detrimental to these organs.

Learn to read and comprehend the fucking graph I posted

Shouldn't you be in school?

How about you give me some links to prove your claim?
Otherwise educate yourself on the subject

Study done on obese people who have shitloads of fat to lose and not a lot of muscle.
Obviously your body will retain muscle to the best of its ability when you hardly have any.

Yeah OP asked about three days, I was talking about other posters who mentioned week-long fast
I read articles with people writing down their fasting experiment: you basically have to put your life on pause during the time you fast, because you can't do anything else except maybe for walks.

>can't disprove anything I say

Do you guys know you fast every single night, right?
do you know why is it called break-fast, right?

mind blown
click like and subscribe

>organs not having to work somehow damages them

>organs not having to work
do you even live?
do you know what autofagy does?
fasting puts liver, kidneys and pancreas into overdrive

liver: protein and fats conversion into glucose
pancreas: insulin to counteract adrenalin and cortisol
kidneys: get rid of all the waste

damn man, never thought of that.

But just yesterday read a study that said a low cal 600 a day diet for 8 weeks can eliminate diabetes?!?

if you want the benefits of fasting without going full blown guru fag, you just need to stop eating snacks
ie: breakfast at 8am
lunch at 2pm
dinner at 9pm

there you have it: 11 hours of fast every single day + the hours post digestion (about 2x2)= 16 hours of fasting every day without looking stupid, and having social life


that shit better insulin sensitivity
the thing is scientists are omitting the physical activity everytime, to sell you food

high intensity training effects are equal to a huge calorie restriction without any of the downsides

>Eating breakfast
I'm never hungry in the morning. I just can't do it.

then your dinner is too heavy

Even if I only ate a salad for dinner, I still wouldn't be hungry in the morning.

I always need 2-4 hours after waking before getting my appetite worked up.

do you eat dinner too late?
i found that i wake up naturally about 10 hours from dinner
never fails
so that if i have to get up earlier than those 10 hours, i don't want to have breakfast

According to the studies cited in this video, muscle loss is higher in a caloric deficit vs fasting completely: youtu.be/APZCfmgzoS0

yeah but fasting is not sustainable overtime

this is like comparing an occasional 10K run to running every day

yes, it is true you burn more calories during a sprint, but doing it one time is worse than cardio every day

Maybe I should try having it earlier.

I mostly eat 2 meals a day, when I have breakfast I tend to skip lunch and have an early dinner.
And when I skip breakfast I have late lunch and late dinner.

What do you mean "over time"? In a max. 15 day fast you can lose a ton of fat and you normally don't have much of it anyways if you're "fit". Just leaning up with that should be ok, especially when you eat clean the rest of the time.

No one has to disprove anything you've said because you haven't proven a fucking thing idiot.

let me clarify
you can live on a calorie restriction, because once you get to the new weight, the new calorie value is less than what you eat... so you live forever in that calorie restriction

you can't live on a fast
it is that simple
getting into a certain weight using any technique that is not sustainable for your life doesn't give anything other than a momentary benefit
and worst of all, from a metabolic perspective, once you resume into a normal diet, your body will retain more fat to get ready for a new fast

think about that people from the TV program, that go into an island, and stop eating for weeks... they come back slim as fuck... 3 months later they are fatter and balder than ever

>think about that people from the TV program, that go into an island, and stop eating for weeks... they come back slim as fuck... 3 months later they are fatter and balder than ever

except they weren't fasting

Now I get you!
I don't view fasting as a permanent solution. For me, it's rather a corrective factor (similar to the bulking/cutting scheme).
I became a fatty by not caring for my appearance and eating 4 bags of chips a day.
I changed my eating habits to be healthy and not as calorically dense, but there's still a bit of fat.
I feel bad while cutting and have no energy for lifting. So I just fast for a short amount of time, lose a lot of weight and my lifts don't suffer as much, since I'm not cutting for 8 weeks straight.

It's a weightloss instrument for people who have their diet in control.

You sound like someone trying to lifecoach an obese person

i am losing hope here
fasting is a temporary solution
you can't live without eating food, so that once you resume your diet, you will get even fatter (and stupid)
calorie restriction works because the body has time to get used to that new energy levels, the same you get fat after years of stuffing your face, and not by stuffing your face for one day

i'm not the guy you were replying to and i'm not responding to anything in your post other than the last line, which is demonstrably untrue.

Addendum: Obviously you'd then have to gauge how many calories you need after the fast, but that doesn't take long

i agree, fasting is a good tool for a cool jumpstart into losing some fat
fasting is amazing if you are addicted to food, because it shows you that you can live with a lot less food

but exactly as this guy is saying: he got fat eating 4 bags of chips a day
you won't get fat by having 8 icecreams a day
the same you won't get ripped by not eating for 24 hours

worst of all, fasting turns into a binge disorder, something Youtubers promote everytime like it is some kind of feat, eating 5 burgers on a sitting, and stupid shit like that

>LOOK AT ME GUYS, I CAN EAT 100 POUNDS OF PASTA (after not eating for 2 days straight, and roiding, but i won't tell you that)

Actually, it's the other way around.

Caloric restriction makes your metabolism slow down over time and you'll regain that weight if you ever resume eating normally.
Fasting makes your metabolism go up slightly and when you resume eating normally it stays that way.

Try watching this:

>you won't get fat by having 8 icecreams in one day

i am losing hope here
caloric restriction is a temporary solution
you can't live without eating food, so that once you resume your diet, you will get even fatter (and stupid)
fasting works because the body has does not drop to lover energy level needs.

Ofcourse if after fast you start overeating you will get fat again. Just like with caloric restriction

no, because you are training during that calorie restriction

isn't fasting a calorie restriction? you are defending not eating, and destroying your adrenals
are you a youtuber? find a better job

>caloric restriction is a temporary solution
no, it is not
because you let your body get to a new energy balance
caloric restriction + exercise is the definitive way to lose weight in a healthy manner
fasting + not doing anything is a fat joke, to further down the issue in 3 days

What's push pull legs got to do with anything?

Fasting is for people that have absolutely no muscle mass and loads of fat.
And even then it's stupid because you could also be working out and making way better gains while losing weight instead of trying to rush it and ending up skinny fat.

Being in a caloric deficit until your BMR meets your caloric intake is a great way to have a shitty experience during training because you're always out of energy. Many studies say that dieting as hard and as fast as possible leads to the fewest muscle loss. This is a weightlifting board, people in the /fat/ thread need not apply for this.

thank you, man
at least someone is still sane here

i am comparing it with training while fasting for 3 days
what is more calorie restricted? eating 300kcal less or not eating for 3 days?

I see, that would work.

I'm not really into fasting or calorie counting, but if you don't exercise fasting will probably be healthier than dieting.

I prefer just eating healthier and working out more.

the latter, obviously (assuming a 3000kcal BMR). And as I wrote, the harder the deficit, the faster the weightloss and the lower the muscle loss because the body doesn't have much time to start breaking down muscle.

desu here, i think the best system possible is training hard... in a matter of 4 weeks your hunger levels adjust to your traininig, and you unconsciously end up eating for your training

cardio is mandatory, ofc

>fasting is a temporary solution
>you can't live without eating food
Whooaa, so this is the power of Veeky Forums?Really got those neurons firing.
Is this your first day here, have you ever done cycles of bulking and cutting before? Do you understand the concept of gaining mass to build muscle and then shedding some of the excess fat so you can go back to gaining mass without being fat as fuck?

Stop posting please.

do you know what is reading comprehension?

Stop posting any time newfriend. You might also try to back your retarded opinions up with fact, or watch the video already posted in this thread that refutes your shitty broscience.

also do you knew what ist spelling and gramer xdddDD

>gramer xdddDD

>gets shut down with zero evidence to back up claims
>poor grammar and no punctuation
>posts images to save face when called out on it

Smell my pussy, please.

TAKEAWAY (before the fasting shills create another thread or derail this one):




fuck you shills, find a real job

best off doing cardio or something, or some light weights until your body switches over to keto mode, then go for it


Three body switches to keto mode after less than 3 days, lifting just accelerates this by flushing the glycogen stores... In a 5x5 you could just do as before (obvously next-to-no progression)

you think homo sapiens would have survived this long if that shit just started getting fucked as soon as we couldnt find food one day? i am convinced there are CICO shills trying to derail fasting redpill threads

>fuck you shills, find a real job
Do you know what shill means?

There is nothing to be earned by shilling fasting, because no entity or organization can earn money or influence by someone 'not' eating.
You are in fact the shill, coming into a thread and spouting your uninteresting flawed arguments in favour of food industry and google.

Keep lifting but with lower weights, since your body wont have the resources to heal micro fractures there's no benefit in pushing yourself too hard.

>homo sapiens would have survived
do you know what is life expectancy, and medical health?
>nothing to be earned by shilling fasting
>About 1,450,000 results
no, nothing at all
OH LOOK, the video posted is the first result
hope the ad money is paying rent, Thomas

>shilling for fasting

Shilling for NOT BUYING/EATING/DOING anything...

Wew, you are a special kind of retard are you


A valuable experience. You'll be a better man afterwards. I'm thinking about doing a 36h-48h fast just for fun.


I wonder, why does virtually no bodybuilder cut by prolonged fasting if it, as you claim, allows them to maintain lean body mass?

Let's take it further: We all know we can build muscle a lot more easily when we are fat. Why does no one bulk to 35% BF, max out his muscle mass, and then cut down to 8% by prolonged fasting in intervals?
I mean clearly, according to you, he would barely lose any muscle mass and end up being huge and lean?

I'm about to forcibly penetrate your macro fracture.

Any meal is breakfast if it's the first meal of the day

I wonder, why does fasting make you SOMAD?
Is it because you eat Seventy-One Meals A Day?

What? I'm litterally just asking questions, calm down nerd

Bodybuilders and boxers fast all the time before competitions and weighings to get their body fat close to minimum.

I don't think they lose any muscle mass.

the thread is full of reasons to avoid the memefasting, but there are at least 2 youtubers insulting and going aggro

yeah, a weight they regain in 2 days
hence why fasting is stupid

They do fast, so your entire point is reduced to nothing.

What? They do water cuts, never heared of a bodybuilder cutting for stage form by PROLONGED fasting.