Anyone here with a herniated disc? How has it affected your fitness activities?

Anyone here with a herniated disc? How has it affected your fitness activities?

whhhhhaaaaaaattt theee ffffuuuuuuuuuuuckk

meant to post this one

is this a deleted scene from alien? the fugg?

delete this

>[squidward laughing]

saved lol




I have 2 bulging discs and a herniated disc along with ddd and facet joint syndrome. I can't front squat as well anymore and I had to switch from standard to sumo DLs. Makes running miserable so I do inclined walking and cycling.

How do i achieve this level of core activation?


what is that?

Shit senpai. We better nuke that from orbit.


I do. Can't do any variation of Deadlift/Squat/OHP/Bent-over Rows.
Can only use dumbbells and machines, basically.



>and still no explanations

What is this and how do I make sure it never happens to me?

pretty sure it's a herniated abdomen, can't get it unless you're born with it or get in a freak accident

nvm, just looked it up, can be caused also by being obese, smoking or chronic constipation
