I've realised why squats and deadlifts are so popular on Veeky Forums now

I've realised why squats and deadlifts are so popular on Veeky Forums now.

It's because your average person here likes to train like a powerlifter (but never compete because their lifts aren't quite that good) so they can pretend they are superior to your average gym goer/curl bro.

Nice observation jackass.


Or maybe it's because someone wanting to build muscle knows that curls, bench press, etc only work a very small amount of the body. Deadlifts and Squats are very good at working larger muscles, which in turn build a stronger physique and burn even more calories at rest.

Whilst I make a poor attempt at doing power lifter training, I don't look down on curl bros because 9/10 they have impressive physique anyway.

I like doing both. Best of all you actually get the best results doing both.

Heavy big boy sets to show off your strength, then the fluff n pump sets to ensure and show off you look as big as you are.

What I don't understand is people who only focus on 1 or the other, you guys are equally as autistic to me. You lanky skellies deadlifting 5 plates isn't impressive when you don't even look like you lift, and neither are you bro-splitters who look like you deadlift 5 plates but can't even pull 3 plates without snapping your back in half.

or maybe it just feels good to be strong? it's just a guess

>curl bro
>impressive phisique
Large arms and maybe a four pack do not make an impressive physique unless youre a 16 year old girl


The problem being........?

Do manlets really think that styling their hair like that makes them look taller?

u jelly

That your chicken legs will ruin your chance to fuck the underage girls that even skinny jean wearing highschool boys can pull because at least their bottom half isnt hilariously disproportionate

Veeky Forums is full of brainwashed rippletits worshipers that believe have a giant squat ass is attractive

>implying it isn't

It wasn't before I started to do deadlift that I began to put on some serious mass.

That isn't true, actually. For example a standing ezbar curl not only works the biceps but it heavily recruits the erector spinae to maintain core stability and requires balance to maintain an upright posture. As well it works the forearms and traps. If you go really heavy it can be a true full body workout. Bench press works the abs, shoulders and if you go heavy the leg drive works the glutes. Deadlifts and squats are not special at all nor essential. Row and leg press variations alone can easily replace both.

mah nigga

but it is

>>Row and leg press variations alone can easily replace both
they can, so do other exercises, but who in their right mind without serious health problem would change something that is already great?

>>standing ezbar curl not only works the biceps but it heavily recruits the erector spinae to maintain core stability
this is true and false at the same time, true because it does, but so does fucking standing/walking/running/etc and that leads to why false, that is because its nothing compared to squat/dl strain you can get on erector.As you said it could be full body workout using 'extremely' heavy weight but would end up leaving you with GREAT muscular imbalances and since curling is and 'isolation' exercise chances for tearing your biceps with higher weigh increase exponentially while back gains are at best medicore

>>Bench press works the abs, shoulders and if you go heavy the leg drive works the glutes
if bench works the abs than squats and dls fucking shred abs since your WHOLE body needs that stabilization during both movements while with bench its literally negligible in most part, shoulders ofc, but fucking glutes? seriously ? you would have to fucking bench something close to competition level 1rm to make any gains on your but from bench not to fucking mention hernias and shit if you strain so hard

who wants to date femlet thots anyway?