Why is there no thread about mr.olympia?? Keep this thread updated!

Why is there no thread about mr.olympia?? Keep this thread updated!

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Because it's a shitty competition about walking sacks of meat and steroids, a chemical warfare occurs on the stage, all they care about is "big", instead of being proportionate.

Fuck off.

joke competition

>chemical warfare
solid kek

Because Veeky Forums has nothing to do with bodybuilding.
This board is not even fitness related.

fucking darn door backs

Bubble gut bonanza


Its a shit show for people with mental illnesses. Its the antithesis to athletic competition. These freaks can barely walk across the stage

I literally saw someone make a post about how to quit a job. This board has nothing to do with fitness

>open up featured Snapchat story on mr. Olympia
>it only shows black guys
>out like 20 snaps, only one features a white guy

Is mr olympia the new basketball or is it just the zog machine trying to BLACKED me?

phil "the gut" heath naenae'd on in prejudging

only white guy on the olympia stage literally died like a couple weeks ago

the only man worth seeing

I hope Rami can win but I see him placing 2nd. Bonnack is way to fucking small to take 2nd place and Dexter is looking less sharp each year.

If I was judge I'd give Rami the win simply because he makes Phil look like a kid but it isn't that simple.

202 category is anyone's game tho.

who was that? I haven't read any bodybuilding news for a few months.

dallas mcdonald

>phil heath is still competing
Gee, I wonder who will win. Seriously, what's even the fucking point?

Because even though /fit is gay as in homosexual it's not that kind of gay.

yeah he is going to win until he retires

another Ronnie, when?
competitive bodybuilding is just boring to me after watching Ronnie too much

Get out
Get out
Get out
Get out
Get out
I can see Big Ramy winning. His arms look bigger to me, and in some poses he looks more conditioned.
Plus, that gut on Phil looks literally Lenny tier
Who will win?

because Veeky Forums is full of normies nowadays

I hope preggo phil doesn't win, but seems unlikely.

When does the show start tonight??


phil "bubble bubble bubble trouble gut"


rami is big but he doesn't look as shredded as phill and he has dog shit quad genetics

add "bonanza" to that

STFU, no one wants to see ur swimmer mode ideal on stage

Phix is washed but will still get the trophy, disgrace

>he thinks there's only one division

No one cafes about bodybuilding anymore, the whole lifting fad died in 2014. This is a running veganism forum now, fuck off.

Whats up with that zit of a belly button?

Ramy literally looks like an Engineer, Fuark


such a samefag. no one would laugh at your unfunny attempt at humor

3-2 for Ramy
Oh boy can't wait for tomorrow
Any good streaming sites anyone?

Flex looked wonderful

I really hope it goes down like that and it was pretty even maybe even leaning towards rami for most of the mandatorys but heaths back double really showed why he is mr O. Ramis conditioning is better this year than ever by a large margin but he still looks like he needs work.

I think you answered your own question with that picture.

>tfw you thought classic physique was boardshorts so didnt train legs this year

Delorean mcgoofy

Why are his toenails painted black?

the peak of male bodybuilding 2017

Kek is that Phix?

Holy shit the Ramy fanboys are so dumb, Phil is gonna place first, dexter/rhoden 2nd/3rd and ramy is gonna be fourth.
I'll be surprised if he's third.

Luimarco is retarded why do so many people watch his DYEL ass?

Dexter literally looks better than Ramy, sure ramy came in conditioned for the first time this year but dexter does EVERY year and Ramy's hamstrings look like shit

>implying that shit on the left should win anything, let alone first place

look at his gut, he literally can't even flex his abs.

Phil's whole physique is actually way ahead of anyone's, having a distended and bloated gut is from water and eating too much food you moron. Phil's arms, shoulders and back are great, his hams are also the best in the game.

>having a distended and bloated gut is from water and eating too much food you moron

Okay, you're literally retarded.

Bonac will be third

Ramy is gonna win by virtue of Phil being super off, shame cos if he really dialed it in, as he did last year, which ur pic is from, it would be no contest

>The gut isn't part of the physique

Really made me think

Rofl I don't know how people can see both of their hamstrings and think Ramy is gonna win. Hopefully rhoden thins up before the show tonight


user, you do realize that Ramy is the bigger dude, the better conditioned one, the one on the right, don't you?
The only things Phil is better at is having a narrower pelvis and better back musculature
For fucks sake, look at Phil's arms and look at Ramy's right after. They look 50% bigger
Thighs, same
Abs? Come on
I'm not saying that there is no way Phil will win because there's ads and loads of money involved, but Ramy definitely deserves it this year

Ramy wins in that pic hands down. Holy shit.

Hey retard people in mens BB aren't judged on abs, literally that's only mens physique, maybe womens divions and I DOUBT classic judges on it. That's a literal fact.

Bigger =/= more defined, Ramy's hams look like shit and this is the FIRST year he's conditioned at all. Luimarco is a fucking DYEL idiot too.

Ever heard of this mandatory pose called, abs and thighs?

When is the main event?

Nope phil's arms are more defined, better back, better shoulders, more defined abs, more defined quad sweep.

If it was all about size there would be 6'3 bodybuilders winning. Ramy doesn't stand a chance if he gets 2nd that's gonna be an upset. Him getting first doesn't happen with his still lack of definition and terrible hamstrings. (he injured his hams earlier this year. )

That's just retarded, why dya think they gave it to Dexter Jackson in 08 then

That's a pose they're judged on, I can promise you as a fact they aren't judged on abs by themselves in men's open.


Better shoulders and chest for one, I'm not gonna argue I know for a fact they don't judge abs the commentators literally said that in like 2015 dude

they all looks like they are carrying fuck ton of water can barely see leg striations lmao

They moved Ramy into the middle

Fucking lol

>I can promise you as a fact they aren't judged on abs by themselves in men's open.
If that is true it is a mistake and needs to stop
So that is the difference between classic and open, besides the type of underwear?

>that fucking gut on Phil Heath
looks like a goddamn fridge and if they give it to him again I am not watching the O anymore

It's losing the battle with his growing intestines

It's the lighting, bring back 90's dark room with light's down bbing, not this chit with sponsors everywhere

I hate to defend the turbo autist but

>why dya think they gave it to Dexter Jackson in 08 then

might just be because Jay Cutler is White. It's surprising enough that they let him win twice.


what a bodybuilder should look like, except not defined enough


too much gut already


a complete joke, the emperor's new clothes.

If these are the competitors then give it to Ramy, I guess. He's better than these two gut monsters although that's not saying much.

I've been saying that for years bro, shame cos I like Phil but the best man should win

why does anyone care about this DYEL fuck? it's pathetic Kai was on his IG live stream talking shit about phil when he didn't accept the invitation

Ramys shoulder with is unreal. INCHES wider than Phil at the clavicle but filled in absolutely. Ramy is "the gift" not Phil

it's fucking free on amazon with a free amazon account you retard

Wow I didn't know olympia judges post here

Ramy looks MORE defined to me, core is hands down better, biceps are larger and just as defined, what about his quads aren't? They look equal to me.

Not sure about classic but I doubt they care that much about abs. Arnold had barely any abs or legs.

But what do you think of Lui Marco?

Phils arms are definitely more defined along with his quads and his hams like are you joking?

Shut the fuck up and go jerk it to your roid gutted freaks. No one cares about classic.

it's almost like you both have a subjective opinion?!?! Shit!

Get out

Brandon Curry looks magnificent for me 4th


>wanting to watch roid gutted niggers in speedos who look like they're pregnant.
Literally the gayest shit on Veeky Forums. The fact that BB has gotten to the point where size is everything is fucking sad.

Phil is a fucking joke with that bubble bubble gut i hope he gets laught off stage

Phils whole shape and silhouette is trashed by his gut. I can see why he DID NOT post any pics of prep this year. Damage control.

So is Ramy gonna win then?


that's literally a fact dude... He had a hamstring injury and phil's arms and back are more defined see

Its starting to feel like he needed Levrone last year to step it up

Veeky Forums says otherwise

>you don't like disgusting roid guts
>must mean you don't lift
Kys faggot.

biceps scream synthol, and there's some early stages gut. don't meme this guy, he's already past his peak.

It's not though you retard, or else ramy would win lol...

This is profesional body building. Always bet on corruption.