How did this legend used to train?

How did this legend used to train?

Where did all his strength and speed came from?

What was his diet?

Check out "The Art of Expressing the Human Body"

evidently you didn't even try to look this up beforehand, even though there's a shit-ton of information on it .
that's lazy and stupid of you.

>Where did all his strength and speed came from?

I have. I've been watching his movies since I was 5. We had a big collection of VHS martial arts movies.

I'm asking because you can never learn enough. Maybe someone knows more than I do.

I also plan to read his book.

I'll check it out.

Have you read "Bruce Lee's Fighting Method" his own book? Is it good?

first: cease with the reddit spacing.
second: you're completely full of shit. you haven't looked anything up about his training routines at all, because then you would be able to ask MUCH more informed questions than:

>How did this legend train?
>Where did all his strength and speed came from?
>What was his diet?

... because every single one of those questions can be answered in seconds by searching them online.
>Maybe someone knows more than I do.
any knowledge is more than no knowledge at all, so definitely.

>more is less than zero

It's like you're struggling with your own brain.

Have fun being miserable.

Isometric strength training.

>stop using reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing

1. it's almost like I saw that I had miswritten something, and made a new comment
2. not an argument

Sliding scale, faggot.

This would be the extreme example.

Just so you know.

I hope you've noticed that this isn't the way I type.

Thank you

Read Bruce Lee: Fighting Spirit

A biography done on him where it talks about his past. I didn't know he had a crush on a Japanese girl that he still wrote to when he was an adult and that he had a street gang and got kicked out of yip mans dojo not because he had white blood but because he fought too much. Its pretty cool. Bruce was a mad man, awesome as fuck.

Also his first book was published by his friend James Yimm Lee and he is the reason Americans say Kung Fu instead of Gung Fu

>Doesn't have anything better to do in his miserable pathetic life than go on Veeky Forums and complain to random people about spacing.

Stay classy.


>more is less than zero

Fucking kek you retard.

He went to Snap City doing 175lb good mornings without warmup. Look it up.


>more is less than zero
>Fucking kek you retard.
yes, I wrote something incorrectly. that was a mix between two different phrasings that I contemplated using. then I returned to another part of the text that I had written, and then I posted without finalizing it. then I saw that error, which you desperately cling to, and deleted it and fixed that part. that's why you were unable to even quote that original post, since you quoted my new post. it should then be obvious to you that I a) simply wrote something in the wrong way, b) noticed it, and c) fixed it. if you think that any person online would lack even the most rudimentary thinking skills to seriously phrase something like "more is less than zero" and believe in it, then I'm not really the stupid one here.

my original argument is this: OP did not look anything up related to Bruce Lee beforehand. that's why his post was so fundamentally uninformed. if you believe otherwise, feel free to share why.
in any other case, I'll let you have the last word since I think your autism demands it.

He probably did but just wanted to make a /lee/ general

Holy shit autism this extreme actually exists

Your choice to write an entire essay just to defend yourself really shows how pathetic and insecure you are.
Don't you have some more threads to visit and complain about the spacing?

>I'll let you have the last word since I got owned and can't take it anymore

And this is still stupid bitch
>more is less than zero

not an argument.

>Your choice to [...]
that's not a long piece of text. it's not hard to produce anything of that length. but I'll try to use simple words and short sentences just for you.

>Don't you have some more threads to visit [...]
not really. that wasn't even my main complaint.

>And this is still stupid
It's obvious that this isn't apparent to you, but I haven't argued that it isn't. That statement is utterly nonsensical, and it should be apparent to anyone who isn't retarded that I simply wrote it wrong - especially given that I deleted the comment and wrote a new one (which you [?] quoted).

>Complains about Reddit spacing
>Continues to write lengthy comments about a useless subject
>Ticks all the boxes of a Redditor

>more is less than zero
>More Is Less Than Zero

Your fragile little mind is so terrified of that comment and is so desperate to defend it.
You're gonna write a book about this aren't you? You pathetic brainlet.

Now go get owned somewhere else.

In the most inspirational way possible.

Lee and his entourage were also notorious liars who made up a false image of Bruce as some kind of martial arts god in order to sell his brand.

It's interesting, worth a read, but his "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" is better. The Fighting Method series is basically a "I'd do this if this happened" sort of thing, where as Tao of JKD is more philosophy with some practical principles.

Yeah, that's what I like. Practicality and effectiveness.
Bruce Lee's philosophy of never anticipate but react (be like water) is what I really care about.
I'll defiantly read "Tao of Jeet Kune Do".

Sure. I've already defeated your argument, and you keep copy-pasting that specific string and delude yourself into thinking that it can be used to reliably measure general intelligence. But, okay. You don't seem to be able to listen to reason anyway. The question is who will get the last word in this internet argument. I'm sure you have some some more insults, a prime sign of a higher mind, to throw my way to convince yourself of that you're superior.

Explain? Lee built himself up all by himself. He was he first mandarin superstar to have complete control over his career. That is an amazing feat by itself, it was dominated by triads completely. He choreographed all his movies and and even wrote and directed his own movie Way of the Dragon. His last film Enter the Dragon was his only Hollywood film. His influence is unprecedented, even for James Dean. Without ETD or his movies we would not have Mortal Combat or the tons of other anime characters based off him or influenced by him.

He single handedly sold himself and his style to the world and everyone loved it.

>Sure. I've already defeated your argument.

Very mature.

... And there we have it

He's a DYEL.

>please do not take it away
>has been taken away

did they use imperial in china?

he was 23 years old