How the fudge am i supposed to eat 2000 calories a day as a skelly

how the fudge am i supposed to eat 2000 calories a day as a skelly

peanut butter, butter, nuts, 80/20 ground beef, french fries, etc. Look for the calories/gram of food. The ones that a high ratio so you don't have a bulging stomach all day. But be sure to get your veggies somehow.

2000? You should be eating at least 2700

Make a smoothie. Here are rough estimates.
1 medium banana - 105
1 scoop of whey protein - 100
2 tbsp peanut butter - 190
3 tbsp flax meal - 150
1 cup milk - 120
1 cup strawberries - 50

That's 715 calories right there and you can sip it. If you like chocolate, you can add 2 to 3 tbsps of cocoa powder, which is 10 calories per tbsp as well.

Snacking on any nut is also good. It's around 200 calories per 1/4 cup.

Schedule your meals like you would your work or training sessions.
It's autistic but it works

Eat more than three times a day
Eat tasty snacks like nuts, quark with fruit
Eat protein shakes

>how the fudge
Yes, fudge

cant i just consume more whey powder instead of actual food

cashews is fucking 500-600 calories per 100g faggot.

Just wtf is your daily life like? Do you realize 2k cal is the min recommended amount for an adult male (1500 for a female)?

To answer your question:
1 Meat
1 veggie
1 fruit

Weekends add 1 desert/cheat meal to keep sanity. Add more details as you develop real goals.

>tfw cutting

HOW am I supposed to eat 1650 calories a day? Im losing my sanity

>eat 200g of botato chibs
>1k calories

>eat 200g of ice cream
>2k calories instantly
bros when do we switch to ice cream only diet?

Fast food, pizza, ground beef, yogurt, small snacks throughout the day. 2000 is barely anything dude, i eat that for breakfast cause i have a messed up appetite so i have to.

Fuck this bullshit faggot, I saw a site where for 3000 calories you had 2 fucking whole chicken breast with potatoes and veggies AND then for dinner a large steak - not to mention breakfast and other meals.
Like how the fuck can you eat like that?

>im in pain and hungry all the time

Yes this is correct. That means you are actually in a deficit. Drink absurd amounts of water

>cutting on anything less than 2000
you're a literal retard
I feel depleted af on 2500 and weight is stripping off me like nothing else

OP get a big bag of this shit.

not only is the chocolate FUCKING DELICIOUS and tastes exactly like yoohoo. But it will make reaching 2000 calories easier than shit.

Ice cream and pizza does it for me. I tried clean bulking but it was too hard to get enough calories so now I just eat loads of junk food and I've been making huge gains went from 130 to 165. Just make sure you're getting enough protein.

im 5'10 165 with basically no muscle

2500 would make me maintain at best. I just want to quickly lose weight so I can start lean bulking

hey look its somebody who has never been fat or is a 6 foot 8 monster

>hard to get calories
I've bulked on 5000 clean. That's fucking nasty. I was bloated and eating constantly.
I have also cut on 3000 which was a piece of cake.
4000 calories should be comfy clean if you know what you're doing. The key is calorie-dense foods: nuts, fatty meat, avocado, milk, cheese etc.
For carbs, rice and pasta can feel so much effort but whole wheat bread is a decent, easy alternative. I personally had bagels.

>5000 calories clean

Physically impossible

I'm 5'10
Started at 95kg and cut almost 20kg on 2500.
Previously I didn't really give a fuck about diet and didn't know how many calories I was getting.
While tracking and IIFYM is a lot more enjoyable, I meticulously planned my exact diet for the calories and macros/micros I wanted. It means you're eating more or less the same shit every day which can become miserable. But it works.

This isn't a board for space marines

2k is nothing

Oats, whole milk, and peanut butter say otherwise

You really want something that only gives you protein and you get no vitamins or fiber? You'll feel shitty. Go ahead and put an extra scoop in a smoothie, but I wouldn't go crazy.
I've heard you also get really bad shits if you take too much whey.

Cream too.

I was probably eating too many vegetables. They fill me up and give barely any calories. When I was clean bulking my diet consisted of veggies, fruit, chicken breasts, oats, almond milk, and rice. Also I don't have time to prepare nice meals every day. Making a nice chicken and rice meal twice a day was time consuming and monotonous. If I had a couple hours to cook each day I could make some real nice and healthy meals but my schedule is too full for that.

Kek skelly

3k cals is if you're own a huge fucking bulk run. If you were eating at a norm fag level 2.5k would just be adding a meal + snacks.

I'm a keto fag so my plan wouldn't work for you. A reasonable bulk plan would just be 15 ounces of chicken, 4 cups of rice, a shit ton of veggies, and 4-8 eggs across 4-6 meals. Add in snacks (yogurt, nuts, etc) in between and you quickly find it hard not to go over 2k.

The biggest reason this seems like such a hard goal for people is that they're used to neglecting their body and can't cook for shit.

are you a 7'5 bodybuilding marathon runner?

just eat clean and workout well. you don't need to eat like a pig. That's retarded.

Do fasting. Stay lean and healthy.
Don't fall for the 6 meals a day meme.

Veggies will do it. They fill you up like crazy.
I think I was substituting veggies for loads of fruit, which in retrospect wasn't the best idea although it tasted good.
Back then I didn't know >50g of fructose can be hepatotoxic or that it was stored as liver glycogen rather than in the muscles.
Not all carbs are the same.

Drink 1 or 2 pints of milk with every meal. I wish I could bulk on 2000 calories.

he should be eating real food, not this shit

This, only an absolute manlet would ever eat below 2k

if he cant dream of reaching 2000 calories he will need cheat codes