/fat/ anime edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Last Thread:

You know people are going to bitch because there is no wojack.

But more than that, at least make the image slightly related to the topic. The image should at least help people get what the thread is about at a glance, dude.

>tfw want to be an anime girl so lost 75 pounds and still losing

Sorry my dude should have made it before the thread died.

Keep going user you got it!

You need gyno for that.

I was about 100lbs overweight when I started this journey.

Now I'm about 40 to 50lbs overweight.
I assume from here on out weight loss is going to get slower, but I really hope I can get most of that gone over the next 6 months.

How long did it take you to lose 50lbs user? Also do you feel better now and look better?

I'll only post 2 things as I only have 2 things


>ate two bags of kettle brand chips in the last two days
>hate myself but it was still within my calories for both days

Kill me though I hate myself.

First pic is June 4th, second is Sept 17th. I recently thought maybe my titties got smaller, and it looks like that's true!

I began in late April, at least with walking more and trying to eat less.

I joined a gym in July going 6 days a week, and I'm on a 126 day MFP streak. I've been on a strong cut (sub 1500, often 1300) for most of that with a few TDEE days mixed in.

I feel much, much better. I have more energy, especially in the mornings. I also don't actually miss a lot of the shit I used to eat, although on days I eat TDEE I sometimes have some of those foods. Moderation has been a key to my success, I think.

I mean as long as you didn't go past your threshold you should be good, right?

Goddamn it, here it is

Doesn't really look like 50lb difference looks more like 20, but if it's true you did do 50lb nice job user. Keep going we can all make it.

I'm so sorry about your tits.

The worst part is I was off, it's more like 61 lbs. I think I just got kinda fucked in terms of how my body stores fat.

Me too, buddy. I don't think any amount of chest work is going to make this salvageable once the fat is gone. But it's going to get done.

Keep going user until you lose that belly. I'm in the ride as well.

I'm proud of you user
I wish I had kind of willpower - I'm not fat but have other issues. They tell me I'm improving but it doesn't feel like it most days. wish there was a scale for mental health.
Godspeed man

>anime edition

oh hell yeah

user in the other thread told me to go eat more food but I don't think it was such a good idea. Or was this fine?

I'm the one who told you to eat more. It's better than the 500cal you were at, man. If you can stick to 1200,you'll be fine. But 500 will make you miserable, I guarantee it.

Posted in other thread, but I'll say it here too.
Finally went to the gym after 3 years, instead of pool.
Rate my weak-sauce workout.
>90lb incline press
4 sets of 8
>70lb incline press
3 sets of 8
>50lb incline press
3 sets of 5, slow as fuck
>30lb incline press,
3 sets of 5, slow as fuck
>85lb lat pull down, off 20lbs each round till 25
3 sets of 8, slow as fuck
Can't remember what the workout plan was, but it's the tricep pull down thing
55lb, 3 sets of 5, minus 5 lb to 35 as last
I wanted to do more but my arms were ded and I just wanted to get to absolute muscle failure so I know what I can do and adjust.
Can't remember how much fun its been, not sure what to do tomorrow though. I'm actually motivated as hell to reverse my mistake. Advice for what I should do tomorrow, because I know for sure my shoulders and arms are going to be dead. Prob just go to the pool and work on my legs

So am I fine even if I go over the Carbs and Fats on my daily limit? I guess it's ok as long as I don't go over my cal limit?

If you're really worried about it, you can just do like 30 minutes of squats or an hour long walk. That's usually what I do whenever I go over a bit on my calories or carb limit.


but wouldn't that make you more hungry?

That depends on your goals, man. Macros are important, but if weight loss is your main goal than deficit is most important.

Be honest : did you read the sticky?

Not too bad, I just drink a lot of water. Like enough water to make make me go "bleh" usually subsides after a while.

No, that's not really how exercise works.

Yes but I have brain problems. Alright I just want to lose weight guess it's fine as long as I don't go over the cal limit I think I should be okay then. I'll try not go over on carbs and fats from now on.

Alrighty thanks for the tip

I had 2 jimmie jones sandwiches on Saturday and fucked my shit up.

I'm an obese trying to recover. I've been cutting, but I've only recently started this and I'm super scared of accidently putting myself into "starvation mode". The sticky mentions it, so I assume it isn't BS, but I've heard of people cutting by way more than 500 calories here on Veeky Forums and, even at the point I'm at, it's really easy for me to cut by 1000 to 1500 calories.

I've yoyo-d my weight for a few years now (260 - 155 - 180 - 155 - 195 - 170 current weight) and I notice I never really go down pants sizes dramatically(down like 3 or 4 sizes max at lowest weight). It's probably how I store weight (all hips and thighs for the most part), but it's a little frustrating having people who weigh 70+ pounds more have the same pants size as I do.

I've been on a fucking cheat week but I swear to god I'm getting back on track tomorrow

I heard you have to eat 1 gram of protein per pound that you weigh. Since I weigh 287 lbs I have to eat 287 grams right? Most I can eat in a day is 140.

That's what I'm doing, following the myfitness app suggestions. I'm at 252 atm. I was at 248 but I slipped up on thursday-saturday and ate jimmy jones and a lot of spaghetti then didn't work out for 3 days. Progress is slow, but I'm doing now. You just have to eat at the right time and the right stuff to the get the maximum effect, or cheat and drink a shit ton of water till you feel full whenever you get a craving.

Have eaten like shit this week.

Tomorrow is my breakday
I take the calories I didn't eat and them up on the 7th day, that way I always hit my goals
I did too good. I can have 5883 calories tomorrow and my fear of losing weight too fast is going to make me use them.
I'm going to die tomorrow from pizza overload.

Or user how about you only eat 1.5k calories tomorrow and you can lose weight faster.

Because I dont want to lose weight too quickly
I set MFP to 1lb a week, I kept to it and lost 5lbs last week.
I know some might think it's stupid but I want to do my best to avoid as much loose skin as possible. That and teh first time I lost weight I went way too fast and ended up seesawing real bad for a year. So i'm going slow no matter what
Might split the calories up and just have two breakdays so im not eating them all same day.

I'm facing a slight issue too, my pants are now getting a little baggy, I wish I measured my waist when I started doing this, but probably an inch off. Every time I go down stairs, my pants would fall. I'm too poor to buy new sets of pants and I don't have anything except for my old 34s and 36's and like 1 pair of 40's. Because I gained weight so fast I didn't really have time to keep buying new clothes to fit for those few months.

1. Buy a new belt to keep your pants up

2. Go to thrift stores, goodwill, salvation army, etc to find cheap clothes that fit

There is no way you are too poor to buy a pair or two of used pants.

Same here
get a belt
still won't look good with real baggy pants, but atleast they wont be falling down.

I can buy some cheap wal-mart pants, but I'd rather not spend 20 dollars and hope I drop fast enough to use my other pants.
How do I get over that uncomfortable feeling of feeling like I'm being sawed in half when I sit down wearing a belt? It's the only reason I don't wear one.

oh when i sit down that bitch gets loosened
but I don't work in an office type environment so tightening it back up whenever i get up isn't an issue.
or just find a middle ground where it is ok to sit but still tight enough to keep your pants up.

Maybe I should swallow my pride and invest in a pair of those stretchy pants, looks ridiculous but keeps pants from sliding I guess.

that would work, I use stretchy athletic shorts all the time, pull strings ftw. lol

I'm supposed to be on a 1,200 calorie diet but today I went 1,800 I'll go right back to 12 tomorrow I am sorry father

Eh, I would wear comfy clothes to school, but I got these ridiculous man tits so I wear a button up and khakis.

Hey guys, haven't been to Veeky Forums in like 3 years.

height is 6'2-6'3. Was 238 at the end of June, 216 now just through trying to eat better.

Haven't exercised in any form since beginning of June. I want to go down to 180-185, most of my fat is in my belly and upper legs

have been cheating my diet lately, but I'll try to get back to it this week.

How fast can I realistically go down to my goal?

I'm feel like I should stick to cardio only and some light weight stuff before I start doing something like SL or SS.

Switch to suspenders

Shave your beard

I guess what I'm trying to find out is how far can I cut before hitting "starvation mode"

You don't have to do so/sl, you can just start with basic calisthenics until you build up some confidence. There are a lot of factors that go into how long it's gonna take you, but take it from me, you won't be happy about your looks at 180 if you're not doing any resistance training.

I don't think you'll hit starvation mode till you go under 1k-1200kcal if you're just slightly active.

definitely get a belt then of your rocking khakis
woven ones are nice, don't have wholes so they can adjust to whatever you need.

Shave beard, cut hair, get new glasses

im an idiot

Looks like 50 to me

>resistance training

yeah, will probably get more into that once I get to around 200 or so

Time to fucking cut then

first time posting here.

I'm tired of being fat and ugly for 10+ years and reading everyone's journeys and progress has inspired me a lot so thanks. wish me luck

I haven't had a beard in 3 years. Pic 1 is maybe a day or two without shaving, but pic 2 is just midday stubble.

Be careful. 1200 a day is quite a big cut. If it's too harsh up your calories. Usually beginning at TDEE - 500 is a good start.

Pic 1, that might be a day or two. I didn't shave daily back then.

27 year old 5'8 manlet here. Had a gout attack in my foot around July last year (worst pain ever) and the doctor told me I was 330 pounds. For ten or so years I basically gave up and figured I would never find love anyway so I'd eat to fill the void, never weighing myself for that long. Decided I didn't want to die so relatively young. Officially started the weight loss that August with 311 pounds and last Saturday weighed in at 257. Had a weight spike around July this year to the end of August doubting myself and gained around 15 pounds. Decided I didn't want to go back to that life of eating constantly and hating myself so I joined a new program (I'm sorry I am the CrossFit faggot that pops in to this thread once in a while) to get a fresh start and have been going since. I'm starting to appreciate life more. Even if I don't find love or the life everyone else wants me to have I'll have some pride in what I've done so far and will continue to do. I'm getting excited about the prospect of being able to buy normal clothes again, about not being completely ignored in public for being disgusting. Finally freeing myself from the prison I've made.

I don't know why I'm compelled to write this. This whole time I've lurked Veeky Forums and /fat/ and have learned a lot. I guess I just wanted to say thanks.

keep going user
we're all gonna make it.

You think so? My TDEE *is* around 1700, so that sounds about right to me. As for exercise, I'm aiming to do 3 mile walks every day and have one rest day. Does that sound good? I'm just starting to look into all of this so if there's anything else I should know that'd be great.

pic related

forgot the pic, nice job me

Your TDEE is 1700? How short are you? I'm 5'4 and my TDEE is still about 2000.

Ahh, OK. Well, still, 1200 is small. If it's tough don't be afraid to push it to 1300 or 1400.

Or take a day to calorie cycle where you eat at TDEE. I've found that very helpful.

This doesn't seem quite right to me

My TDEE for 1lb is 2400, I felt bad until I saw this and realized I'm a 6' man lol

why not? from what I can tell even though I'm a dumbass that seems to apply to a person of a completely different stature

oh but thanks user, I appreciate it

It seems really high to me.

Okay nvm, I see the cutting section, that makes more sense.

I didn't eat much yesterday except when I went out with a friend I had cheese curds and beer

am i supposed to be lifting while dieting or should i wait till i get a little bit smaller? sorry if retarded question

glad it was cleared up, I was starting to think I put something in wrong somewhere cause autism

You should lift.

>have been cheating my diet lately
>how fast can I into my goal
tomorrow. you can neck yourself tomorrow

No you're good, I didn't see the maintenance/cutting and bulking section for mine. For losing weight, 2.2kcal seemed really high to me but 1600-1700 is more reasonable.

I indulged in a friday night BBQ consumed 3000 cals, going on 4 day fast now.

what about cardio?

1200 should be perfectly doable.
Do walk as you plan to do, just don't use the walking as an excuse to up your food intake. It's 1200 no matter if you walk or not.

will do! I'm going to be strict for sure. time to work towards those qt girl bodies that always made me feel so jealous and repulsive and depressed.

Went from 230 to 190 in 2012, now I'm back up to 244. Down from 250 though. Don't relapse bros.

What's "IF"?

That too. It's a lifestyle change

Did good the entire week, went HAM at the gym every day, then my little sister had her birthday party on Friday. Fucked up and ate at me TDEE. Ok one day no problem. During yesterday and today I binged the whole fucking day on candy and chips. Wouldn't surprise me if I had over 7000 calories over the course of two days. Gained 9 pounds of water weight, I just couldn't stop eating I felt like a bottomless pit. Going to limit myself to 1000 cal for the next three days. God man..

Ate three slices of pizza last night. Peer pressure.

Ran five miles today to partially compensate for it. Felt good right after

Just wanted to share my story. Three months ago I was at 260 lbs, and then I got involved t a motorcycle accident that screwed up my knee. When I went to the hospital I found out that I was fat enough that the magnetic resonance machine could not support my weight, and then I would not be able to get treatment.
Since then I lost 20 lbs, got treatment for my knee, and I don't plan to stop losing until I get to a decent level. Up until now I was just doing a half assed diet, and it got me this far, but tomorrow I will hit the gym again, and today, hopefully, I drank my last drop of soda. Wish me luck.

Also I just wish someday I could eat pizza without getting heart palpitations again.

I overrate twice (two fucking times) this weekend after dropping 9 pounds in 2 weeks.

Will a 24 hr water fast fix me?

TDEE is a 3.1k

Good luck bro, have fun at the gym tomorrow

Okay well I hit 300 pounds a month ago and I decided to change, but I still fucking fail and order two smoked meat bagels or do some dumb shit like eat an extra sushi roll when I know I'll already be full from whatever the fuck I order.

I'm gonna sign up for the pool tommorow and start swimming.

Just a quick question for you guys, is it a bad idea to jump into a one meal a day diet right away?

I wouldn't do the water fast. I would make sure I got back to a healthy, regular way of earing as soon as possible.

Find you TDEE, count your calories and eat 500-1000 calories below TDEE every day.
Do it in one, two, three, four or however many meals you feel like.
You won't lose any significant amount of weight by swimming and just assuming you eat healthy.
Count your calories very precisely.

Find the power in you. And when the moment comes you break = and you go to that grocery store. Buy that shit and bring it up.

Then slowly burn it. Stare at it burning. Watch it burn. Stare at it burning. Hate it. Hate yourself. Burn it. Then go stare in the mirror for at least an hour.

Somewhere in your blood line was a bold man. A killer that men feared. He is a part of you. Find him. Find your power animal. No soda, no cake, no food on this Earth has power over you. When you feel the need overpower you. Buy the food, and burn it.

Try to hear it pleading with you to give in and eat it. Then hear its fear. Then hear its panic as the flames touch it. Don't break eye contact. Cry if you must. But show no mercy. Pretend the food is feeling pain and begging for mercy. Show none. Burn it.

It worked for me. 155 and climbing the good way, down from 235. Just hit 3 plate deadlift.


>anime edition

I'm glad.
Pic related is what I'm making it for.

Do what you want since it's your body, but my opinion:

Don't get into a habit of irregular eating. Allowing yourself to binge on weekends because you'll fast a couple of days following is not a sustainable weightloss habit for most people.

The best way to lose weight is to be consistent in your eating. Everyone fucks up now and again and eats too much and that's fine, as long as it doesn't spiral into bad habits.
Have your scheduled or unscheduled cheat day and then get back to your normal program straight away the next day.

Friday and Saturday, all the food I ate was fast food. I made sure I was under my calorie limit, but still, it's probably not good.