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Health #429
Tfw David Elmore Smith, the 650 lb recently divorced former virgin...
/fitlit/: Recently Read Edition
Serious question, no banter...
What mode is this?
VEGAN GENERAL - no brainwashed meatcucks edition
My Ldl is up 40% and my HDL 70%
I love brushing my hand against women's asses at gym for little test-boosts
Is black coffee actually good for you? I mean pure black no suagt coffee
Start your day the Bulletproof way
Anyone got tips for teaching yourself power clean? I'm struggling a bit
Hey son you're getting pretty big
Can a human being lose weight just by eating 20%calorie deficit without any exercise or its just a meme
Too smart to date the average Veeky Forumsizen
Redpill me on beans, Veeky Forums
What mode is this?
Give us this day
Honestly, is there any point in lifting if you're cursed with subpar genetics? Been working out for over 5 months now...
Was ocb natty?
Slav General - /sg/
Goal bodys
Flavored protein powder
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
What the fuck is this fungus? How the fuck do I get rid of it?
Manlet hate thread
Is this achievable natty?
I turn 20 in two days and I'm a virgin. I want to go to the gynecologist for various reasons...
Glasses-wearing Veeky Forumsizens, why aren't you training your eyes to perfect health...
Does this meme actually work if you take rest days?
Erector spinae doms
So I've been doing leg press lately instead of squats as they have been giving me some nasty ass hip pain/injury...
He listens to advice from this autist
Is is true that you can only absorb 30g of protein each meal?
Enter gym
Is it true that the pendulum swings in favour of men when they reach their late 20s/30s...
So i just had like a fucking huge revelation when it comes to fitness/bodybuilding, etc. WE DONT DO LEGG PULL EXERCISES...
/plg/ - Powerlifting General, Mr Sneaky Edition
Roid / feels / shitposting / manlets / hormonas
Hit 1/2/3/4
What upsets me the most with these leaks from sara piana is not the excessive opioid abuse...
So I Bought a New Weight bench today
Dicklets out of my way
Working out is BORING. Truly, meatheads must be brainlets
What's his routine ?
Why don't you spar?
What mode am I?
Veeky Forums I saw this kid today at a Mcdonalds. He is 7 years old according to his parents...
Calisthenics vs Weight Lifting
Yoga Thread
Recommend a breakfast meal that doesn't looks and tastes like cattle fodder
Best routine for obese fuck to lose weight and gain muscle in a caloric deficit
Old guys giving young guys advice
Accidentally ate a cubic metre of chunky peanut butter
How To Talk To Girls At Gym?
Best routine for breath good enough to fuck bitches?
Starve myself until I get a boyfriend
Now that autumn has officially started, how was your progress this summer?
How'd you do today, bros?
For me, it's cardio
Be lifting for ~4 years
Which would you prefer...
24 year old with good genetics here. i want to get rid of this fucking beer belly. help
Anyone else work out at the library?
*user walks into the gym in the year 2000*
Try 2 roast me dummys this is me
Multivitamin thread?
ITT: Autistic/retarded/meme shit you do
What particular muscle do girls mire the most?
What supplements do you take Veeky Forums?
Learning from Experience
5 min rests
Is this real?
What's for dinner Veeky Forums
Alcohol discussion thread
Veeky Forums Approved Halloween Costumes
Is it a god-tier bulking food?
Is this healthy...
Chads: are they born or are they made?
Let's have a hairloss thread
He isn't forcefeeding his gf ibutamoren
Well lads, is Chad gone?
Not only is SS a troll, but Riptoes most basic advice is bullshit. He's a hack
How to make money off your body?
Tfw skinnyfat
Trying to build forearms, any tips/advice?
I have an amazing, wonderful girlfriend. She's fucking fantastic
Brap thread please
If carbs are so bad, how come italians have one of the highest life expectancies?
Should I?
I just watched a kid die at my gym
-GLUG- General
If anyone wants to become super human, here is the secret
Show your fashion, Veeky Forums
I don't understand how some athletes claim caloric intakes ~10k or whatever
Any advice on training with the flu? Feel like shit but I still wanna lift
Manlet hate thread
This is the body of a top tier athlete
Is this the best exercise you can do for your core?
Burgers are king
*touches your belly*
It's been one whole month Veeky Forums
Tfw wide hips
I'm gonna eat 15 (fifteen) hard boiled eggs every day because Jim Wendler told me to...
Why is there no martial arts general? imho Combat sports are the most pure form of fitness there is
Mental changes after becoming Veeky Forums
Mew/Tongue Posture General: Q&A edition
Whats the highlight of your day so far?
How swole you have to be to get a loli gf?
Why is the high fat diet becoming so popular? Ten years ago saturated fat was the devil in the fitness community...
/Gotta go fast edition/
/plg/ - Powerlifting General, RPE Edition
Anime inspo
Would you rather be balding or have a shit hairline?
Zyzzbrah dead at 22
Images that just screams Veeky Forums
Out of the obvious pic related, what are some Veeky Forums approved sauces?
Veeky Forumsizens over 25, what kind of advice/warning/comment/conversation/etc would you give your younger self?
CBT- current body thread
Rate me
How do i get bigger arms? (pic related)
That DYEL who brings his gf to the gym
What's her routine Veeky Forums?
BetaDestiny Hate
/plg/ Powerlifting general
What's your skincare routine?
Nofap Day 1....again
Veeky Forums thinks it can argue against this
How do I leave Veeky Forums? This place is a waste of time and serves no purpose to me anymore
Have you made your room beautiful yet, Veeky Forums?
That one thing holding you back
Monster Ultra - Why aren't you sipping yet?
Lifting for 5+ Years
Reddit - PPL
I know no one cares, but thanks Veeky Forums
Vegan General
Well Veeky Forums?
What else is there to life besides lifting?
How the fuck do women do that?
Can I change the 3x5 in this to 5x5 for hypertrophy? If so, why didn't the author just make it 5x5 in the first place?
What else are you doing to improve yourself?
This guy slaps your ass and congratulates your squat pr in the gym locker room
Guy at my gym who is there every time i am own these weightlifting shoes. And theyre like 30% off so i really want them...
ITT: the most beta thing you've ever done
Goal body thread lets go
The Eternal Question
Can I get a form critique?
Anti-fitness cringe
Can someone help me out...
How has this retard not herniated a disc yet
Been lifting for less than a month
How do I get absurd levels of cardio?
How do I get bigger biceps?
Fit Hobbies & Chad memes
My girlfriend sucks for many reasons
Those of you with standing desks - has it made a difference for you in terms of how you feel throughout the day?
How do i get a gf that mires my 270 lb weighted dip?
I know thats it been 6 years and zyzz is a meme around here anymore...
Veeky Forums Approved fast food
Be me
Progress pics
Are there any people on Veeky Forums you've encountered who would you describe as sociopathic in your opinion...
/DNP/ general
Did lifting break you out of pic related?
It's another episode of mom shaming me for eating food she made
Hey Veeky Forums, here is pic of me with my bitch at the beach
Lift heavy, get big muscles
Walk in gym
Who is this man?
Is it possible to maintain a nicotine habit and still gain muscle?
How to get THIS body??
Rate my gains
Is this attainable natty?
How does Veeky Forums dress?
American Psycho Christian Bale
Can I get a wojak thread?
Non-white people drink milk
5 Foot 7
What's the biggest redpills of Veeky Forums ?
When can children begin lifting?
Veeky Forumsizens, what is the ULTIMATE way to wash/clean your hair?
How's your fall diet going Veeky Forums?
(hygiene is health)
I have low back pain that gets in the way of dead lifting
Mirin' thread
How do I achieve this mode
Eats grass
Why is the amount of food it takes to satiate my hunger always so much that I gain weight...
/FIT: Fit Ideals Thread
Get MyProtein Impact whey
Is NoFap just a meme?
This seems important but I see so little material on it
Why do all americans wear shorts like these to the gym? in australia you would be bashed for this shit
Nofap general
Is he Veeky Forums?
Push Up Thread
I heard coffee is better to drink before your workouts than pre workout
Should I lose weight?
Body weight training results
At a family warehouse we have we got in shipments of this stuff and its only 4 bucks and I can pick 1 or 2 things...
Military Training
There was a thread here yesterday saying that MyProtein protein powder is shit. Can someone confirm this...
This is my dinner
Blood pressure
FPH: RIP this Girl
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What is the ideal female body type?
Lads, what the fuck do these nutritional facts mean? It says 5 servings per package at 3 oz per serving...
So this girl at work asked for tips on lifting/diet
Manlets BTFO!!!
Veeky Forums finally gets a gf
Why doesn't more of Veeky Forums hunt as a way to get at least a portion of their meat?
Any fellow Slavs here?
Is there any real benefit to browsing boards like r9k, pol or int?
Veeky Forums
Is there a reason why I see alot of people benching heavy using suicide grip...
Bullies you at the gym
How bad is boil in bag?
Yfw he thinks bodybuilding is a sport
Am I king of dicklets?
I'm actually ruining my own life and I've become the person who I hated in life before
Best 3-day workout for hypertrophy for natty people
Sooo, roids work?
Describe how to Lose Body Fat % in one sentence (140 characters)
Fighting at the gym
Lifting straps and grip work
You're at the gym with your gf when this guy starts talking to her about the Noble Eightfold Path
Come join the Veeky Forums Whatsapp group. Please have your height, weight, lifts, and penis size handy
5/3/194 and Texas method are both inferior programs. Why are they in the sticky...
How do I get on this mode?
A burger from McDonald's after workout
Vegan BEASTING OUT a 265 lbs bench press
The Bugez
Left: 29yo who fell for the HIIT meme, gassed out
I've been trying my hardest to lose 20-30 pounds before Halloween...
Veeky Forums approved munch
Wtf. Is this true????
Eat homemade pizza ever night
What do you think the average Veeky Forumsizen looks like?
Okay Veeky Forums I need some help
Creatine and shit
Post Routine, Get Feedback
VEGAN GENERAL - no meatcucks edition
/fat/ Late Night Edition
Jeff Seid manlet confirmed
Do high test alphas prefer ass?
Is strength training really the best way to get fit for everyone?
Training stimulus drives gains, not diet
What could cause this?
Life's good @ 19
Atkins AKA Ketogenic AKA Low Carb diet
Wanted to get into road biking
New workout routine
Dumbbell bench press v bench press for size
T Bar Rows >>> Barbell Rows
Things you do you think no one else does
Comfy eric kino
Am I losing gains if I work out 4 days in a row and then 3 off? I just do this because its what my schedule allows
Honestly, what's the difference between 3x8 and 5x5?
Split Workouts
Worked out all summer to get over cheating girlfriend
Fit eternally btfo
ITT post neat health tricks that normies don't know about
How can you tell if creatine is actually making a difference?
ITT: Injury Discussion
Starting a 5 day water fast tomorrow
I am 5'11 243lbs, I'm eating FOR SURE under 1600kcal a day and I make sure to hit 190gr of protein
Gains Goblins
What time do you wake up Veeky Forums? The earlier you wake up...
*takes the only vacant power cage just before you get there*
How old were you when you stopped growing and how tall are you?
Are rest days really that important?
Strength standards for men, women, and those in-between?
Who does Veeky Forums lift for?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Halloween 2k17
What's his end game?
These documentaries about manlets are the worst, they're borderline Spinal Tap tier comedies
Does your mom kiss you?
That first sip of the day
Why was he bigger than other people who did steroids?
Just a friendly reminder to be careful with your pl8's brehs
Just how can I make protein powder not something I dread to drink? I have pic related and it tastes like ass...
Easy as pissing your pants
Hiii <3
The golem lives
Are gainz worthless if you are 30+ and live with parents?
Ate a full family size pizza again
Time to quit my degeneracy. I'm losing weight, and I wanna get fit. Do I need to sign up to a gym...
I knows this isn't my fucking blog, i know, but i need help
At what age do you become old and past your prime? I'm 28 and feeling like a fucking geezer...
Current Body Thread
/mhg/ Mental Health General
Hello Veeky Forums
What's the cheapest super poorfag cutting diet you guys recommend? just the typical frozen chicken breast and rice...
ITT: Guys you thought were big before you started lifting
I have a fight at 7 pm tonight (boxing) -- should I eat a donut 1 hour before the fight...
FPH: Human Flubber Edition
Hey bros, could you watch my chalk for me for a couple of minutes? Thanks in advance I'll be right back!
Fuck off ogar
This is not strictly fitness related but how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to...
There's no reason to use protein powder except being poor
Tell me about the arab guys in your gym
Can somebody help me. My wife is accepting my proposal to going to the gym, she have a wide back...
What are your goals and aspirations in life, Veeky Forums?
Rate my progress
Glute DOMS
What did I do to my arm? It hurts a bit but not really where the marks are
Should I worry?
Help me i want to become hot like her
Vegan General
Indian bodybuilder appreciation thread
Start squatting in abandoned house
Reviewbrah doesn't have good facial aesthet-
I'm all natural
Natty queen of Veeky Forums appreciation thread
Do manlets really think this makes them look taller?
What's the point of having a Veeky Forums body when your mobility is shit?
I hate pendey row/barbell row REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
30 Designs in 30 Days Challenge!: Day 7
Bout a week old. Probably gonna have to miss out on hitting my bottom half for a few
Sum up Veeky Forums in one image
Bulletproof General
Stop telling fatties to lift. There's no good evidence that lifting 'spares muscle' during periods of weight loss
Fuck... i feel like shit now after this pic. Im 20 yo I weight about 75kg I'm 187cm tall. Im basically average build...
How do you fix your posture?
This is probably what the Ancient Greek Gods looked like. Strong and good-looking
Ready or Not
Alright !
/run/ - Running general
Be Veeky Forums
Is keto the solution to diabetes? Or dairymeatindustry/jewish propaganda?
Today's the day baby! RUBY 2017 THREAD!
Quick post your Veeky Forums programs ITT:
What's with all the Rich Piana leak shit that's been going on recently?
Veeky Forums i need to lose 30lbs fast
Am I fat? I'm 5'5 and 108 pounds. Should I start losing weight?
How does it make you feel?
Do MILFs ever mire?
tfw tinder date is more swole than I am
He doesn't start his day with a bulletproof coffee
We still have a chance bros
Natty strength does not = size
Is diet really 90% of getting in shape? Are you fuckers meal prepping???
'user, are you looking at my thighs?'
Why does it seem Veeky Forums appreciates Latinas more than the betas on the other boards?
Why are so many people on this board obsessed with aesthetics and caring what women think of them instead of becoming...
What will smoking Mary juana for 6 months do to my body
H-hey Veeky Forumsros... sorry only used to being on /b/
Genetic Lottery
How is this possible???
All I did was power walk for two hours and when I got back to my dorm I had sweat this far down my body
Be me live in northern Ontario
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How do I achieve super butt?
Tfw day 10 nofap
ITT: Veeky Forums-approved albums
If you're healthy, strong and cut. Why the fuck are you puffing these gainz goblin cancer sticks Veeky Forums?
I hit my toe. It hurts a lot. What do?
One chance at life
Only attracted to small, petite, short women
Femanon here, if guys can have a preference for big_breasts and thin waists...
How do you get 220g of protein?
Why most roman emperors were so fucked up beta low test males?
Overhead pressing one plate
How many eggs do you eat a week?
How /fat/ do I look??
Veeky Forums BTFO!!!!
ITT: Veeky Forums musicians/bands
Veeky Forums summed up in one image
Who here wears cologne to the gym? I figure why not? Females love it over the smell of butt sweat, right?
What made you start lifting? What was the driving force behind it?
That 4th poop of the day
How do you deal with loose skin and stretch marks from loosing weight and from working out?
/k/ ardio
Tinder Help Needed
What are his bulking secrets, Veeky Forums?
Be me
Veeky Forums qts
Tattoos general
What's her routine?
What's wrong with me Veeky Forums? I've started dating my current GF last November...
Why is this board slowly turning itself into a copy of /pol/?
Thinking SS/SL is a meme
/fat/ Lily Loves you Edition
/Friday Night Feels/
Is /nosugar/ the new /nofap/?
/Swole Right/
Are you even lifting ?
So you are saying traps of girls dosnt look hot? Hint: you guys are gay if you say no
Skinnyfat or just skinny? 6'2 ~170lbs
Abs for the babs
Is there anything more fucking pathetic then "gym culture"?
Why are you not on gear you pathetic fucking faggot?
What does Veeky Forums think of /pol/?
Doing deadlifts
Friday night feelings. Just opened a bottle of Riesling
Is wrist size really that important?
Body Type?
Fit gf left me
How can I achieve gladiator mode?
Tfw when 18 and 5'11
Hiring Veeky Forums model in MN
-GLUG- General
Bulletproof General
A simple proof that "MUH CALORIES" shit you guys spew is unscientific nonsense
He is making it
The normie standard to ripped is a lot lower than Veeky Forums's
First time doing squats
Can someone tell me the story of Zyzz? Who was this legend I hear of spoken in reverent whispers?
Which one of you morons gets salty on pubg?
So apparently the manlet pit at my gym "wasn't built to industry standard" and "a fire hazard" and had to be shut down...
This your tinder match for today Veeky Forums.w..what do you say to her?
*removes your shirt*
Post em
Special Ops Selection- Possible torn meniscus/ knee pain HELP
Redpill me on brussel sprouts
PPL for a beginner?
Reminder that this woman is more of an athlete than any of you losers
What's your cheat meal/snack of choice brahs?
Mirin General
Hey Veeky Forums, this has to be steroids, right?
Does Veeky Forums have a waifu they lift for?
/nofap/ - Day 3 Edition
Anyone else here have sex and regret it? I spent a year having tons of sex in college (thankfully with only one girl...
What is objectively the best physique type and why is it bear mode?
Manlets, when will they learn
Booze thread
Tinder General
I'm 5'5
Pissening stack
Who else feels as if they started sweating much more since getting Veeky Forums...
Right faggots, listen up. I know your all stuck in your autistic rep ranges...
Post your handicap
There are people on this board right now who unironically follow this manlets fitness "advice"
I hit just 20 push-ups in a row I must be a literal god. Can anyone stop me?
What mode is this?
I had sex with a stranger last night and almost embarrassed myself at how weak I am...
Crossfit Gains Goblins
Are steroids made with animal products fit...
Is the total gym a meme? I'm an oldfag who doesn't feel like going to the gym...
Where u go?//??
Well, it happened. I tried having sex with a girl and I couldn't get hard. What now Veeky Forums?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on vaping?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What do you faggots do on your off days? Hard mode: no friends and no gf
Only 650 ng/dL total test
How often is it ok to eat fast food?
Do i look like a sack of shit? I don't work out but i am going to start a body weight routine...
Why aren't you fat fucks doing construction. it's the most chad job ever...
/sip/ general
/fat/ i'm starting dieting from tomorrow edition
/owg/ Olympic Weightlifting General
What workout should I do to look like the Iron Fist?
How do we battle the cancerous shit in this video
Anyone here ever get erectile dysfunction?
Start lifting in 2012
How do i get over being cheated on
Leg strength training
Scapula/ weird back
Post your goal body
Anyone have any song playlistst hey would recommend for cardio?
A Sincere Message of Advice to all Manlets
What are some fair criticisms of Mark?
Reminder that Jordan Peterson could bench 200 pounds in his prime. Why cant you?
Fellow fat fucks how much weight have you lost so far, how do you feel?
Lift weights and get huge
Decide my punishment
/LFG/- Lifting for girls
Fuarked up
Gallon of milk a day
Had been feeling symptons of shoulder impingement for over a month, only getting worse
Does your sister work out?
Is apple cider vinegar a meme? Normie friends can't stop raving about it
Are there any blanket positive hobbies out there like lifting that are relatively simple to start but help you out...
Not weighing all your food before your meal
Where do you train Veeky Forums
Who /celibate/ here?
Dating Cardio Bunny on Beast Mode
Why doesn't 1/2/3/4 include rows? What would the equivalent for rows be?
/hcg/ - Halloween Costume General
Got fit
Bird Person- helping break bad habits
Would it be possible to achieve this mode by doing:
How to hit this level?
Tell me about your gym crush /fit
Hypertrophy as a novice
Veeky Forums humor thread
Be real with me fit. Is that naturally obtainable?
What mode is this?
If guys can have a preference for big breasts and thin waists...
Should skinnyfat people cut or bulk first?
So he was actually retarded from the sport
This is what keto does to people
Veeky Forums Roast my supermarket shop
Ok so I ordered some Test E but I hear that it's not so great for adding muscle mass...
Tfw banned from the gym because I couldn't solve the dumbbell lizard's riddle
Pic related is undoubtedly the best accessory exercise for Squats and Deadlifts
Dont forget to train your legs boys
Asses of Veeky Forums
Go running in London soon after moving here
How to make thicker my bones?
The main reason people are so inspired by Zyzz are not just because of his body or his work ethics because lets face it...
What's the hardest part of a move like this? is she strong as shit or just flexible?
Please help me Veeky Forums
*blocks your locker*
So I talked to a hot chick today and it seemed like she judged me a bit through the conversation
/run/ - Running general
When am i going to look super hot???
Rich Pinna high as fuck
What do you eat to satisfy your sweet tooth?
How does he squat 500 lbs?
Fit approved shoes
Gyno surgery in 24h
What did Veeky Forums teach you?
Post your bicep work out. I am very curious
Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Woah......................... weight loss surgery actually works?????...
Post them joocy neccs boyos
Why are poor people so fat
Is this accurate?
On 3rd month of SS
Protein powder flavours
Why aren't you keeping your own chickens for eternal gains?
Daily reminder to train your neck
Is training for hypertrophy a meme? Strength surely means muscle mass, right?
I don't wish baldcel on my worst enemies
Fitness myths
/ourguys/ are back!!!
How do I get a body like this?
>calories in calories o-
Where do you guys workout, does everyone pay for a gym membership?
*blocks your path*
Post best ingredients to get be it for the nutritional value...
2 fatties argue
Bulletproof General
Redpill me on rice
All you need is confidence bro. Girls don't care about shallow things like looks. Your wasting your time at the gym
How far are we from fitness being a thing of the past? When we can make "at-will" body modifications...
Is my new haircut fit approved?
Water fasting
Wh-when will i get a tinder match?
Guilty pleasure
Let's talk about increasing life span and general health...
Mewing General
/meditation/ general
Everyone has shit bicep insertions
Is the wall real? And if so - what age does it start?
You will never go to a festival with the aesthetics crew and muzz like a sick kunt
30 Designs in 30 Days Challenge!
Just be yourself
Are genetics just a meme?
Does anyone here actually lift for women? It's a complete waste of time
Feels and Forearms
854lb squat
Why are you lifting, Veeky Forums?
Get home from gym
Is this the new king of fit?
People you see at the gym thread
Which barbell for home gym
The gym falcon picked me up and dropped me into the manlet pit
How much would this cost?
The fact i feel attracted more to anime girls than real girls means im a low T beta male ?
Eat more salt
What are some Veeky Forums haircuts?
*destroys your back in 10 reps*
T-thanks for the memes Veeky Forums I think my date with Nicole! Is gonna go well tomorrow...
He doesn't listen to anime music while lifting
How to get a jawline?
Can only bench 155lbs for three reps
How do you get over your existential angst and knowledge that your life will one day end?
Why do people have a certain amount of reps/sets for lifting they follow when you're supposed to "lift to failure"?
It's never going to go away
Gym Buddy thread?
Just one chance to born
Should I lose weight?
/fat/ big mac >six pac
Workout Music
What does Veeky Forums think of Jon "Jujimufu" Call?
Mind sharing your protein shake recipes, fellow Veeky Forumsizen?
Are there any preworkouts left that are worth a shit?
Can i be jacked and a creative?
ITT : People you pretend to be on that last rep
Why do people like this autist again?
If anyone has a grocery list of healthy shit to eat that is cheap it would be greatly appreciated if posted...
Pushup thread
Remember why you started guys
R8 my hypertrophy routine boys
Has anybody gotten big arms with calisthenics alone?
Anyone else kind of hate their parents for putting them at such a disadvantage? I'm talking fitness...
What BF% do I need to land a gorgeous woman like this bros?
How accurate would you say the following statement is:
Carotene Tan
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How do you treat acne? I've had this since tenth grade and it won't go away
What is /fit opinion on Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse etc?
Okay so basically I'm 21 with a soft-featured face, wide child-birthing hips, massive thighs...
Lifting won't bring her back
What do you guys honestly think to yourselves when you see an ugly DYEL enter the gym?
Some Veeky Forumsizens recommend this guide:
Buddhism is The Most Veeky Forums Religion
He left us 26 days ago
How to meet calorie requirements on keto?
tfw he benches more than I squat
Did he get what was coming to him?
Ive only been lifting for a year, can someone tell me if I have god tier genetics or not
Who else /liftingtofendoffacrushingexistentialcrisis/ here?
Anyone know who this is?
Why is he so weird?
Is it true that nofap gives testosterone boosts ?
What do you think were his final thoughts before the lights went out?
ITT: post your schedules and judge others
Chin Study Thread
I am in overweight category what do?
Hit on a fit girl at the gym to day
JUST- hair
How do you give your tongue a workout...
Alcohol vs Veeky Forums
Is it considered beta if I have to use a spotter for bench press?
25 years old
How do you solve a problem like /pol/
Greetings hu-mans
Strongmen aren't aesthetic
Do you think you would be able to take on a hawk? I've seen some faggots, under a YouTube video...
What does Veeky Forums think of Frank Yang?
NoCum - NoWankWarriors - absolutely LIT
>weight loss surgery isn't a legitimate way to lose wei-
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Thread's up for 2 days
Un/fit/fag here looking for some advice how to become a bit more healthy
Let's get *actually* strong:
/fraud general/
This is the physique limit in which girls want in a man...
Is deadlift a push or pull exercise?
Hey strong boys ;*
Vegan General
Is this the hero Veeky Forums deserves?
Hip dips
/DNP/ general
Motivation General
Does ketogenic diet actually work to lose weight? is it healthy on the long run...
Hair isn't that impor-
Veeky Forums humor thread
I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now
learn to cook
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
I'm looking into supplementation Veeky Forums. What supplement is actually worth taking, and what are its benefits
Don't squat
"You are on a diet user?"
Tfw finally broke up with chubby gf
Who /Chad/ here
Final solution to the manlet question
Ultimate sports for white people:
Cringe thread
Tfw gym bouncer says you aren't attractive enough to lift there
What do you do to pump yourself up if preworker and coffee dont work anymore ?
"...and your OTHER barbell."
Decreased libido after a workout
Is Indians being weird at the gym genetic?
I'm genuinely concerned that King Leonard Persin Jr will die sooner rather than later...
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this guy?
What's a good mobile app to track my progress with?
Am I fucked?
/fat/ why no one sits next to me edition
Is Yoel Romero /natty/?
Where do you get your protein powder from?
Gym pranks
I need help with programming, Veeky Forums
How many cute, innocent chickens do you think you've essentially killed on your fitness journey?
What's Veeky Forums's consensus of crossfit?
Veeky Forums approved tattoos?
Did lifting cure your social anxiety/sperg behaviour?
So i've been on female hormones a few months
1 year working out, like 0 progress
21 years old
Are there any couples at your gym fit?
High Test Thread?
At only age 19, Arnie accomplished more than most of you ever will. What's your excuse fof being a scrawny DYEL fuck?
Redpill me on the Z press
Form check please?
So Veeky Forums, how low is too low for a squat? Should I try to go even lower?
What age is too old to be chad?
How do you leave Veeky Forums? I've been shitposting since late 2008...
Broccoli soup?
That guy who yawns between sets
Theres a blood drive at work Thursday and I'm thinking about donating
Is intermitenting fast a meme or really works?
Schutzstaffel Training
Rude. Just rude
Veeky Forums approved movies?
Girl talked about ex
Wake up
Manlets when will they l-
Man I thought when it's said up the weight 5lbs every session meant 5lbs each side lmao, that's why I've been stalling
I am a statistics PhD student helping another PhD candidate with a study on the effects of obesity
Playing piano can increase the production of HGH in an individual; particularly for older adults...
It's all about the lighting boys
Preworkout a meme?
Training everyday
What is it that manlets have to learn?
Who else yells during a workout? For me, it makes me do better and I think it increases test
What is this meme apparatus in my gym used for?
How to lift the depression away?
/plg/ - power lifting general
Need help training
How old are you and how long have you been lifting?
High carb > High fat for weight loss
Veeky Forums club fashion thread
Is it game over for meatcucks?
Where do YOU get your protein?
I'm dropping eggs from my diet due to high cholesterol and heart attacks running in the family
/420 general/
Be ugly kv, manlet, no friends
Oh, your quads! You're practically a T-rex
Gonna deadlift tomorrow for the first time, any tips or things I should know?
How much sex do you Veeky Forumsizens at college get? Did getting Veeky Forums help?
Post your diet and whether you're trying to bulk or cut
How do you deal with people about normie foods like bacon and Chipotle...
Human muscle is obsolete now, make way for our new robot overlords
Veeky Forums chill thread, get it off your chest
Lifting music
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
How the fuck is this faggot considers himself a bodybuilder?
Anyone else hesistant about taking antibiotics...
OHP appretiation
Is it true that short people are more muscular?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games