help me Veeky Forums, I finally matched a qt
Tinder General
how do i into game
Idk how to help you she messaged back so youve already gotten further than i have
How about you don't lay all the cards on the table in every social interaction and instead try to think up something which doesn't make you look like a fucking desperate autist?
>you are very attractive tho
gtfo normie scum
I think he were capable of doing that he wouldnt be a desperate autist
I am not a normie, don't you fucking dare say that. In high school I sat by myself at lunch every day. I have no friends and have never had a gf, currently 19.
so how do I start? i'm an autist and all my interactions suck
>offering to eat pussy
She has a tongue, she can lick her own pussy if she wants it licked.
Try offering dick to the next girl, okay you closet dyke?
At that point you might as well have just asked her for her number instead
m8 ur 19 your normie scum, ur an attractive 19yo you dont belong on a portugese dick tasting forum
>break up with 5yr gf
>install bumble
>4 matches already
>You are very attractive tho
> :D
Post your pic OP
>i-im not a normie guys please accept me XDDDDDD
been browsing the chans for 5 years now, fuck off
I'll post some more autism
Post pic already
>Someone seems desperate
my coworkers browse Veeky Forums this better not bite me in the ass
>You're cute af
Fuck off Chad
holy shit, this is advanced autism
I cant give any magic heres what to say bc i dont get laid a lot but "im desperate" is definitely one of the things you dont say a woman definitely doesnt want a sad sack hanging onto her
>This is cute
No offense you're not ugly but wouldn't really say this is cute.
>these people give you lifting advice
Post profile
>Op floundering this hard
>No one helping them
Protip straight up telling a girl you're desperate and being serious about it is a shortcut to dry up her vagina. At first she thought you saying you're desperate is a joke because she thinks you're hot, then realised your actually desperate and your rating went from hot to cute. Stop being fucking retarded.
>Tfw this gets called cute but girls don't even respond to me
Why am I here, just to suffer?
Alright you're not bad
Stop being desperate, if these girls think you're attractive in spite of how you act, if you get it together it'll be easy as fuck
Start out with something funny and try to get their number and meet up as soon as possible, don't seek approval either, just assume they're into you until you get proven wrong.
I don't mean to put you down brah, and I'm not trying to LARP as one of these Veeky Forums pua. But in my experience when a girl calls you cute she's just trying to be nice.
>Start out with something funny
>this gets called cute
bro, cute is the last thing you want a woman to call you
absolute last thing
You don't understand social cues, she is still interested in OP but he fucks it up the more he types.
>i'm not the kind of girl
>but i'm messaging you back
>because i'm not that kind of girl
>lol did i mention that i'm not that kind of girl
Oh fucking God, how can someone be this inadequate.
I'm gonna tell mom OP is being a faggot again.
fuck off prick
I get called cute a lot more than I get called hot but still fuck, I dunno maybe its a culture thing in Australia or some shit but almost all girls I know call guys cute that they wanna bang.
>telling them you're desperate
otherwise you were right on point. That pic is like if mayweather walked out of the ring during the last round.
Not Op but i could use some pointers on how to be funny apparently my sense of humor is far off from what normal ppl enjoy
same desu, my jokes always fall flat
Just pretend you're Bronn from Game of Thrones. Everyone thinks Bronn is funny.
reading through these old chats is making me cringe really hard
thinking of getting on tinder but I have a couple questions
1) does it notify you of screenshots like snapchat yet?
2) on my profile I plan on putting "please don't screenshot me" in my bio
>she screenshots and sends it me in a flirty way like ha what are you going to do about it user
>I put something like "well now we have to fight"
>name a time and place
>x at y? we could get food whilst we're there
what do you lads think?
exactly, cute guys get to fuck, sexy guys get to atm her and then piss on her mom
You fucking had it too.
That's super autistic.
How do I reach sexy mode
You should give up on the idea of companionship now
I don't think you're ready to talk to girls yet user
alright thanks, got an idea for a better bio? what about wearing heelies to escape my feelies
not helpful, just hurtful
in person I'm not autistic I promise it's just the fact they have logs of everything I say puts me on edge and makes me autism out
>waaaah muh feelings
You are on the wrong website my autistic friend.
I sort of know how you feel user. I am much more charismatic in person but fucking flounder in tinder because I actually try to think of shit to say, I'm much better talking on the fly. So when it comes to tinder I always think I have to somehow impress or entertain the girl and think of what the fuck to say without it being so autistic she'll screenshot it and I become a normie meme on fb
Yes, the botnet should scare you, but you have a phone so you're fucked anyway.
>the virgin general
LOL see you losers in the Chad thread
nice larp
What went wrong here? What would've been a good response?
holy fucking shit this thread hahahaha
it was meant to be a joke
glad I'm not the only one
I have a phone with minimal GAPPs and a firewall working on a whitelist, also have greenify stopping background processes and running lineage
instead of
>well damn lawl!!1! xDDD
>minimal gapps
>having gapps at all
Never gonna make it.
PROTIP EXPERTS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW: Do not rehearse hypothetical conversations. As soon as they go off script you'll be a stuttering retard. Being able to adapt is what will make you succeed.
I only have them cause I heard some apps don't function with google play services
"Add a bottle of wine and a rooftop and I'm there. Hit me up at PHONE NUMBER HERE"
The fuck you asking for a snapchat for. Get her number, get out, get her off
>current year
>thinking you have any control over your privacy
So I've basically got as far as to establish that we'd want to go on a data
I've been ill for about a week, and I really didn't feel like responding during this time
Is it too late to pick it back up? She lives like 40 mins away
>you and me alone Friday night at [insert restaurant]
>Sounds good, what's your number?
Rather than
>I'm not that kind of girl haha
If you say so, we can still get some ice cream and find out for sure ;)
The trick is to just ignore what women say. Just respond to it like she said yes pls fuck me now and alter it to show you read the message
>How do I reach sexy mode
Ever break a woman's a arm when you were done fucking her cause didn't like the noises she made? No? Well girls can tell, and they automatically think you're cute.
That's my point. You either go full RMS-tier or you give up. No point sitting in the middle.
A few notifications won't work, but most non-game apps themselves work fine afaik. Is your phone a Galaxy S2 that you opened and checked yourself before flashing the open source BIOS? What makes you trust your service provider?
That's a bot account. It has lockness chan as the fucking pic for fuck sake.
why restaurant? you into casual dining and shitty conversation?
Only place to 'meet' is at either your front door or her front door.
whats in the box faggot?
This desu
I once accidentally cracked my exes nose and had to get xrays done because i slammed her head against my bedframe when I was doing doggy, does that count
>but most non-game apps themselves work fine afaik.
will reinstall without gapps tomorrow, thanks
>Is your phone a Galaxy S2 that you opened and checked yourself before flashing the open source BIOS?
second hand OP5 I bought with cash
>What makes you trust your service provider?
I don't that's why I use silence and redphone for anything important
it's not about being 100% private just having more privacy than other people