Which one of you morons gets salty on pubg?

"I deadlift 155"
"I'm a sick cunt bruh"

Jesus Christ Veeky Forums, what have you become

I hope he's talking about kg

Sounds American.

So I guess not

Rasputin deadlifts 4plates at this point. Raspuitn

I hope that pic is shopped.

did pic actually happen? i'm still wondering if it was real or some weird liquid got on his onesie

>weird liquid
Yeah bro, it's called semen

>if it was real or some weird liquid got on his onesie
Those are not mutually exclusive laddy

Why do wrestlers HAVE to wear those retardedly thin suits with no underwear? I don't get it. Is underwear banned in wrestling?

well what i meant is did he actually bust a nut in his pants or some shit spilled on him somthn