What mode is this?
What mode is this?
OHP-world record mode
Anyone else ever wonder what these people look like if they cut off all that fat
never would happen, they couldn't handle muh strength loss
Big Z actually cut his weight
Sweet baby Jesus I think I got a new goal
He did and its not that great Puzniacowski was objectively better. Maybe not specifically at arnold strongman competition but he had better body and was stronger than big Z. Just look at the part where they had to carry that big round stone, big Z literally used his gut to hold the thing, puzniacowski didnt have a gut at was at a disadvantage (and thats he lost so many times to big z)
it's the being a fucking blob but still constantly losing to Pudzianowski (who has a six pack the whole time) mode
But its Pudzianowski who constantly lost
>5 world's strongest man
>4 world's strongest man
and while being prolly over 40kg lighter
Jonah Mountain
Pudz has lost to Big Z as many times as Big Z has lost to Pudz in WSM.
And Big Z beat him in every Arnold Strongman Classic he ever competed in.
Mariusz looks a lot better but Big Z is known for his records and prowess in specific events.
You should check out Pudzianowskis mma run, it was actually pretty entertaining and he wasn't that bad.
He won like 4 titles I think his ego is cool with retiring and getting shredded/healthy
try 60, pudz is much shorter and S H R E D D E D
1/2/3/4 at 5', he's rolly bally
Prime bloatlord
Not that great? He looks like a fucking Space Marine, you dyel sack of shit.
he is fat again and he has a gut that literally puts big lenny to shame
>dat pic
topkek, can i save it sir?
Those psychotic eyes
Has the Jason Genova/Craig Titus look
These guys are something to be able to look like that and not care. I couldn't do it, I love strength gains as much as the next guy but there's a point where I'd be willing to take the hit to how much I could lift to not look like a fucking bowling ball.
of course, go right on ahead my friend!
That fucking Superman-jaw.