Is this the hero Veeky Forums deserves?

>gives no shits, calls a spade a spade
>hates fat people
>autistic and lives nomad lifestyle
>fucks 10/10 blonde lean fit gf everyday
>fitter than 99% of you keyboard /fitizens

Why are you cunts not #carbthefuckup on a Vegan diet?

Other urls found in this thread:

love this guy
he has eccentric online persona but i've heard in real life he's really chill and kind

because i'm not an inbred methed-up bogan

Claiming his gf is anything above 5/10

I find his online persona great, he's obviously passionate and comes across 10* better and more entertaining than most fit YouTubers.

Also heard he's chill and friendly in real life


fuck off

Post his gf

She is a literal lean goddess


love durianrider