So i just had like a fucking huge revelation when it comes to fitness/bodybuilding, etc. WE DONT DO LEGG PULL EXERCISES...

So i just had like a fucking huge revelation when it comes to fitness/bodybuilding, etc. WE DONT DO LEGG PULL EXERCISES. Has anyone ever fucking thought about this?? When it comes to our arms, its beyond common knowledge that we must do push and pull exercises. Someone who only does push on upper body will be a complete laughing stock. But when it comes to legs, 99% of all exercises we do are fucking push compounds. Sure we can do stuff like a hamstring curl which technically is a pull iso, but noone in the fucking world ever does a single pull compound for legs.

What is Deadlifts?

Deadlift you dumb fuck

Your legs still pressing the weight.

thats push too you bro scientists

Because when the fuck do you just grab something with your feet and pull it in a real life situation?

Pretty sure leg extensions could be counted as a pull, similar to reverse curls.

Because hips don't work like shoulders.

Femoral bicep curls, dummy.

Are you guys totally retarted? On a deadlift, you PUSH your legs away from your body, towards the ground. If a deadlift is a pull then a pushup would also be a pull.

Yep. Its because your legs aren't meant to pull. Think about it, their structure and evolution.

Legs are just meant to move you around. All they need to do is extend and pushs. Your arms and hands are meant to be able to manipulate all kinds if object in the world in any direction, with great finesse.

It's sort if interesting.

Literally pulling the weight of the ground

Fucking RDL you nonce.

Summer is apparently not over

Stiff legged/Romanian diddlies feel like the hammies are being pulled.

Knee flexion: squats
Hip flexion: dls

>Literally pulling the weight of the ground
with the upper body, yes, the legs however do something very similar to the squat, except that you drive the hip more forward and thus use the leg bicep. It works the Pull muscle of the legs fairly well but the legs still push technically

I guess, it makes somewhat sense, legs are naturally less supposed to make pulling movements, but wouldnt adding in 1 or a few leg pulls be beneficial? I muscles are also not really supposed to make alot of excentric tension, yet, research shows that the excentric part of the rep is the most effective (probably because this 'unnatural' movement creates to much stress on the muscle).

Nigga wut xD pls be bait. You contract glutes and hamstrings pulling the weight off the floor, hitching the barbell is illegal in powerlifting

This has to be bait

No one is stopping to you from doing weighted leg raises but it's going to work abs. Not legs.

what is a hamstring curl?

Seeing how much of a gay autist OP is really makes me feel better about myself.

Thanks OP! :^)

Thats like saying coming down from in a pullup movement is push. Its not the real part of the exercise, running walking sprinting and so on is push.

A push exercise is a movement the movement of the load starts with a limb in a bend position, and moves towards an extended position (like bench, OHP, squats etc). A pull exercise is the opposite. The limb starts in an extended position, and is being pulled towards the, into a bend position (pull up, row, etc).
Now try to think of the deadlift. Is the deadlift a bend legs into straight legs? Or does a deadlift start with straight legs, pulling them towards your body, into a bend position?

Squats too! You're pulling the weight off the ground just like in deadlifts you dumb shits :^)

Have you even read my OP post? I literally mentioned hamstring curls...

Read an maybe youll be abled to unsterstand. On a squat and a deadlift, in order to move the weight away from the ground, your legs are 'pushed' away from your body. Your legs start in a bend position, and then you PUSH them into a straight position (like on every other PUSH exercise), making the squat and the deadlift a PUSH exercise for the legs.

I skim read it, yeah

the hamstring is both an extensor and a flexor , that's why .

Really makes me think

Because the legs have biceps (hamstrings) but they don't have lats or back muscle equivalents. Hamstrings get trained in deadlifts and SLDLs and good mornings and ham curls, hip flexors get trained in ab moves.

Theres not much to think about. A push exercise is an exercise where a limb is being pushed away from the body, as simple as that. The only reason why there is confusion is because a deadlift is often being called a "pull", because the weight is being "pulled" of the ground. But anatomically, your legs push on both deadlifts and squats.

does this mean stiff legged deadlift is a static leg movement?

Your quads need to push to straighten your legs but your hamstring need to pull your upper legs to straighten it with your torso , the points of the deads it's to maximize the need for that pulling motion

or leg exercise I guess

I was being ironic with that squat post you autist.

>hamstrings aren't responsible for hip extension

At my crossfit gym, we do exercises called muddy boots. We tie 45s to our shoes, then stamp around the place. Also, it's not a crossfit gym, but a regular gym. I don't think they mind us though.

it doesn't matter, just means leg push exercises can work the quad or hamstring

Well this does indeed make me think.. so legs are kinda designed to push and pull at the same time... It this significantly different than with the arms? I mean, in theory, a biceps during a bench movement is sort of the equivalent of a hamstring during a deadlift. But a bicep isnt targeted nearly as much, even though the long head is inserted in such a way that it should theoretically have the same function.

No it isn't. A tricep during a chin up is equivalent to a hamstring during a squat, and even that's a stretch because only the long head of the tricep activates for pulling moves.

Ya all talking about semantics here. Think about it.

Youve lost me now. A triceps is without a doubt the arm equivalent of the quad on the leg. Whereas the biceps is the equivalent of the hamstring on the leg.

Push - weight goes away from your center of mass
Pull - weight comes towards your center of mass

What is the weight doing during a squat?
During a bench?
During a DL?
>During a curl?

Tricep actually has a real function and gets taxed when pulling, there's no practical training effect on biceps from pushing.


so why does it even matter if an exercise is push or pull? what day would you put a muscle up or a plank on?

Based on which muscle they use , Pull or push is just a way to regroup muscle .

Chest , shoulders , triceps usually always push
their antagonist always pull .

Touch of the 'tism

Technically speaking, muscles can only pull...