Old guys giving young guys advice

Old guys giving young guys advice.

how do I get laid

>t. 23 y/o virgin

Would writing emails to be sent to you years in the future a good thing? I wrote a letter a year or so ago and want to write another email to myself to reach me years later...

Probably just make you depressed years from now tbqh

What's the cutoff?

I will soon make sixty an hour,

What are the things in life that you have spent money on that make you happy?

Do you think young men have a chance getting married or should we just leave that as we mostly have.

There isn't one really. I'd say if such a thing exists, it's the point when you stop trying and completely give up on yourself.

>Don't squat and deadlift bait thread number 3942

Get in shape. (obvi)

Make decent money.

Network. Make some good looking friends who like to go out and hit on the honeys as well as have a good time without depending solely on pussy.

Dress nice. Find a style you like. Either it be streetwear, a fucking suit you can rotate in and out, bitches will pay attention.

Hygiene. Fucking shower, shave, get a nice ass haircut and please brush your teeth and clip those fingernails.

Be social. Learn how to talk to people. Don't get offended by other people's opinions or comments. Learn how to move back and forth to people. Girls pick up on a social guy having fun.

Get girls numbers. Add them on snapchat. But please, PLEASE don't ever be creepy. DO NOT double or triple text ESPECIALLY after just meeting her. You'll be the joke of her friends.

Talk to her for about 5 minutes and be flirty and smooth. Smile. Crack a joke. Don't be too much of a twat though.

IF she's into you, you'll know. She'll be looking for an excuse to get the fuck away from you if you're creepy or just unattractive to her. She'll keep friends nearby and they'll jump in at any given moment if they feel like you're being weird. Girls are good at subtle pick up like that.

Get her alone. Seclude her. Tell her to come to the bar with you. Come see a movie. Get her alone, have a good ass time and ask her to kiss. If it turns into a makeout, then by god, you have the light. SHE will let you know if she's trying to fuck or not. Good luck desu.

>Learn how to move back and forth to people
>IF she's into you, you'll know

These are my biggest problems, I have zero emotional intelligence and have been told by my friends and brother that there have been countless women who were interested in me but I was to autistic to pick up on the "signals"

Its frustrating, why can't they just be direct

That's just how girls work desu. You literally have to be a 10/10 chad on a lucky night to have girls consistently approach you. Just look at her face. If her eyes glisten and she smiles like she's intrigued af, then yes you got it. Hell, girls still even twirl around their hair if they're interested. Listen to that little voice in moments like this. You'll be more surprised than not.

A-Anymore signals? There's this blonde who randomly came up to me when I was having trouble lighting my cigarette, she totally went out of her way to get to where my autistic ass was sitting too after making eye contact with her a few times

I hate my fucking life

here's the only advice you need. stop fucking thinking so much and just ask for #s

Don't beat yourself up. Girls love irrational confidence. Not to the total point where you're a narcissistic fuck wad but confident in your abilities, looks and socializing. Also, if a girl looks more than 3 times. Approach. Girls don't look at anything they don't like more than that. If you take this information in and absorb it and practice, you will begin to see progress. God speed desu.

I'll try guys, I always see her at the smoke pit before my English class hanging out with some artist types, I'll try not to sperg out too hard

I'm not young but i still need advice.

what the fuck do i do with my life, i work at costco and im going nowhere, i have a 2 year transfer degree but never went back because of indecision.

I could do well at costco long term but i'm completely unfulfilled the only thing that brings me joy is my progress in the gym and all the weight ive lost (about 120 pounds and counting)

Should I pursue something in fitness? I'm also open to the idea of skilled trades or just something that can get me a comfy office job to support my hobbies and the dream of a comfy garage gym.

I'm lost as fuck, im 27 btw.

>I have zero emotional intelligence and have been told by my friends and brother that there have been countless women who were interested in me but I was to autistic to pick up on the "signals"

Self-fulfilling prophecy. Don't be a beta.

> Also, if a girl looks more than 3 times. Approach.

This, if a woman doesn't like you looking at her she will literally move away from you or turn her back. To confirm you can smile and if she shows a positive reaciton just fucking GO say WHATEVER

>Ask her to kiss

This will never work. If you two are having a good time and there's a natural break in the convo then go for it

> ask her for a kiss

No. I never asked for a kiss, it feels weird to do that. Just do something together and if she looks comfortable being close just fucking kiss her. You will know she'll have that certain look, don't really know how to explain it. If you're not ugly but she didn't really want to kiss for whatever reason, just turn it to joke. You couldn't help yourself, stop being so sexy, something like that. Don't act butt hurt, continue to act normally like it's not a big deal. Which it isn't.


Life is a ruthlessly hard competition for everything that makes it worthwhile: women, status, education, jobs, money, experiences. Work hard, study hard, train hard. Outwork your competition. Be smart, be opportunistic, know what you want, and pursue it with all the drive and energy you can muster.

Never stop self-improving. Never stop cultivating yourself. Never stop working. Things like vidya or TV or cheap disposable fiction or or porn or anime or nerd culture in general are wastes of time that hold you back, the intellectual and cultural equivalents of fast food.

You have one life, one shot at doing or achieving everything you ever will, and if you aren't vigilant the million soft, decadent, mediocrity traps this society offers will drag you down and stifle you and before you know it you will be experiencing your deathbed regrets, and they will be many.


>ask her to kiss

hahaha are you serious mate?

>Girls love irrational confidence
So fucking true.

This is the true black pill

not an old guy, but musical instruments. Generally stuff that you can use to create. Buy keys, a guitar, whatever

Hobbies you really enjoy.
Doesn't matter how unnacepted socially they're. I enjoy an afternoon playing with my synths and hardware more than I enjoy chatting up with almost everyone.

The key is that you have to truly enjoy it.

Fuck what others think
Fuck your family
Fuck your friends
Do what you want and they'll follow if they care about you

>Never stop self-improving. Never stop cultivating yourself. Never stop working. Things like vidya or TV or cheap disposable fiction or or porn or anime or nerd culture in general are wastes of time that hold you back, the intellectual and cultural equivalents of fast food.

Maybe you should advise people that they also need to learn how to relax without destroying their progress. If you set people on this path they'll break from the effort of constant work with no respite, and end up with a toxic relationship to free-time, where they need to unwind but it makes them wracked with guilt at being unproductive. They'll probably end up binge-drinking just to quell your narrative about never switching off

Life is not just about constantly working and if you buy into this you will hate your life and yourself

terrible advice. good goy, the things that bring value to our lives are found in the materialistic frame defined by ((( them ))).

if you commit to beating the "ruthlessly hard competition" it will only lead to stress, depression and anxiety in the long run. commit and excel in what makes you happy, don't chase a superfluous goal of "status".

Please help. I have a female friend who I sent a meme to. It's guy saying I mean this from the bottom of my heart, eat my entire ass:'' she sent me 'eat mine first bby'' Is this a joke or can I fug

Fuck idk
Most girls just say "lol" when I send them memes

what a weird meme must be a strange relationship my main mayo

We continued the convo and I said sure. And she sent adress and we're meeting on Saturday but that was planned in advance

Just keep being sarcastic until either you or she breaks. Just respond with "I thought you'd never ask" or something, forcing her to reply

your flexibility has to be proportional to your strenght grow in the gym. Otherwise you will injure yourself eventually. So fucking stretch.


Sounds like u talk to boring girls :(

Normies have the best bodies

Do not wait around waiting for something to just happen. If you're a man things never just come to you. If you want something to happen you have to go make it happen.

YouTube Jordan peterson

You're one of the lucky ones in the US, Costco is a great employeer and you can actually make a nice living for yourself while also investing on the side. You don't know how good you fucking have it, your job seems so much simpler compared to the rest of Americans and it is less stress

I learned this the hard way, what your family thinks or how you were raised doesn't mean shit once you arre on your own and become a man

you're young
go back to school

My God, never thought this thread would be a beta bitch magnet. You guys are truly pathetic.

I'm only driven to make the best of my life to have a revenge by success on all the human garbage I despise for various petty and honestly insufficient reasons. But hey, whatever works. Basically, I'm only doing my best because I fucking hate them furiously and I can't let them win.

Yup, and yeah, I've broken myself a couple times and got back up and dived back into the fray... these days I just relax doing things like exercising and not indulging in media that rots your brain and gives you PIED.

Quality; it's all about quality of life and the materials you make your life out of.

>texted my 2nd ex
>texted my recent ex that i actually don't want to talk about things again and that i'm wishing her best of luck

Bah. Mediocre.

>Make video to your future self when blackout drunk
>Just me screaming to kill myself when I watch it

Hate is an awesome source of motivation. Wouldn't want it to be the only one though; Imagine how much you'll hate them when you realize they've forced into creating a life that you hate.

Fuck those assholes; what do YOU want?

Two 5s equal a 10.

Lucky me, most of my goals are similar to ones I'm hate-working towards, but I wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of motivation to do much about them without the hate.

I'd push it along in a joking way. Either she'll change the subject or reciprocate

k now what

sort yourself out bucko

Study hard, get relevant work experience

Wish I had done all that, also don't get caught up on girls, put yourself first

Cheers user. I've been sat here playing Civ since I got back from class earlier. Normally if I don't go out with friends I get work done and this just made me realise I'm wasting my time on vidya when I've got work due tomorrow.

>gay wuss detected

Blowjobs are better from guys than they are from girls.

Personal experience but may be useful for you youngins...
>use lube when fapping and DO NOT DEATH GRIP makes cumming from sex impossible which is hell
>Don't be afraid to be forward with chicks can't tell y'all how many times I've fucked up an easy lay because of autism
>for you engineering fags: get an internship or coop or be like me and party all the time with a good GPA but have no job offers before graduation
>B.E yourself

no homo?

1) take care of your mental health. Depression is the ultimate destroyer of gains.
2) Wear condoms.
3) Learn a trade.
4) Never work more than 60 hours a week.

>IF she's into you, you'll know
this this this. unless you are severley autistic you'll notice.

oldfag here
>Women idea of human emotions is diff, do NOT fucking trust them
>Love is fleeting, and so is hate.
The man you hate today might be your bro tomorrow, and the woman who claims to love you today will shit in your very heart tomorrow.
>normalfags really will suck out your soul and ruin everything you love.
Unless you want to put up fake appearances and do drugs and fuck girls all your shitty youth, pursue better goals
>family takes priority over friends and everyone else
>your dad is almost never wrong
unless he's a alcohol drinking/cigarette smoking man, then he could be
>bitches really ain't fucking shit, become a better man
>work hard
There's no naruto, only millions upon millions of rock lees, some failed, some successful
>When in doubt about a girl, assume the worst.
It's almost always the female's fault
>cherish your siblings,specially sisters.
Females only love their children, and sometimes, their brothers
>no matter how many sloots you fuck, no matter how many tinder whores mire you, they won't fill the gap in your heart.
So save yourself the pain and time and instead spend it on yourself
>Do the opposite of what a normalfag would do
Their whole social life is a lie riddled with wrong decisions, regrets and failed dreams
>as the above user said, depression is real and will kill all your gains.
Depression is the evil version of yourself that will stop at nothing and will make it so you want to kill yourself, think about lot of shit but never do it and take wrong decisions. It WILL suck your energy and amke you weak as shit. Don't get depressed
>When it comes to friends, quality above quantity
I had 2 friends throughout college. Still my bros. More "friends" mean more trouble. Instead of childish goals like being popular, have reliable friends
>nofap is a meme but don't choke the python too hard or it might die
>natty limit is nowhere as low as insecure fags here claim
>height matters, but if it does to a girl, she's not the one anyways.

5'11 and down

I'm 29, almost 30, I don't know if that's old or not but I definitely found as a younger dude that ignoring women and focusing on making myself into a badass was one of the best life changes I made. Lift weights, shoot guns, learn languages, play instruments, travel, enjoy fine beer/wine/liquors, learn how to dress (go for classic style instead of chasing fashion), build good relationships with the guys around you that are successful or are trying to be.

I bumped into an awesome girl and we've been together 5 years, I wasn't looking for a gf at all and was just doing my own thing. Work on yourself and better yourself, people will notice.

with 26 i feel i should be way further into life by now

>not young
Yes you are
Become an electrician

lying trips lol

this is my go to move and it always works

it's also a really good move for people who are naturally kind of awkward

worst case scenario

>"user it's not like that"

which in that case...your date didn't go how you wanted anyway


>"hehe yes"


We did some bullshit writing assignment in high school where we sent letters to ourselves 6 years into the future and I had this horrible feeling when I got mine. I knew I wasn't even half the man I planned to be. When I read it, though, all it said was to keep going and stay true to your friends. That messed me up a lot more than I thought it would. Old me was a good kid. He doesn't deserve this.

what kind of beer are you brewing there

no. homo

I'm not really old, but I think you have to ask yourself what you want out of life first. Have some goals, and then decide what you need to do to get there.

>What are the things in life that you have spent money on that make you happy?
Money saved that allows me to weather the floods that come with the chaos and suffering that is life.

Save more, spend less. Trust and older dude on this.

What has made you the most happy or made your life better?

>weed is a drug and will ruin your life
>cigarettes do look cool to some but stop trying to look cool
>there is no chad, only a foolish man who has nothing better to pursue
>nothing is free
>learn programming
>learn a trade
>learn basic electronics
>If you can, learn to shoot and get a gun
>own at least three good pair of shoes and two suits
>time flies, and the worst part is you don't notice
>anger is not a good enough fuel to power through workouts
>dont buy apple shit or shitty products in general
>don't be a miser, be frugal
>hair products don't work, toothpaste and dentists are a scam. Use conditioner instead of shampoo, and use a good facewash
>You'll never be rich enough, become a greedy motherFUCKER if you want to succeed
Every penny. Become the jew. More, more more. It should not end. Your greed should transcend universes. After all money really is everything, that is the ultimate truth. Fake currencies come and go. In this age of hookup culture, sex is an increasing form currency,a bargaining chip used even more often than times before. The ultimate currency still is money. The one which drives brothers to kill each other and friends to ruin each other. Which causes countries to wage wars. Such is the power of money. This is life's cold truth. Money truly is the root of all evil.
>If you are texting, go with a 3:4 ratio
For every 4 lines the person texts you, you text back 3.
>Words remain forever, they echo in this space-time for eternity
Choose them wisely, you don't want to regret
>if you can, try to remember names
>it's almost never too late, unless you're above 30, then it probably is
>your startup is shit
>don't buy shit you can get for free
Be a pirate. No company gets hurt when you pirate their 400$ worth of software. They are lying.
>streamer culture and e-celebs are cancer and they WILL disappoint you sooner or later. Open you fucking eyes for once
>"fun" is never a reason
People here care a lot about nogf, hope it helps

not kidding, a girl, a perspective, a look on a brighter future with that

>implying I would ever take advice from an old person that still browses Veeky Forums ..where are your grandfathers and fathers, people ITT?

It's an oatmeal Baltic Porter, quite proud of that one actually.

Ive had a few gf's and breaking up with them has been a few of the greatest moments of my life. I could never place my happiness in the hands of 1 gainsgoblin

>If you are texting, go with a 3:4 ratio
My communication, internet or otherwise, would be cut down to literally 2 people. I need my human_blog.txt people to unload my bullshit on and once every 2 years maybe even gain a useful insight from one of them.

I like all of this except the bit about anger. Hate fuels me. It feeds me. Revenge fantasies are all I have.

Revenge fantasies are good and all, but the problem is that they are fulfilled sooner or ater. What then ? What after your shitty x whore gf commits suicide by choking on AIDS dicks like you always wanted? This question plagues me. Anger, like I said, is fleeting. Rely on it too much and it might fail you when you need it

I know this feel.

As someone who always assumes girls looking at me think I'm ugly because of self esteem issues, thanks for posting this.

Yea but also because of shit like this I'll think a girl I approach that was mirin me isn't into me because they don't obviously show it

just be confident bro

36 oldfag here
Used to be a neet twink at 27
Managed to pull my life out of a nosedive
Now im pretty fit and i have a good Paying Job and no longer feel the pull of the abyss

Guess if anyone needs advice on how to get out of a depressive spiral and get motivated to care about their lives i can help

no thanks. fuck you

Hey lads, I’m underage (16). What do you wish you did in highschool and what decisions do you wish you didn’t make? I read stories all over Veeky Forums about people fucking up and looking back on their youth as failures. How do I avoid this?

It's easy to fall in love with a rich girl, or poor girl. Educated/Non educated, already has kids / no kids, cute/ugly. etc...
There are one of you and a million of them, choose wisely. Always lift or run or both.

I'm 35 with a wife and two kids. 1/2/3/4.

1. Remember that most people on Veeky Forums are overweight, unsuccessful, and antisocial. Take everything written here with a grain of salt. It trends to the foolish, autistic, and negative. It can be as bad an echo chamber as tumblr or anywhere else.

2. Getting fit won't itself probably won't solve your problems with women. Fitness can make you a bit more physically attractive and confident, but doesn't "unlock" a girlfriend. It's your personality, mannerisms, and other qualities that are more likely the problem. More socializing, especially with people who are GOOD at socializing, is probably way more helpful in that regard.

3. SS isn't a troll. If you're weak, it will make you stronger. The problem is that it requires a surplus to work well after the initial phase. The gains are very aggressive. If you are fat, run it at a deficit until stall, then repeat the ABA BAB cycle at those weights or a little less until its time to bulk (i.e. you reached 10% bodyfat). Then eat a +400 surplus and run the program until it craps out. That's also the starting point for weak skinny guys. Most of you won't read the book or do the program properly, and your results and lifting "career" will suffer, though. Brainlets and lazy shits have my pity but they deserve everything that happens to them.

4. Delving deep into the Dark Tower or Twin Peaks will lead you to no satisfying answers, although the journey may be worthwhile nonetheless.

5. Seek to be a man of integrity, character, and confidence and a lot else will fall into place. If you stick to nothing else with total dedication, let it be this. At the worst, you'll always be able to look yourself in the mirror and sleep the sleep of a just man.

What number am I on? Make lists of things you need to do, from the big things to the small things in life. Make a schedule that includes times and actions. Ah! Comment too long... my time is up.

I wish I didn't care what everyone thought back then because high school literally doesn't matter besides grades.

Motivation sounds like a pain in the ass but lets hear it

>college freshman
>feel like i cant handle it
>already fit
>gf several states away cheated on me broke up with her ass
what do i do

high school literally doesn't matter

young love isn't important or good

the people who make out high school as the most important part of life are autistic virgins who glorify it because they're never experienced anything

enjoy being a kid and get good grades so you'll get somewhere in life and try to workout, don't forget to be social and sit at your computer all day

How do improve sex drive / libido / horniness?
I'm 19 and girls I would be attracted keep hitting on me and I feel nothing.
I can't even fap.
It doesn't help that I take antidepressants that aren't even that strong.

accept that your emotions won't go away overnight but that they will fade over time

the world is literally your oyster, just give it time and keep your eyes on the path ahead

time will heal all wounds my friend

keep going and it won't hurt as much as time goes on

eventually you'll think about her and realise you haven't thought about her for a week

just gotta fill the time between now and then

mmm im sure older men were always adding people on snapchat back in the day