Remember why you started guys

Remember why you started guys

that's not how real life works

virgin tier post

you should do it for yourself not for pussy

How is it not? We all need some motivation sometimes.

>he fell for the Veeky Forums meme

Your pic is something an Indian would post in his Facebook page.

Look closer at pic

You're lost

Look closer at your life.

I fell for the Veeky Forums meme 3 years ago and I still feel like shit every single day. I could've watched hundreds of anime series or had delicious fast food but instead I wasted my time lifting iron for no reason like a retard.

It doesn't matter how much you roid, silly leaf, you can't beat your masters

This Brazilian, the most attractive man on earth, tells you like it is.

Imagine being this insecure

I have dadbod and I fuck

this. all i'm doing at the moment is working on getting rid of my chin and manboon fat. after that i'm a great catch.

Yea and how many are 8's?

Reality is knocking at your door. Won't you answer?

>an American shilling for obesity
Truly surprising

i have given up on the getting buff path, however buff and good looking i get, i will always have a small cock and be ashamed to sleep with a woman because of that...

Don't slander me, I've been giving plenty of props to the skelly masterrace

Stop watching porn and comparing yourself to fake penises

Post your godlike body

my dick is less than 5 inches, its killing most of my sex drive

we Veeky Forums now lmao

Don't forget to train your neck to maximize facial aesthetics

bravo, jannies

how are you getting rid of bitch tits?

extremely high testosterone male

Thanks for the motivation bump

some people do it for the the high you get after or the fact you feel fucking good about yourself.

why does this picture give me nostalgia?

anyone else lift with the intention of rejecting as many cunts as possible?

am i good enough

>that cuck fanfic stuff on the bottom right


It's my shameful powerfantasy, but it's what drives me on.


this is how moby dick should have ended

I think my fantasy has evolved from this to just becoming a homewrecker and cucking guys. I hate women, and i really want to ruin their relationships.

I never understood this stupid bullshit. You faggots are the same as women who say they put makeup up and dress up like whores for themselves.

Except lifting is a hobby and dressing like a whore isn't. kys cuck.

Well we're not talking about lifting we're talking about looking good you fucking strawmanning cunt.

lookin good buddeh

W-will I have to settle for a fat gf?

that is not a particularly attractive woman

>all these fitters unironically playing along in a int made thread

you're always really fucking good but you can never be good enough

>I don't work out for bitches
>I work out because I want to be the in the best physical condition I can possibly be.

>tfw winged scapula

hot as fuck imo

>eat burger and fries
>adjust remaining macros and calories

I don't get it

Its not even dirty bulking if you just make it yourself

>minced beef patty with some herbs and salt, potentially onions/pepper/garlic/whatever too
>buy some whole wheat buns
>cut up a potato
>deep fry it for fries
>grill burger
>slap it in the bun, add a slice of actual cheese, maybe some chutney, maybe some salad

Literally nothing about that is "dirty". It only is if you get fast food.

fucking fuck you made me hungry

Post more like this, faggot.


I never forgot

pff fuck that twinkie looking guy

Sean is the most aesthetic everyone knows that