Post manlets getting crushed, BTFO'd, embarrassed or lying about their height
Manlet hate thread
Manlets, when will they learn to tell the truth
What's the point in these threads? No one can change their height. Get on with your life.
When will you fucking learn
Would pick Nick over that ugly lanklet. Gross.
Do you expect me to kill myself over memes?
N-no homo, right?
Something I never bothered to look up was Taylor Lautner's height. Google says he's 5'10", so he's probably 5'8"-5'9". Does that mean the girl on the left is 6'0" 6'1"? Is she the one calling him little? What country is she from? Sweden?
For comparison, the female lead of Twilight, Kristen Stewart, is 5'5"
Is it weird that I want to fuck Nick Jonas, now that I know he's a manlet?
just get the chinese bone surgery manlet
I'm 6'1 and I've started feeling uneasy when in the company of people who are taller than me.
Jesus fucking Christ, I can only imagine how horribly this place can cripple a manlet.
It's just autists that have no redeeming qualities other than that they're above average height.
They compensate for their lack of social skill, general appearance and (potentially) intelligence by doubling down on the only thing they have: their height.
They have nothing to feel good about, so they bring other people down in a desperate attempt to get get recognition by their peers.
It's quite sad. You see these thread often on Veeky Forums when some autist has a depression episode.
It's pretty much a meme at this point.
>inb4 manlet
Don't deny it, it's the truth.
I'm 6'2" and I was at a music festival the other day standing near a legit 6'6" or so Chad, every girl was mirin, kind of rustled my jimmies.
I'd say the psychology of it is something like:
>I'm insecure
>but at least I'm tall
>taller = objectively better
>shorter guys are therefore objective inferior
>i need everybody to acknowledge this so I can reassure myself that I am in fact superior
i.e. insecure lanklets that have nothing going for them but their height like to reaffirm that height is the most important thing.
That and the manlet meme can be pretty funny sometimes.
>I'm 6'1 and I've started feeling uneasy when in the company of people who are taller than me.
literally me. my gf has a girl friend that is like 6' 4" and i've joked around that i can't be around her w/o being uncomfortable
Manlets, when will they learn.
This and I come from a nuclear family household of erryone 6'+
>mom 6'
>dad 6'1
>sister 6'
>me 6'2
>bro 6'4
I saw a few 6'5+ people at university gym (prolly basketball players) and was uneasy
I just hate really tall girls mocking average sized guys
He is the norm you're the abnormal one why insult him
>m-m-manlets w-when will they learn
found the insecure, autistic lanklet
yeah, I'm a manlet according to autists on Veeky Forums, atleast I'm not making daily "le manlet xD" or "le lanklet xP" threads to feel better about my pathetic life.
Iktf at 6'3"
I was in a wedding a while back. I was the shortest dude in the wedding party, it was supper weird.
>yet you're in one
protip: you aren't 6'3"
It's possible I've shrunk. But I'll keep living the lie that's printed on my driver's license.
I said I don't MAKE daily THREADS.
I'm didn't say anything about not calling out autistic, insecure lanklets in said threads.
>They compensate for their lack of intelligence
case in point
You're the guerrilla manlet america needs.