but are you making it?
He is making it
is boogie going to start barbell training?
he has wasted most of his life
he'll never get to relive his young adult life as a normal human being
his hormone levels will be permanently fucked, together with his metabolism
and if he does actually manage to lose the fat, he won't even be able to say that he did it by himself, by the power of his will alone
Share your great life accomplishments with us, user.
You certainly have more friends, money and success than him, right?
We might learn a thing or two from you.
boogie spoted
If not being a disgusting obese sack of shit is making it, then I've been making it my entire life.
i gotta admit, he's way more successful than me
but if you think he himself wouldn't switch places with a regular, unpopular thin joe in an instant, you're delusional
because the thing about being extremely obese is that it decreases your ability to enjoy everything by a very huge amount. NOTHING feels better than health and/or heroin, and that fat fuck knows it
>than health and/or heroin
Can he eat a double bacon cheese burger or a whole pizza?
Will he ever enjoy things like that again?
>forced to eat less due to elective surgery to shrink his stomach
>cannot eat less on his own
>not exercising
>still too fat to fuck his wife
>she still gets fucked on the regular anyway
We all hope you die very soon boogie. Not as much as your wife wants you to, but almost...
Im a fat guy here. I put on 100 pounds after a really bad break up (fuck you). DESU i really wanted to kill myself bad. I thought about it everyday. So i ate candy and cokes and pizza because I really didn't give a fuck.
Eventually i forced myself to look at how ugly i was in the mirror. How fat I had gotten. I handicapped myself by not letting me hide my fat face in my beard. I handicapped myself by not buying new clothes and wearing out the 1 or 2 shirts i had.
I even ate burgers for 2 weeks straight on purpose, kinda like a big "fuck you" to myself. "EAT ALL THE BURGERS YOU FAT FUCK EAT THEM ALL"
I forced myself to the breaking point. Only the last 10 or so pounds was burger pounds though. So now I am fasting. I'm not eating anything besides water, and tea w/ skim milk.
Today is day 4. I have conquered the hunger feeling each day. I know it comes in waves. If you're fat all you have to do is not eat. It's not easy, but its what it takes. If you're addicted to heroin you gotta stop heroin.
Fuck all these diets. Its so complex. It's annoying as shit. Just stop eating. Suffer everyday. But I guarantee its better to suffer MORE for a shorter period of time than it is to suffer with diets everyday for years and years.
Also, fuck surgery.
So what happens when you start eating again?
>day 4
>You certainly have more friends
>implying a bunch of enablers that watched you kill yourself every day and cheered your suicidal behavior are "friends"
that's how you relapse, you fucking shit
fasting isn't sustainable, you need to do it the hard way, aka changing your habits
the longest recorded doctor assisted fast was 386 days. With significant nutrient and mineral replacement this can be achieved, however I will not need to fast that long since I am not as fat as the subject was in that test.
Typically by most doctors a day that you fast on is a day you consume less than 500 calories. You can even get stricter and say less than 300 calories.
Now, there are methods which can be used to help you adjust and cope with the fast. I use:
1) sugar-free cinnamon gum
2) carbonated flavored waters
3) tea (caffeine helps suppress hunger)
4) chicken broth
5) peanut butter/almond butter. This is around 100 calories per table spoon so if you use it sparingly 1 or 2 can get you through the day.
6) plenty of water
I'll tell you I don't feel a need to eat. I feel hunger but it comes in waves. I can crush these waves with water or tea or gum or even incense helps the smoke scent helps.
I don't want to eat. I think about food but I don't turn it into food porn. I do other things. Read. Watch movies. Go for a drive. Go for a walk. I'm not an expert on this but I'm reading all advice. Yesterday was tough because I was dizzy a lot. Today is better. This isn't a short term fast. I feel that as long as I have my supplies to cope with the waves of hunger that comes I can crush them every time. I'm totally optimistic.
I hope you're taking a multivitamin and a potassium supplement.
As everyone knows health and heroin go together like pb&j
yes, I am. I also plan to get some magnesium supplements. I heard longer fasts eventually you need to use these and also up your salt intake in the form of Himalayan salt.
Also using that True Lemon/Lime drink packs 10 calories per to divide up the mundane-ness of water tea.
You're going to rebound and get even fatter sinking into a deeper pit, please take the correct steps and sort yourself out
At my most crippling heaviest weight, I was still not even half the size he is currently.
I didn't have to get to the point where I literally lost my mobility to change.
And I was able to change without risking literal death to butcher my internal organs.
that's why i said "and/or"
you can't have both
So when you go off the fast what's gonna happen?
Will you eat and binge and gain the weight back?
Will making yourself suffer be for nothing?
read up on the man who fasted for 386 days and how he did not relapse. Also educate yourself on ketones and why your body produces them. Also understand that most people relapse on low calorie diets 700-1500. However when fasting there is a plateau when hunger shuts down. Learn about it. I am not sure when it hits but from everything I've heard it does hit. I imagine its 2-3 weeks in but It could be 4 weeks in. Everyone who fasts says the beginning is harder than the middle and end.
I feel very optimistic. I don't feel bad at all. I'd rather fast than eat low-cal artificial diet food with all the fat removed, it tastes like shit, it tastes like im punishing myself. It drives me to want to eat delicious food.
With the fast all I have to do is not eat and crush the hunger, that is easier than forcing myself to eat disgusting food.
I'm not a binge eater. I gained this weight during a 2 year "fuck it" period.
Well, better late than never. And regardless of how much help he needed, if he did it, then he did it.
>Health and or heroin
>And or
even the greatest of men aren't safe from the possibillity of making a few blunders here and there
you get my point though
I've lost 160 lbs without surgery, but he's married while I'll probably die a virgin. I guess he's made it more than I will.
healthy heroin addict here
in king of the world