Daily reminder to drink more water buddeh
thanks, buddeh
Based hydro-poster
water is literally the best drink debate me
No problem buddeh
Omae wa mou shindeiru buddeh
Based buddeh
Can't argue with the facts buddeh
i fucking hate these threads kys
thank you michael
I agree, believe you me buddeh
Maybe after I have a nice cool drink of water buddeh
Stay hydrated buddeh
nice just drank 100L
You are on your way. Three liters a day buddeh
I piss every 2 hours, my pee is transparent and i wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss
Is this enough water?
3 liters is what I would go for to get clear pee pee. Other than that I don't know you may have an over active bladder buddeh.
fuck bisping, big mouth fucker keeping based Whittaker from getting the money he deserves
fuck you too buddeh
> wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss
iktf lad, have to wake up twice every night. Don't drink water, tis bad for you
You sound angry. I suggest drinking a nice cold glass of water buddeh.
Be like water buddeh
I try to drink it throughout the day and not so much before I go to bed buddeh
how do you think bisping will beat gsp in november, honorable waterposter? my guess is 2nd round knockout
whats going on in this thread?
Drinking more water lately buddeh
love the Count, thank you i almost forgot.
Hope you beat Hey george, where you at, selling wolve tickets again?
Thanks buddy, gotta drink up
Just had a litre of it. Thanks buddeh
Quite simply really. I show up in an alien costume making him freeze in his tracks, and then introduce him to Left Hook Larry buddeh
Stock market analysis buddeh
That's it buddeh
I won't be impress by his performance buddeh
Full hydration equals no frustration buddeh
Two more to go buddeh
Coffee is superior and is mostly water.
So do you recomend drinking 3 litres of coffee a day?
caffeine jitters y/n
I am not impressed by your hydration
If you aren't drinking a gallon of water a day you aren't drinking enough
Drink more water buddeh
brown teeth for no payoff y/n
Caffeine cucks are hilarious
>drinking water
LOL. No thanks. Id rather drink superior liquids that actually supply me with all of my micro nutrients while still getting all of my water.
>tfw been drinking 3L of water every single day for 2 months now
I am become water
soy boy detected
Tequila is 60% water
No, not soy milk. That is highly estrogenic.
good luck with your liquid diet of mostly sugar
while you're in the bathroom having smelly diarreah shits ill be enjoying a cool glass of water
>he thinks sugar is bad for you
Holy shit this cant be Veeky Forums
I cant imagine how deficient in important vitamins most of you imbeciles are.
>hurr but i take multivitamin
Fucking kek
Teddy Roosevelt did
>what are vegetables
>what is fruit
Fucking juice cucks
Hey Veeky Forumsizens with shit tier jobs, How do you get away with having to take a piss every 30 mins without manager getting mad?
I know getting a job is a better solution, but that's not the question.