>Eat homemade pizza ever night
>Including other really bad food
>Still skinny
>Never leave my room
explain this fit fags
>Eat homemade pizza ever night
>Including other really bad food
>Still skinny
>Never leave my room
explain this fit fags
it's almost like you're eating below your tdee
it's almost like it's about quantity and not quality
it's almost like you're not only a neet - but also a retard
mad fattie detected
post your shit bod next to your pizza
post your body or i'll sage this thread six feet below... your move.
I don't have phone. Is it really that hard to believe? I'm also 5'8 so.
not quite
6'4" 176 lbs
Why then help me understand smart guy
"Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is an estimation of how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account"
I said I never leave my room which includes not exercising, so learn to read retard
> quantity and not quality
what does this even mean in the context of my post?
the tdee includes all the energy you expend during a day. this includes sitting, walking, exercising, thinking, breathing, sleeping, everything.
>I never leave my room which includes not exercising
and that is covered by your tdee.
>what does this even mean in the context
it doesn't matter if you eat "bad" food, or pizza daily. what matters for weight loss/weight gain is the amount of calories you consistently take in daily for an extended period of time. if you eat half your tdee of pizza and candy (and nothing else) consistently you will inevitably lose weight.
This. Read the fucking sticky OP
Hmm makes sense, I don't exactly have a 3 meals a day routine more like whenever I feel fucking hungry routine
I did. The sticky says pretty much what this other user said guess in regards too people who like me, think It's impossible too gain weight. But it also said something along the lines of "or these people are being dishonest". Can't find it but it's in there.
Its simple really.
>Calculate your TDEE
>Eat 500-1000 calories over
>gain weight
Bam. Solved your problem
1. calculate tdee
2. count calories and eat the amount of calories you'd like. I eat 20% above or below when I want to bulk/cut.
3. weigh yourself daily. this will let you know to what extent your calculations are off. if you're not gaining enough weight - just eat more.
Never gonna make it
>eating 3400 kcal per day
>not gonna make it
Ill have you know I eat 1600 calories a day. And thats putting me in a 1000 calorie deficit...yes, im a fat fuck...my point? No idea.
how's that working out?
if you're consistently eating at a 1000 calorie deficit and not losing weight, then you're not eating at a 1000 calorie deficit
Im losing 1000 calories a day. Thats what a deficit means. Im losing 2 pounds a week by doing nothing. Not bad. Lost 13 pounds so far
>Thats what a deficit means
I'm making a distinction between the calorie intake people /think/ they have - and what they /actually/ take in
plenty of people here who for some magical reason aren't gaining/losing enough weight even though they're eating so-and-so many calories extra/less
How is it difficult? Calculate your damn TDEE and adjust accordingly. Are people that stupid?
no, it's actually not that simple.
your tdee is highly dependent on your level of lbm. "how tall are you and how much do you weigh?" doesn't account for lbm% relative to bf%. energy expenditure beyond basic metabolism is notoriously hard to pinpoint, as different bodies expend different levels of energy doing seemingly similar things. being at the activity level "working out for 3-5 days a week" or "going for a 30 minute jog" is never the same thing for different individuals. differences in body composition, basic levers, level of exercise intensity, workout routine... it's all approximations with high levels of deviation.
eating a certain amount of calories is also hard, due to the natural fluctuations of calorie content in all kinds of foods. that part is more easily controlled, though.
in the end, you need to realize that you cannot be that specific in terms of X amount of calories per day - but rather aiming for a weighted average of your desired weight loss or gain over time. I do that by weighing myself once a day and making a spreadsheet - and then adjust accordingly.
Like 75% of your TDEE is maintaining your bodily functions. If you're skinny you must be eating less than your TDEE you stupid little bitch.
Fucking kek