So you are saying traps of girls dosnt look hot? Hint: you guys are gay if you say no
So you are saying traps of girls dosnt look hot? Hint: you guys are gay if you say no
Pic related is the ideal female form. Deal with it.
Nice try homo
im gay, but i think she is hot
maybe gay guys just like this kinda thing
T. You
I've never said such a crazy thing
I find women with strong backs extremely attractive.
as long as it has a pussy and its BMI is not over 25, I dont give a single fuck about anything else.
well, you are 1 level from becoming gay. But np bro, we life in a time where its ok to be gay.
>liking this
moles on bum
like if u agree
Im getting to that point user...
That girl looks EXACTLY like my oneitis
Just thinking it might be a man makes me uninterested and aggressive
Don't know about you fags, but I would bury my face in every single one of those ladies above and eat that pussy till it was raw!!!!
>eating disorder physique
Brah, what you are putting here is a WHOLE. Yes...we can see her traps a lot, but also a thin curvaceous waist, a nice ass and not overdeveloped triceps in her arms.
What about pic related?
Are traps gay?
Those are teres major though, not traps.
it's almost 2020
it's okay to be gay user
i dont know what you are implying here
TIL: the only thing more defensive than a pro muscle-chicks guy is an anti muscle-chicks fag.
I want to breed her so that my sons may inherit these great traps
a slut shrugging 80lbs with low bf doesnt impress me
No ass
No hips
very little bodyfat
Not even a hint of nipplage or hand bra'd side boob from that angle so she's so flat she's probably concave.
BUT she has abnormally large traps.
you have the wierdest ass taste in women.
>has a normal ads
>ok hips
>not even that lean
>arms are covering any potential sideboob
I bet you are a nigger
Traps are gay dude.
>>has a normal ads
This is fit, you can get away with a flat or mediocre ass if everything else is on point. But not before
>>ok hips
Yeah, nah.
>>not even that lean
Lean enough to see that kind of defintion is lean enough to not menstruate anymore.
>>arms are covering any potential sideboob
user, if all it takes to cover her boobs from that angle are her arms...then she doesn't have much in the way of boobs.
Everything in that picture says she's mediocre as fuck and has creepily huge traps on top of it.
Her Insta is amazing
traps are gay