Who here quit drinking?
2 weeks sober here. I miss the warm buzz that completed me but it makes cutting out of fat mode pretty easy now.
Alcohol discussion thread
I "quit" 4 weeks ago. Haven't had a drop since, no desire to drink.
Honestly, I feel a lot better. I've been working out every day, my mood is better, I'm dropping some extra weight.
Almost a month sober now after nearly a decade of raging alcoholism.
Stay strong, OP.
Im thinking about quitting. I got really drunk on saturday and I feel guilty/embarassed/ashamed about it. I dont think I did anything too stupid, but it bothers me that I wasn't fully in control of myself.
Feels fucking bad man
My last drink was on dec 31st 2015. It get's easier as time goes on. There have been a couple nights out that I wanted to drink, but upon awaking the next morning, I didn't regret not drinking. In fact I've never regretted not drinking.
AMA I guess.
Week 2 was easier than week 1.
>drinking once a week
Yeah your not even close to knowing what a problem is yet
Did you lose much weight since you quit?
I quit in part to finally cut out of fatmode.
How do I know I'm an alcoholic?
2 weeks sober as well after about 10 years of drinking that turned into an addiction. Going to AA and shit, even quit smoking weed. I've never been this clear headed. I feel awesome.
I lost fat, lost about 5 pounds but gained a bunch of muscle and strength. I though by virtue of giving up the calories in alcohol that I would essentially give myself a six pack. Not the case at all, but I look 10x better than I did when I would drink. My training and active life have really improved, I have to force myself to take a rest day during the week.
You drink every morning snce you can remember
1y5m sober. Definitely had a problem though. I'm very happy. I'll get sad every once in awhile, I just have to remember that it is normal to be sad sometimes, and to not try and escape it.
I highly recommend it. But I don't judge others.
You know who doesn't wonder if they're an alcoholic? non-alcoholics. If you're wondering if you're an alcoholic, you probably are. That doesn't mean that your life is unmanageable and you need to abstain your whole life, but it is a possibility your life will become unmanageable and abstinence might be a solution for you.
Not true, I was an alcoholic for years and only drank at night. The work I do I cannot be drunk for or I would throw up or pass out from heat exhaustion. Many alcoholics are "functioning alcoholics"
Does drinking have a negative impact on your life? If not then no.
A true alcoholic drinks everyday of the week. They can't hold a job and are generally gonna be homeless or mooching off of somone else, or pissing away their own savings. Functional alcoholics drink at work, I've worked with many of them, they sneak out for a smoke break (and a drink), have a few with lunch and generally try to fit in as many drinks as they can get away with while at work. Some will even get pissed drunk if they think they can get away with it (ive worked at pretty large manual labor operations that had really loose management, plenty of guys routinely got away with being drunk/high at work).
If you don't fit the above description you aren't an alcoholic, but that doesn't mean you don't have a drinking problem.
Not even.
If you have a beer and just can't seem to resist another, it's your addiction kicking in.
Going by that definition, I'm addicted to pizza. Yet I've voluntarily gone months without eating one.
While I was a practicing alcoholic, I'd have a few during the week and get blasted on the weekends. I never got fired, always made good money had a nice house/car etc. But since getting sober, my life is so much better and so much easier. Not every bodies rock bottom is low...
Have you even read the big book or attending meetings? You are spouting nonsense like you know what you're talking about.
I drink three to four nights a week. Varying from four beers to six beers and a bottle of wine each night I drink.
My family life is so stressful though that drink is the only thing that I look forward too.
I need to giive it a rest though as it's standing in the way of my fat loss and muscle gains.
Anybody here gone from drinking too much to occasional drinking without having to go dry?
Ya, lots of people have. From what I understand it takes a term of being dry in order to achieve more desirable moderation. But most people just slip back into their old ways (or worse) after a period of abstinence.
I went from getting blackout drunk every Saturday to being able to enjoy two pints of 4% once a week and call it quits. I don't enjoy being really drunk but man, oh man, I love those 15 minutes of having my thoughts slow down for once.
I went six weeks without drinking last year and actually vomited when I drank my first beer afterward. I persevered though and I'm back to regular drinking as I posted With hindsight I should have taken the vomiting as a sign.
Life is stressful bro, but a lot of people can handle it without alcohol. Getting sober was the best decision I've ever made. It's different, for sure, there are just so many benefits!!!
then good job on overcoming your unhealthy relationship with food
>life is sressfull bro
Have you ever had to care for your mentally ill mother who has a breakdown every couple of months and tries to kill herself? Whilst simultaneously being the sole carer for your 86 yo grandmother? Then having your father turn up after 17 years of absence to tell you he has a year to live because of liver cancer, who's appearance prompts your mother to try and kill herself in turbo mode because she unironnically believes he wants to murder her. and all the while you have absolutely no hope of ever getting as much as a job interview for a job you know you wouldn't be able to fully commit to anyway?
This is why I drink.
Well I can't promise that not drinking will cause your problems to go away, nor will it be easier to get through sober. But you can get through it sober, and you'll be better for it. Sorry to hear bout the hard times m8y
I bet if you go to an AA meeting you'll find many people who have been in many similar situations that can help you out.
yup, keep making excuses you fucking pussy
The problem is when this difficult period is over you will say to yourself 'now I can stop drinking' and you won't be able too.
Had a problem for a while over the winter, downing some 12liters of the shittiest, cheapest beer I could find each weekend (some $6 for 3liters). Gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of muscle since it consisted mainly of watching movies and eating pizza with the room mate.
a lot better now; can't quit drinking because too much of this society relies on it for communication now. But I only buy expensive, good beer to remind myself it isn't about getting drunk. Paying 4 bucks for some import IPA vs getting 500g of Chicken Breast always puts things into perspective, especially when you're poor.
Drank close to daily for about the past year.
I embarrassed myself last weekend drunk and decided enough was enough. Its the main source of my problems, anxiety/frustration. I also quit coffee at the same time which I think is what drove it. Six cups of coffee per day got me super hyped/anxious/frustrated and then I would take the edge off with beers when I got home.
One thing I noticed is I am dehydrated now, unless I pound a fuckload of water in the morning. Symptom of just drinking less fluids in general.
Just finished day 8, going Sober for October. Wish my luck guys!
I haven't quit drinking because I'm not a pussy. Train your body and liver at the same time you fucking pleb
A year sober today.
Haven't had an honest drink in 3 years, however.
Shit just keeps getting better. Problems don't go away, but I am able to handle them now much more easily from a clear perspective. Also, don't underestimate the mental gains senpai.
I still miss listening to chet baker with a bottle of wine on a rainy day though.
still drink because i like to drink
just dont fuck up, get drunk and go home no needs to show off
i drink every 2-3 days, but can go a whole month without it, mostly do it with friends.
I barely drink. I didn't drink anything in 16 months. But the past 4 weeks I've gotten drunk every weekend, by myself, because life is so shit. I don't even know why I want to because like I said I don't drink.
Ay. It's taken months but I think I'm finally there where I can have a drink without needing another.
I ain't brave enough to try it out though.
I drink a beer or two or half a bottle of red wine nearly each day and it's starting to feel uncontrollable. When I noticed that I make room for this caloriewise on my cut, I decided that I won't drink from october to december and see how it works out.
I was drinking half a bottle of vodka a day until my ex left me.
Then I quit drinking, made it 23 days and had 4 shots on vacation, back to sober for a while and took 3 shots on another vacation. The last time I really got drunk was on my birthday at the casino.
Now my biggest issue is trying not to buy a shot while out trying to improve my social skills. It feels weird going back and forth through all the bars dodging bartenders asking me what I'm doing, but I'm used to it by now. and I can avoid drinking.
We're all gonna make it
I quit drinking last Christmas because I made a fool of myself and almost died driving home. It was a little humbling to realize I'm a man but I can't control my alcohol intake but at least I haven't done any really stupid shit since.
Read the wiki on it. It lists criteria. You only need to meet two, apparently.
One month without drinking, want to also quit smoking weed.
Pfft. Your life is pure luxury, m8.
>Implying AA is a medical authority
AA sets the bar low to maximise the number of diagnoses so as to maximise their enrollment rates.
Real alcoholism is serious stuff. Don't mistake it for alcohol abuse or alcohol misuse.
Since I started self medicating with ritalin, I have no longer any desire to drink.
But I have swopped one thing for another.
Whats worse? 5 beers a day or 20mg ritalin a day?
Lmfao @ the absolute state of your life anons never drank alcohol in my life clean since i was born
If you're gonna be a loser for life, at least learn proper punctuation.