Post your best/worst manlet encounters here. I'll start.
At the gym today, just as I finished my last set of front squats I heard a faint, 'hey'. I looked around and saw nobody, until my altitude adapted ears were met with further interaction, 'Down here...' I looked down into the manlet pit next to the rack to see a pack of manlets looking up to me. 'Can we use the bar? T-there are no weights down here. Only rocks.' Feeling bad, I placed the empty barbell into the pit. I was going to give them a few plates too but I saw a PT coming and, ignoring their cries, pretended I couldn't hear them and moved along.
Manlet hate thread
>mfw a manlet hogs up the normal people water fountain at the gym
When will they learn
This place is really unhealthy. Why hate on anyone? Who cares if a guy is shorter or taller? Don't you see that you're psychologically warping yourselves when you obsess over and feel hate for, well, anything? We're brothers and sisters and life is tough enough as it is. We should be helping each other, not tearing each other down.
>Inb4 Die u manlet haha!11! XD
Yeah I'm 5'3" but my beliefs wouldn't change if I were taller.
What is the point of this thread? I get fph's but why hate on manlets? I mean it's not their fault. You are not helping anyone. This thread is sad and pathetic.
Stop falling for the bait. It's either a manlet shit posting or a lanklet trying to feel superior, just enjoy the comedy.
It really does mess with some shorter guys' minds, though, especially the young guys. And some tall guys really buy into the whole meme, and turn into major league assholes. These threads shouldn't exist. They're cancer.
If it's >"bait"
and If it's a >"lanklet trying to feel superior"
this truly is sad and pathetic
>be 5'10" king of manlets
>make manlet threads to make fun of even shorter people to feel better yourself
I only get to pick one, but OP obviously picked both.
I'm 5'11, so emperor of manlets. Its all bants, friend :)
>manlet therapy
The only reason I hate manlets is that they always feel like they have something to prove so instead of being decent people they’ll try to show everyone that they’re actually alpha when in reality they’re more miserable than anyone because they will never feel like a complete man. See: Beta Destiny
Manlet hate should be a bannable offence like racism is.
>Denying your condition as human
>Denying the importance of genetic quality
are manlets even human?
Fuck that OP theres a reason they're kept in the pit. The last time I tried to help a manlet his buddies jumped me and they tried to hack some extra inches off my legs
we get it you hate yourself dude lmao
>manlet damage control
pic rel, me on the left
You're a girl?
>implying incels are human
Yeah, manlets should just kill themselves lol
thanks user
Yeah and 2 posts later
Fucking newfags from reddit destroying the entire point of the site which is anonymity.
Larp elsewhere you sad cunt
wait, do you actually think i'm an elf gril?
>This is the kind of person who goes on Incel and make posts like "I cant believe society bullies us those normal ppl are so evil :((((((( im ruined my childhood is ruined i hate normal people so much once a guy stole my lunch in 3rd grade and I have PTSD this is a safe space everyone get out or I call a mod fucking normal people so mean:("
i dont care about you at all. thats your biggest problem in life. no one cares about you. so you have to make autistic posts so people finally notice you. but you dont get that still no one actually cares about you. people just want you to fuck off. narcissistic cunt
nice manlet rage lmoa
What i find funny about some of these manlet posts is that some of the dudes on Veeky Forums are shorter than my mom. But still who cares how tall you are, it wont matter if your 5'10 fighting a 6'3 dude if you can actually fight
>implying you can
Then they can catch those fucking hands
>tfw 5'10, attractive face,premed, ottermode
I've fucked more girls than most of you lanklets will jerk off in your miserable tallfag micro-climate.
>what manlets tell themselves
lmfao i love beating the shit out of manlets, tbqh
it's like a father disciplining his son.
>implying im a manlet
user-kun im 6ft on the dot
Sure you did, Frodo.
Can't tell if this thread is full of ironic manlets or insecure lanklets...
It's a single incel that somehow got out from his commitment board
Where'd he find a small ladder to get to it?
Both, I guess
>y-yeah, surely my height doesn't matter, r-right?
>Actually took the time to create a reddit account and make up a 2 page long story so he can post it later on Veeky Forums
the absolute state of virgins
I just found the original reddit post and it says 5'4 instead of 5'11. Stop with this shit lmao
LMFAO bruh Veeky Forums must literally make some people wanna kill themselves
Veeky Forums can be discouraging but i cant imagine a mouth breathing retard who dumps his manlet collection 2 times a day having any affect other than pity on anyone
That one's just funny though.
> P A N I C
That's honestly gotta suck to be that short
Jeez today isnt my fucking day
4`9 Manlet tries to impress Chloe with his bernie t-shit and kingdome hearts clown shoes, but she towers over him and shut him down... lol manlets.. when will they learn?
Honestly if I was the fridge hulk I would find the bernie shirt a bigger turnoff than the visible absence of height
imagine calculating random guys' height from pictures
I felt like a manlet once.
>be me at 6 foot one
>one day go into a chickfila
>one teenage girl taking orders has to be 6 foot 7
>she ends up taking my order
>felt emasculated looking up at her
>l can imagine why all the manlets are always mad now
>implying you arent a heavily breathing reddit refugee
is 5'11 manlet? i thought i was tall until i started taking notice of height. Im shorter then a lot of people.. are people just taller in australia?
This, except I'm 6'6 and encountered a 7 foot+ guy. It felt very unnatural and I had a brief identity crisis since I was no longer "the tall guy" while he was near me. I always thought my height was utterly irrelevant to me, but that seems to have been before a czech cobalt smelting gathering brainwashed me to believe it's everything, and before I saw taller people.
also a manlet, because only a manlet gets mad about posters using science to calculate height from pictures
Oops, it looks like Chad forgot his water bottle
Unfortunately yeah, you are a manlet, you're not a person, but that's enough to be manlet royalty, a so called king of manlets. With that title, you can actually order lesser manlets around, so it could have been worse.
No..? Is this bait? You must not be a real 5'11 if you're shorter than the majority unless you live in parts of the netherlands or germany
only manlets care about height how new are you
your entire identity is being the tall guy so its normal that losing it feels weird. its not the same for 99% of the people
It starts off as parody, then gets repeated so often that it attracts people who actually buy into it.
>only manlets care about height
idk m8, most if not all manlet threads are made by lanklets
do people actually go out on this board? ask average and tall people and half of them dont even know their own height and will say something like "i dont know i was like 6'1 8 years ago in high school"
manlet threads are 100% made by incels. your average insecure lanklet doesnt sounds like a school shooter
Its mostly teens I think, they either don't realize that when they joke about shit it can chisel at someones self esteem and really damage them, or they do realize and are trying to impress us with how epic they can be on Veeky Forums.
It's fascinating to see how many people really dont know how tall they are and when they claim "6ft" but are like 5'10 it's hilarious. Not to mention those who say their height in footwear instead of barefoot
175cm is the average for Aus. I feel pretty tall at my uni with all the asians and around.
Its because nobody gives a shit brah
What the hell is that imp, look at Chloe`s hands and length of her arms compared to this guys body.. Her arm is longer than his leg, and her hand could cover his entire torso
Its a genetic freak standing next to a genetic mistake
because most people dont actually care enough to measure and just assume theyre taller because they imagine the average is taller.
i hate when height obsessed faggots make some weird conspiracy theory how everyone else is a height obsessed faggot too secretly.
most people just really dont care and will say an estimate which can be off
>((((accidentally))) censoring the part that would show her shoes
Are incels this dumb?
Yea i dont give a shit about height either but i know mine for a fact and you're not gonna look me dead in the face and say you're 5'11 and you're actually like 5'8-9
are you?
OP you need to find something better to do with your life.
>better order some boots when I get home
Every fucking time
It's a shoop, she's easily 6'4" and her arms are made to look small here
Insecure lanklets that use their height as a coping mechanism for various failures.
>But still who cares how tall you are,
you're getting meme'd on son
>mass monster
top kek m8
wtf this has to be some sort of desease right?