Veeky Forums memes you fell for

>6'2(just above manlet cutoff)
>good frame
>ugly face
>1/2/3/4 achieved
still no gf

FACE and CONFIDENCE is everything

>deadlift 4pl8 for reps
>still pancake ass
>squat more than anyone on my shitty gym
>still small quads
>row above 2pl8s easily
>my back and lats are still shit

Whats next, squats and oats fallacy?
Glutes for the sloots theory?
neckpill idiocy?

Other urls found in this thread:

how do you dl 4plaet on those legs? weird

Cat that back boiiii

if you were lifting for more than 2months you would realize that rounding the back makes it harder to deadlift, especially id you had one injury already like me

>it has only made me stronger

>touch and go
yeah i know its not the same as full reset deadlift. Do i care? not really its just different overloading way

You don't have a gf cause you post autistic ass threads like this

>its another tfwnogf episode
hate these reruns

>if I lift an arbitrary amount of weight on a bar girls will like me more than if I fixed my toxic personality


come home, cuckboi

Kys ogar you ugly perma virgin