T-thanks for the memes Veeky Forums I think my date with Nicole! Is gonna go well tomorrow...

T-thanks for the memes Veeky Forums I think my date with Nicole! Is gonna go well tomorrow. Unfortunately I couldn't get Cialis so I got Viagra instead wish me luck boyos. Where should I take her this is my first date

>Unfortunately I couldn't get Cialis so I got Viagra instead wish me luck boyos.

Do you look at that much porn or are so insecure that you can't get it up? Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>using viagra

how old are you my dude?

>where should I take her
ideally you would fly to France in your private jet and order her some dinner

Wait. You have been training your wallet as much as your muscles, right? That's really the only thing that matters
Lol peasants

>not telling her "how about not dressed at all"

if im planning on fucking all night ill usually get pretty drunk. i can keep an erection but i cant cum for the life of me. so ill be fucking all night til we fall asleep then when we wake up i fuck and cum in the morning when im sober. beats fucking for 2 minutes and blowing my load

I'm 25. No ED issues. My friend said viagara turned him into a beast tho -- he said after he tickled it down there he was able to keep going. I don't wanna lose her because of a bad performance!


you got this man

are you the guy who posted that video of yourself riding a sick wavebreak? dude why would you not invite her to the beach and just eat at some beachside restaurant or something

you get the meal and you can show her your skills, your body and she'll probably have on a bikini too badda boom

I'm seriously considering this too, just cause my last gf was tight as fuck and I'd cum in like 5 minutes. Even when I've fucked girls for 30 minutes straight before too. I'm 24 with no ED ever but I know for a fact that a really disappointing first sexual performance could ruin things from progressing further. I would stop taking it after we had sex a couple of times though.

>Taking viagra at 25 with no actual ED

Enjoy giving yourself ED you fucking idiot