Can I get a form critique?
an overpaid nigger who thinks his faggy little "prostest" means anything to the average person who doesn't get paid millions to catch a ball. Yeah good work Tyrone, really fighting the system with this one. Trump was right, only instead just getting fired for kneeling during the anthem, just send their monkey asses back across the ocean to Africa. Then they can put those nigger genetics to real use when they have to fight a pride of lions out in the bush for their next meal.
You seem like an angry person
>not standing on the severed head of our racist orange president
And his life is better than more satisfying and enjoyable than yours could ever be
Can anyone fill me in on this protest. Black people mad at oppression so they take a knee? What are their demands? What do they want to achieve?
>Muh flag
>Muh anthem
>Muh big daddy trump
they are mad that they get killed by cops at a higher percentage of their pop than white people do.
they aren't mad that they commit murder at a higher percentage.
they aren't mad that they commit interracial murder at a higher percentage of their total murders
>they are mad that they get killed by cops at a higher percentage of their pop than white people do.
Fine, sure, but is there a proposal as to how you solve the problem?
stop pulling the trigger unless the nigger points the gun at you
Negroes and kneeging because Drumpf spoke out against them
Being a traitor x F
no first guy did it to protest america until it was a better place
now trump said people kneeling should be fired
so many more started to kneel or ignore their national anthem
shitty sports coverage networks spam this shit rather than just talk about baseball or soccer i don't give a fuck anything as long as its actual sport
can you just tell us what happened instead of being a faggot
and when he points the gun it's too late. Great idea.
you're damn right it is!
found the nigger lover
Wish I was American
Imagine being the american negro: highest average wealth and income of any other group of your own race, literally best opportunities afforded than any other group of blacks, and still routinely get overshadowed by nigerian igbo immigrants.
Truly a slave caste.
a pro athletes are taking a knee to draw attention to police brutality mainly against people of color, conservative snowflakes got triggered and started going on about how they hate our country or don't care about the troops. the whole thing blew way out of proportion and polarized a bunch of people, streisand effect in a nutshell.
how is kneeling protesting? if anything they're showing more loyalty
ewww that cyst on her left leg
the original guy sat the first time, but switched to kneeling instead of standing.
can't unsee now, thanks user..
>police brutality mainly against people of color
How about trying to not murder at rates 10 times greater than those of whites?
You look lika a son of a bitch who's about to get fired
do you think blacks have control of this and just choose to murder? they are all born into dysfuncional families within a dysfunctional culture.
yeah but that doesn't justify killing non-hostile or unarmed people during routine stops. police brutality is really a problem in general in america, not just for blacks.
Sure thing, it's just culture.
They totally aren't more likely to have variants of the androgen receptor gene and MAO-B gene that make them more prone to aggression.
single motherhood is the greatest predictor of poverty in the u.s. and children who grow up without a father in the home are several times more likely to end up in jail.
the rate of single motherhood among poor whites is catching up to where it was for blacks a few decades ago. it's not a race specific phenomenon, a strong family unit and an emphasis on education is the critical issue.
>show your hands
>stop resisting
>drop the gun
cool irrelevant graph bro. i particularly like how it presents an absurdly small sample size and doesn't address any of the points i made.
Yes, New york city, such an absurdly small sample size.
It also totally doesn't constitute evidence that rates of death by police among blacks are exactly what (actually, they're lesser than) what we should expect given black crime rates.
I didn't say single motherhood isn't important, it is. I said that even if you fixed that, there is evidence to suggest that the rates wouldn't become equal.
I mean, yes?
You should have noticed it if you were watching her ass. What are you, low test or something?
didn't notice it cause i was busy fantasizing about her ass
gtfo nigger
>they are all born into dysfuncional families within a dysfunctional culture
Somehow its not their fault
Unless their contract/boss says they have to, not "should stand" as recommendation then who cares? Its simple irony that when your FORCED to stand or say the pledge that you are infact going against what america was originally about, freedom. freedom of speech for a movement or the freedom to not have to be blindly patriotic. Unfortunately a lot of my countrymen don't realize that only in a fascist/authoritarian/dictator state are people REQUIRED outright allegiance or patriotism to said state. Which again is the opposite of true freedom, personal freedom. ***I do not necessarily agree with each individuals reasons behind their exercise of freedom but I support their right to exercise none the less
Is robbing people not a hate crime?
Is murdering people not a hate crime?
Is raping people not a hate crime?
Is random violence not a hate crime?
This nigga gets it.
Cant believe how fucking dumb an easily polarized Americans are. They literally don't understand what they stand for anymore way too often.
It is when they start glorifying said culture and families.
>crime data skews differently in urban vs. rural settings
>nyc have like 1/40 the population of the u.s. as a whole, and your image only shows a single year
>just because one group commits significantly more crime does not mean that's its justifiable to use excessive or deadly force when it isn't warranted
There is a few of us that don't inherently take to one side or another, we try to spread our wisdom to take a step back and think about that stuff and all the factors. Most of the time older folk are too stubborn to see the irony or were indoctrinated early on without any other alternative way of thinking, and unfortunately if the younger folk don't realize they also get "radicalized" to the left or right too. Its a shitfest here ill tell you that much
Those statistics are also skewed, the police force is literally filled with klan members and crooked cops who plant evidence. It's still wrong to treat people like dirt because of statistics. How can a crime stat make it ok to erase a person's humanity?
Take away all the guns
t. Anglo saxon