Is it a god-tier bulking food?

Is it a god-tier bulking food?

only if u throw a slice of ham in there


Enjoy your cow secretion waste product.

You forgot the over easy egg faggot

dyel manlet spotted

i didnt, thats really gross user

and the red onions

and the jalapenos

ITT Veeky Forums makes a sandwich

cant forget the peanut butter spread

Now I am hungry.

And the olives.

I'm plant powered, faggot.

You're too much of a pussy to not kill other sentient beings?

I only buy factory meat, because you can taste the fear

Paying another man to kill a docile animal and package the meat for you? You're just like a fierce lion in the wild!

I hunt for at least a portion of my meat.


Hi Veeky Forums


I'll make sure to eat an extra slice of ham and cheese to honor you

If you live anywhere in USA or Canada, there's a pretty good chance you ate beef I personally killed. I did it for you user, and I liked it.

Thank you, I will.

Have fun always having a shit body I guess.

>shit body

I wonder who wrote this

>taking in excess calories because a vegan said your diet is bad

How braindead can you get?

Post a time stamped photo you fucking cuck. Let's see what a big strong man you are

Not going to post a pic of myself so you can jerk off. Go visit reddit/r/veganfitness if you want to see that.

You could always be a vegetable, or a vegan...

If you dont buy the meat and eat it, the same exact shipment of meat is arriving that day, only some of it will be thrown out and gone to waste



>Thinks we kill cows for cheese. Hmmmmm

calves die for cheese

Wait we don't?

why even bother

Eat this its better.

that looks disgusting but i feel like it would taste good

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is so comfy

>Not peanut butter and oats

Okay, sure.

>want to make grilled cheese
>microwave broken



>I bet he doesn't even use whey
wew fucking lad mate