Lift heavy, get big muscles
>the feeling of wanting to be a girl is still not going away
Lift heavy, get big muscles
get your testosterone, estrogen + all hormones checked.
I hear Kroc rows help
Was in a similar place. Meditating helped me. Haven't jerked to any of that shit in a while. I would try a mix of no fap, meditation, and continuing to heavy lift. Do not throw away your life and gains for a fleeting feeling of desire. You're gonna make it user.
Some times people feel like they want to be a girl. So what? Let the feeling come and go. Just stop fighting with yourself.
DO you want to be a girl because of the social/romantic relationship perks, but still want to fuck women? In that case I know that feel so hard... But if you physically want to be a girl, and with the body and all that, I definitely do not know, and do not want to know that feel.
>25 years old
>Well-paying, stable, cool job (pilot)
>Don't know how to meet women now that I'm no longer in college, coupled with the crippling anxiety of rejection and heart break, but knowing that the dating pool is shrinking every day.
i can't win
what the fuck?
there are 100 apps out there designed to help you meet women.
I tried tinder for a week. I saw nothing except hamplanets and "proud mommy of two wonderful angels that will always come first".
>just give all your intimate details to the electric jew
You can get really submissive women on their 30's easily, at that point it's like shooting fishes on a barrel.
>mfw feminism is creating broken women, ready to do whatever you want.
Sort yourself out.
Stop eating soy. Protip : most fast food chains cook with soybean oil. Most chocolate contain soy. Avoid corn too.
So this is apparently the unpopular option on this board, but maybe you should just be a girl? My confidence increased sooo much after transitioning. And I'm so much happier and more productive now.
Something was very wrong with me before, but now I'm over that and have the motivation and energy to focus on bettering myself. Thanks estrogen!
you're what's wrong with the world
>this is the male brain on soy
>undiagnosed mental condition
I don't need a brain scan to see.
>disgusting soyboy giving bad advice
u single?
Pimozide. Get you some