Just be yourself
Just be yourself
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Why be myself when I can be better than myself
>tiny bulge
lol, the white man's burden
short is too short but does not care because dick can't get out, even hard
John Bettendorf
White man's burden is 8 inch dick and superior intellect
Must suck to descend from niggers bred to be stupid and servile
>Just be yourself
you mean wasting 100s of opportunities to speak to women who were interested because im too pussy despite being attractive enough?
>White man's burden is 8 inch dick
so why'd your mom cuck your dad?
whites don't have sickle cell genes. they don't have priapism.
fuck off, nerd
aw mate it was just a joke. i didn't know you really were diseased
how many threads are you gonna saying the same shit in shitskin?
>lol cuck lol
A sure sign of a non-white is an inferior intellect that can't comprehend nor conceive an original insult
>how many threads are you gonna saying
is this the superior white intellect?
>he left out a work must be dumb
while you're reaching for straws go ahead a use one to slurp up your piss from the side of the street you filthy pajeet
>he left out a work
truly the ubermensch
nice comeback
At least you got that one down.
Perhaps now you can try a complete sentence.
>tiny brain
lol, the black man's burden
>8 inch dick
>superior intellect
choose one
your moms/wives/sisters give us all the brain we need
such a butthurt little shitskin you are
you can't win because I'm white so I've won by default
Savage af lmao
>your moms/wives/sisters give us all the brain we need
They probably had to travel quite far to get to you then since we don't live around niggers.
>le nigger intelligence
>can't even spell
>y-you mad n-nigger!
lol tiny brain and a tiny dick.
you sure showed me, supreme white gentlemen.
well that's why you live in a mobile home.
That's a hilarious comeback I will not lie. But, nonetheless, you guys are borderline retarded, and a grown black male has the equivalent intelligence of a young white child lol
you've been talking about cucks and white people for 4 hours across multiple threads. If that ain't butthurt then my gramps didn't kill niggers for fun back in the day.
>takes note of every post pertaining to black men
>keeps replying to obvious bait
keep schooling those dumb blacks, lad!
1488 shadilay!
>implying it's not just one little pissed of pajeet everybody was making fun of earlier
Too real life, breh
i just like fucking white women, bro
you can have the degree, i'll take care of the wife while you're at work
that's some fantasy you have there basement dweller
better than fantasizing over losing my virginity
he is "much" bigger now
>tfw have this guys frame and proportions
>except I have zipper abs
Its not fucking fair
Why do white boys get offended so easily? :)
self-loathing defense mechanism
can you really blame them?
I'll be myself once I get Veeky Forums
>give us all the brain we need
If only this was true blacks would be less hated.
>virgin pinkdick doesn't know what brains is
ayy lmao
Fit is full of dumb blacks that could not cut it in the only area they could make it sports or rap. Color me surprised.
How gay are you to immediately focus on the penis of another man
nice damage control, dicklet
>implying you need an above average penis to survive or get laid.
>Implying a bigger brain is not more important.
>Implying donkeys are the most effective rulers on the planet
>Implying low IQ savages who were once slaves and dominated are not today's current trash men
>write all that
>still a virgin
lel showed me!
I have a face quite similar to that guy, and I promise you, if he was a skinny autist, he'd still be a virgin
you are delusional on both parts
Back to lookism loser
10/10 reply fucking hilarious
Weak bruh weak
kek, i love this board
statistically proven that white men have largest average doodle sizes than anyone else.
o shit
Niggers have nigger dicks and Jews have superior intellects
How's it feel being the average race? The jack of all trades?
Holy kek I love that film