I understand you have to eat high fat mod protein and low carb, but foods that fit that are like super low in calories so how is one supposed to eat all of those foods if they have like a 2500 cal requirement?
How to meet calorie requirements on keto?
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High fat foods are not low in calories. Quite the opposite. And anyway, if it's too low, eat more.
Well yeah, I guess you're right. But I can only eat so much ;-;
You just don't
These kinds of diets are not good
Don't fall for the meme
You should only be doing keto if you're a fatty trying to lose weight.
How are they not good? Calorie in / calorie out is bullshit, and carbs cause most of the weight gain.
No I'm pretty lean I just have some water weight and tiny bits of stubborn fat.
Macadamia nuts (unroasted)
Grass-fed,unsalted Butter
Coconut Oil
What else?
Idk... if that's all i have to eat then thats not enough nutrition
Zucchini noodles with a shit ton of Alfredo and chicken.
Don't nuts have carbs? Isn't that counter productive especially when you have to eat a certain amount of calories
>CICO is bullshit
Put a fucking gun in your mouth and stand directly in front of your dad and pull the trigger.
Instead of being an edgy faggot, how about you actually give me an argument?
I think CICO is overrated / gets more praise than it deserves because not all macronutrient calories are metabolized the same way. Argue with me instead of being an edgelord.
And yes they do, but depending on the type of nuts, they aren't that much, and most of the carbs are fiber, and they just have a generally low effect on your blood-glucose levels anyways.
Not being a dick (but rather a lazy cunt that doesn't want to read stickies or open a google tab) but can you give me a easy to understand run down of that nut science? Like explain in a longer detail the points about fiber and such that you brought up? Keto-fag here so I'd appreciate the knowledge download.
Nuts, eggs, peanut butter, so easy
Oh.. well I'm not a nutritionist or any kind of qualified shit but I've done a lot of reading. So basically everything here is what I've picked up from reading, and may not be 100% right:
The nutritional profile of nuts fit the keto style pretty well, in terms of macro ratios: they're mostly high fat, ok protein and low carb. Most of their carbs (from the nuts i like) seem to be from fiber (especially almonds) which is good because fiber, along with fats will keep you full as fuck for a long time. Also the less carbs in general, the less the food has an effect on your blood glucose levels, especially if the carbs are not simple carbs.
Fat apparently has 0 affect on your insulin levels, and protein kind of does, but it's mostly carbs. High fat + meh protein + low carb = glucagon machine.
Also they have lots of vitamins and magnesium and potassium, and lots of trace micronutrients and overall they're just good to eat. The only downside is that they taste like absolute shit, unless they're salted. Which sucks for me because I'm on a low sodium diet.
Much thanks, bro. I truly appreciate that. I'll be sure to read up some more about soon but you've taken away some of my worry about adding nuts to my food choices. And damn, a low sodium doet has to be a bitch.
>i think
Good for you, downy fucking retard, give me an actual example of CICO being wrong. Of you cant? Then by all means shut the fuck up or die.
Salted nuts can work on a keto diet, you need to hit certain amounts of sodium to get rid the keto flu anyways
Don't do keto.
It's a meme diet
Found the fatty
it doesn't seem smart to follow such an untested diet
you're completely altering the way your normally functions, for what? You can lose weight without pretending you're dying. Counting calories works just fine.
Why not both and then some? Count calories and macros on keto while IF'ing all the way to the bank. Or an early grave.
>untested diet
stop doing keto you fucking brainlet retard normie
>it doesn't seem smart to follow such an untested diet
keto: close to how humanity has been eating for the majority of its existence
current high carb low fat: popularised a few decades ago, shortly before the rise in obesity and diabetes
really makes you think