Buddhism is The Most Veeky Forums Religion

So fit why haven't you made those spiritual gainz?

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post a more high test picture

I used to be, I liked it because it had good meaning and it was peaceful religion.

Is he killing Muslims?


what changed?

If I told you that I used to be into buddhism..would you let me clap them cheeks?
I'd start a war of love on that ass baby girl.

>Taking selfies

Fake and gay.



Dayum where can I get that Goku gettup


"I stop liking things because of the fanbase"

This is so pathetically thirsty and delusional it could've been stolen word for word from a porn video

>a selfie
>not a selfless

is he natty?

>taking narcissist selfies and posting them on the internet
>owning expensive smartphone


I fucking hope.

Christianity is more Veeky Forums
>Samson was the strongest man alive
>David slayed Goliath, giving hope to all manlets
>Jesus beat death itself and was natty
>Paul could do ALL things through Christ - presumably includes lmao5pl8

Throw in all the statues and icons of Biblical figures and saints being jacked as fuck and I'd say you've got yourself a Veeky Forums faith

Buddhism is for the plebs.(Except Zen) Cocoon mode is a meme.

Everyone knows that Roman Stoicism is how you make life gainz.

Cock sucking faggots who eventually collapsed under their own hubris and have a system of beliefs that lead all of academia into navel gazing idiocy and away from logic and creation.

Don't forget the jews

Buddhism literally influenced Stoicism you retarded brainlet.

>>Samson was the strongest man alive
>>David slayed Goliath, giving hope to all manlets
>>Jesus beat death itself and was natty
These were all Jews. You're essentially arguing that Judaism is the most Veeky Forums.

Norse or Olympic gods on the other hand

why the fuck is this "spiritually enlightened" conceited motherfucker posting selfies

No civilization stays on top forever. Everyone will go the way of the Romans. Doesn't take from their splendor

>eventually collapsed under their own hubris and have a system of beliefs that lead all of academia into navel gazing idiocy and away from logic and creation.
So pretty much after they adopted Christianity it was all down hill, huh?

Postulation, and that doesn't refute anything. Pythagoreans were also espousing introspective lifestyles when Buhddism got into its swing.

Except East Rome lasted another 1000 years after adopting Christianity.

how long ago did the pyfags come into existence?

because buddhism is an evolution of earlier contemplative traditions. (and the most elite and the clearest and best way forward in marrying the secular and the scientific in the modern era. buddhism - of certain flavors- is the answer to alot of societies problems.

Yeah but it's pretty common knowledge that after the destruction of Western Rome via the Goth rebellion that the Roman Empire was never quite the same afterwards, and wasn't ever held in the same reverence again.

Didn't they tell the Christians to fuck off

I just want to make a nasty porno with Cheekie.
Is that so wrong?

Yeah for the most part, but Basil II and Belisarius were bad ass all the same.

Ironically the Goths were mostly Christian too at that point.

I clicked this thread to ask this same question. Selfies to show off your muscles doesn't seem like a very buddhist thing to do.

Oh yeah!

It's not. I don't think gaining mass is either. You want to let go of all attachment, after all


>Religion of peace
>Currently performing genocide in Myanmar against non Buddhists

>religion of peace genociding another religion of peace
what do

I was born and raised Buddhist

It sounds like you read a summary of Gibbon and nothing else.

Obviously it wasn't held in the same regard, half the empire collapsed. But it was the shitty half. For quite a while after the Senate remained and being a patrician was still highly respected, and rulers of Italy especially normally sought some kind of recognition from the Emporer. Even after the muzzies took North Africa and the Middle East, the ERE/Byzzies were largely still the most respected and powerful state in Europe.

How else did you expect them to achieve peace?

Looks like a monkey.
Why do non-whites have no face aesthetics?

what did he mean by this?

Buddhism is too peaceful. They don't stand for much, they let degeneracy run rampant around them.

what mode is that

To hell with muzzie scum. I hope the Burmese Buddhists wipe out the Abrahamic scum.

Basic lifting + steroids mode


Buddhism ought to be the least Veeky Forums religion. Why would a Buddhist be so attached to the state of their body? Gautama didn't starve himself, he didn't make gains, he just ate whatever.

As self defense

You can strive to improve your lot in life without being emotionally attached to the outcome.

The Norse gods canonically lose,Thor needs a magic steroid belt to lift his hammer and is thus not natty, Loki didn't get immediately killed after his first DYEL bullshit stunt.
Even "if you try to pull me off my throne I'll pull you all back up" literally-epic-tier deathless king of the gods Zeus had to pay fealty to Fate.

The only Veeky Forums religions are those that have you worship the actual top guy, not some 2nd/3rd generation godlet.

>thinking you understand enlightenment because you watched some cartoon

Why? Your lot is an illusion, and so are you.
"Kys and stay kill" - buddha

Why not?


>The only Veeky Forums religions are those that have you worship the actual top guy,
>Veeky Forums religion
>about cucking yourself to some top guy not earning your place next to them in battle, or at the top of the mountain with them
>Confirmed nevergonnamakeitdyel
Hahaha, make sure you take your fedora with you before you go.

Mirin his hands and feet mostly desu.

Christianity doesn't worship David. Jesus had life on easy mode. It's the biggest asspull in Abrahamic history
Nothing to fit philosophy at all. Didn't work for anything in his life.

the meditation aspect of buddhism is pretty neat, but the religious aspects are pretty low test.

Did the two even have contact? Zeno, Epictetus and Aurelius aren't recorded to have been visited by missionaries

You mean violent terrorist invaders?
Aka Muslims.

You're an idiot. Jesus' life is the story of how God came into to the world in mortal form and suffered and struggled alongside mankind, and then took on the sins of the whole world - yh, the thing that happened before the resurrection.

Those anti bean eating triangle fuckers were nut bags

I'm talking about Christianity and fit. Jesus didn't do anything remotely fit.
>carrying the cross for miles
>doing cardio

You Westerners should know better because the cuck media didn't report all of the things Muslim did to Buddist. The Muslim killed Buddist monks before, they destroyed temples, statues, and demand to total removal of Buddhism. Even most of them travel from other Mulism country to Myanmar.
These fuckers basically come into your country and demand to kick you out.

Nigga if you can't spell emperor why should anyone take you seriously when you talk about an empire

Nigga could literally turn the shittiest water ever into wine. That is not hard work, or effort. If you have the power of a god you don't truly have man's weaknesses

>Didn't work for anything in his life
Except work as a carpenter for 30 years and do a 40-day fast while being tempted by THE ACTUAL DEVIL... and remember, he may be God made flesh but he was natty

>getting a job is fit
Its a very basic requirement
Goodbye gains

>son of God is natty
He was unnatty as fuck. He was on divine omnipotence.


>What do you want?
>You know those fags in Veeky Forums ideals threads who post pictures of classical statues for their ideal body, but then post some 'trendy' haircut for their ideal hair? I don't want to be one of those.
>Say no more

>hostile foreigners swarm into country
>locals throw them back out

fucking hate this cuck shit desu

Norsemen in Valhalla are not the equals of Odin, nor can a human be a equal to a god in Greek myth. Even Dionysus and Heracles had godly parentage before they were made gods.
Don't know how thats fedora

Pretty much anyone who doesn't practice Buddhism, or are you literally this fucking retarded?

How do I into Buddhism?

not sure if bait or uninformed.

burma is ethnically cleansing their country of muslim invaders. the (((media))) puts a negative spin on it saying the budhists are the evil ones even though the sand niggers have been causing problems and killing non-muslims. it's simple self defence.

My post didn't relate to your sand nigger shit at all, I want my (You) back.

The bhuddists did nothing wrong

>falling for the dune coon propaganda

>Normies think Buddhists are justified in killing Muslim scum
>Get upset when Europeans want to do the same

Why the double standard?

SEA nigger here, though not Myanmar. The situation is not that black and white. When our region was decolonised, the vast migration that had happened freely between races was ignored. Most countries just gave everyone a clean slate and everyone who was living for a few years before decolonsation was given citizenship, even if they didn't come from here. The Chinese for example. Many Myanmar Muslims weren't. They do have a long history of oppression, being picked on, denied voting rights and so on. They also do regularly attack Myanmar police and military forces and are trying to secede.

Sick....he never mentioned exactly what they did or doing like what actions...rohingyas are not like arabs...theyre innocent

Not all are bengalis royingyas are a native tribe.
Thats like sayin afrikaaners should die in south africa...why double standard.

Theres no documented terror rohingyas have done

Experience tranquility

Buddhism is good for nothing chaos worship
No thanks i choose to believe the one that requires the least effort isnt the way to heaven

they're cockroaches and they're all gonna die and there's nothing you can do lmao

Aleesee Al Shabad detected

He was a carpenter

Fuck off, Ahmeds. You deserve to die. Every single one of you deserves to die.

There is no such thing as innocent when you believe in a war mongering doctrine like Islam.

Islam literally calls Buddhists pagans and says they deserve to be enslaved and tortured, but the Mudslimes are the victims in the eyes of white libeals once again

Stoicism and Buddhism have more to agree upon than argue about.

>the rohingya cries out in pain as he steals your land

And how the fuck were the Egyptians building pyramids if they didn't understand the concept of a^2 + b^2 = c^2?

No way they could have gotten that far architecturally without ever realizing that formula.

Fuck off. Muslims are assholes and no one likes them.

Muslims are never native. They have no loyalty to any nation, only to each other and the Koran.

buddhism doesn't worship anything

they asked for it.

hit Buddha 2 times and even he gets angry.

>buddhism doesn't worship anything
>t. kind of wanna be buddhist but hesitant

What do the Egyptians have to do with this? If you're saying they invented the formula it's highly unlikely. Babylonians new it tens of thousands of years BC. I'm saying their religion was kooky

Not sure if this guy is right but the two cultures did have some contact
