learn to cook

> learn to cook
> make your own healthy meals
> eat only "clean" food
> this goes on for several months
> go out for food with friends
> nothing tastes nearly as good as you remembered
> best pizza place you know suddenly tastes greasy
> best burger place you know tastes overseasoned and the portions suck
> cookie brand you couldn't get enough is way too sweet and doughy

anyone had this? it's fucking weird.

Wow, it's almost as if you finally learned that shitty food doesn't actually taste very good!

yeah i have ibs and can't really eat anything except vegetables and unseasoned meat.

i feel nauseous just seeing people eat pizza where the grease is literally pooling on top of the pizza and dripping on their plate.

or when i try a bite of someones cooking to be nice and it's so sweet it gives me a headache.

fucking normies, no wonder theyre so fat.

upvoted and shared, friend!!!

I'm talking about actual genuinely good pizza. I've had pizza in several countries and this shit used to be up there. Now it's not very enjoyable now. I can't enjoy pizza now? That's fucking bullshit.

>go out for food with friends
>remember i have none

Pizza is shitty food. I can't understand how my friends love it so much when hungover. I mean I can eat it but I'd prefer clean food.

Don't imply I'm a redditor. I have never even been to reddit. Obviously it can't be that good if it doesn't taste good, can it? Faggot

It's baffling because it's a new bold concept to you. You simply adjusted. It's called change, user. Imagine if we actually applied this to other aspects of life like equal rights and gender equality. Remember when gays couldn't get married? Now gay isn't really a weird thing anymore, trans people are the "new" weird. Soon, that won't matter either.

This. Most "restaurants" are actually shit because of affirmative action apes in the kitchen. Learn to cook, you fucking retards.

Me too. Whenever I visit my parents I just can't stand to much of the food my mother makes. I fucking loved her self-made food especially her lasagne and pizzas but it tastes way too greasy now.
Surprisingly I still love sweet stuff whenever I'm there even though I cut all processed sugar out of my diet.

>Be cutting for 2 months
>avoid processes sugar at all costs
>avoid salty fast foods
>avoid processed fats
>can't eat doughnuts, body literally rejects them
>pizza is unbearable
>can't eat anything like chips anymore
>sudden love for oats
>hard to eat meat because of the fat I taste
Did I make it?

when you get used to how food is suppose to taste, youll notice how shit normal, processed food really is.

There is no depth to it. No fresh taste. Its just garbage. Same goes with soda.

Isn't greasy food a hangover cure though?

That and rehydration yourself, replenish electrolytes.

I dunno, i still think some shit food tastes good. My favorite pizza shop still tastes great when I go, and I have a weakness for mozzarella sticks.

Maybe your pizza place isnt actually that good? Now that my diet is clean 95% of the time most fast food tastes worse than I remember, but not the genuinely good places.

nah, you went too faar.

Vegan papa John's is god-tier, not greasy and still healthier than the meat and cheese version.

Had soda for the first time in months after drinking only water and coffee while cutting sugar out completely. Had to spit that shit out because of how sweet it was.

>hey guys, you can still enjoy all the delicious foods you ate as a fat fuck, just eat the vegan version!

I would literally rather kill myself than allow animals to live.

I just wanted to help with someone who clearly doesn't like the greasyness of pizza (which comes from the cheese). Fucking kill yourself nigger, and choke on your fucking arteries

>tfw my "unclean" foods are now chouriço, toucinho fumado, banha(pig fat, GOAT substitute for olive oil in cookings) and just double amounts of clean foods I usually eat

I feel you, only pizza still tastes if its a decent quality one but doesnt do shit to my hunger

to put into perspective how my taste buds are, simply oats and milk tastes really nice to me and I could eat 1kg of it in one sitting

Our taste buds change after about two months.
The great foods you thought you loved were in fact just foods that you were used too
Some of the foods were not good or even satiating. They were just delivery methods for feel good chemicals and emotional stuff.

when I go out to eat with a friend we go to nice steakhouses, we don't go to macdonalds or pizza hut, I am not 14 years old.

>I just want to help people by telling the to eat vegan because I'm vegan
>I'm vegan
>did I mention I'm vegan

Fuck off faggot

He's right though. Vegan variants ARE healthier and DO taste better than this processed meat trash.

Post your favorite recipe OP.


there is no reality that vegan cheese tastes better than real cheese.

Now you can finally enjoy proper food. Good job.

I like it that way though.
I eat extremely well 95% of the time, so when someone calls me up for a pizza/beer/whatever I never have to decline because I know that I was eating perfectly up until then, and I will probably ditch carbs the rest of the day completely after it.
Why would you be sad about that, would you rather have the greasy pizza be extremely tasty to you and the clean cooked shit not? This is the best possible situation user.

>hard to eat meat
Never going to make it

Have you actually tried vegan cheese?

>"you just wanted to say you're vegan, faggot"

Well, would you have preferred the term "plant-based"? Fucking hell, the user in question was complaining about the greasiness in his pizza (WHICH COMES FROM THE ANIMAL PRODUCTS) so I told him to get a variant that excludes them and has lots of veggies instead which obviously don't feel greasy to the taste (and I specifically mentioned papa johns since their dough is not as greasy as other chains). Was that so fucking hard to understand? Are you triggered by a word just because nutbag lefties are most of the vegan demographic? What is your argument here even

What if I told you.... to get it without the vegan cheese, since that would still make it somewhat greasy

Real cheese isn't greasy.

>Stop drinking Diet Cola (was drinking 1 or 2 servings daily for years)
>Stop eating most foods with added sugar
>Give up my favourite "snack" (half a party sized bag of Tostitos nachos)
>Simple diet of fruits, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, oats, dairy etc.
>Fast forward a few months
>A single bite of candy gives me an upset stomach
>Tried to mix Diet Cola with my rum, it tasted like I was drinking window cleaner

Pizza is still delicious though, same with other greasy foods like poutine.

>drinking rum
never gonna make it

I know that feel, happening right now to me
>cookies taste bad
>cakes taste bad, the more complex ones taste fucking horrible, no longer able to eat a b-day cake
>burgers look disgusting with all that grease
>mayo, something I did not like that much before except on a few specific dishes, is the most disgusting thing I had to eat in recent times, taste worse than an unwashed vagina
>barbecues are no longer that good too
>began to hate fries
Feels way better eating my veggies, fruits, the occasional fiber and my protein sources lmao

I quite distinctly remember melted cheese on pizza being gooey and greasy. I'm well aware normal cheese isn't like that, we're talking about pizza here

>sudden love for oats
My nigga, I can't understand how I did not eat that at least once in a while through all these years

That happened to me with soda and sugar but not food. Still love that fattening food

>Disliking sweaty pussy

>can hardly find a meal, that's bought, filling

>fast food and other shit high in saturated fat makes me sick now
>t-thanks /fit

I think im addicted to proton powder.
The shit i used to like tastes nasty now and i find myself drinking like 6 scoops a day.
I miss eating a pizza hut stuff crust with pineapple pepperonie and extra cheese by myself, and then getting so drunk i pass out to vidya.
now I'm addicted to lifting heavy things everyday, i dont even know why i like lifting them, i just do.

No, we are suppose to be talking about really good pizza. Really good pizza is made with real cheese.

Anorexia nervosa

Same thing with me but more so sweets/soda. I gave it up for a while and now whenever someone forces me to have some birthday cake I want throw up.

>birthday cake

what exactly is birthday cake taste on ON protein?
I love birthday cake, here it means a moist cake with cream and fruits

>fast food tastes bad to him but he loved it before

Not even kidding, but you're severely autistic and probably have dementia.

>eat one tiny birthday cake piece while almost throwing up at the end
>Hey user, you ate so little, here, have another piece!
>No, I already a...
>Puts a big and fat piece on my plate
>Have to find a sneaky way to get rid of the cake

I know the feels. I kind of just move it around with my fork and have a few bites then slyly throw it in the garbage. I feel so #oppressed for eating clean and having good tastebuds.

You are on the right track.

The only thing I didn't lose my taste for from when I was hamplanet is Mothers Iced Oatmeal cokies and Taco Bell. Coke, french fries, pizza, burgers I don't make, cake, chips, "queso cheese" dip, hot pockets, and a dozen other things all taste like shit to me after I tried them getting down to 15%bf

I still love shitty fast food after learning to cook, I appreciate what it is. Weirdly, it's mid level restaurant food that o often find digusting. Far to many seasonings, greasy as fast food, less ability to choose portion size.

Damn I miss those fiberless carbs:^/

you don't need to butter the pan because the ground beef cooks in its own fat. the fat renders down into a slick grease and prevents sticking. idiot. stop posting this.

>anyone had this? it's fucking weird.

no it's not. it's your brain normalizing to what food is supposed to taste like. 'junk food' is junk because not only is it nutritionally food but it conditions you to crave it despite how shit it actually tastes.

>**nutritionally void

why the fuck are you eating unseasoned meat? fucking retarded

holy shit learn how to cook, that's fucking awful

>I have IBS
They just explained ya fuckin walnut

You're not supposed to drink whey for all your protein, eat real food, only drink protein shakes when you aren't hitting your protein goals with other food.

>never liked food the entire life
>hate sugar and cakes
>vegan for almost a year
>now i can deny sugar related cakes and other sweats with gelantine without being impolite

best lifechoice ever and better gains

I used to eat Panda Express a lot, and when I had it the other day I never realized how fucking sugary everything tasted.

Learning to cook usually makes you aware how hard it is to make stuff actually tasty without adding massive amounts of fat or sugar

>be cutting
>eat oats

Eat Skyr yogurt for breakfast mate not oats.

>Sophisticated nigger detected

this tickled me

>fucking love milk
>dairy in general is the tits, eat it constantly growing up
>milk straight from the jug all day
>16 years old, suddenly become lactose
>couple years later it all tastes gross and wrong
its cuz you're not actually supposed to eat this shit

Most restaurants are "shit" because they all use the same recipe for food dishes that prioritizes taste over health so they don't give a shit how much calories, bad carbs, or bad fats are in the food.

*tips fedora*
Classy gentlemen like us will never be understood by these plebians, m'sir!

I know it's not genuinely good, but freaking Taco Bell's Crunchwrap Supreme and Quesadillas still do a ton for me. My biggest weakness probably. And like you, I usually can't resist mozzarella sticks either. There are some things that have definitely changed for me though. Last time I ate some really greasy burgers, my damn stomach was sick the whole night and I can easily feel the grease in food I couldn't before. I didn't even know tortilla chips were fried until a couple nights ago I had some and could easily feel the grease.

I don't eat totally clean though. I have gotten way better, maybe like 70-75% clean compared to how I was before, but part of that is because I'm bulking and I take a lot of calories to gain weight which is a bitch to do clean.

>become lactose

yes. used to love pizza hut and pizzas in general now its just a greasy slab of carbs.

>used to eat fries(pic) every week
>stopped eating shit and lost 26kg in about 8 months
>last month I had it again with some beer
>get heart palpilations, stuffy nose, immediately feel guilty afterwards, taste is not nearly as good as it was before
>wake up next day being the most thirsty i've been in a year and with a headache

Honestly I think I ate too much fries and the beers didn't help either. Not really excited to try it out again though. I'm instantly cured of craving for another 8 months.

Like a true Dutchman raised on cheese, yoghurt and milk.
It will never taste bad.