"Why doesn't my friend/drug dealer/guy I've slept with find me hot?" edition
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"Why doesn't my friend/drug dealer/guy I've slept with find me hot?" edition
Old thread
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sucks dick for drugs
is 350 lbs
and is a hillary voting liberal
this is why women should not be allowed to vote, or make decisions for themselves.
I've never eaten nutella
What's it taste like?
>tfw posted an ad on backpage looking for obese sex buddies
wish me luck lads
Give me fat Jesus reeeeee
Look at this kid. He has spent his childhood enjoying time with his friends, enjoying time eating pizza and candy and other food that makes him feel happy and good. He hasn't wasted his time trying to conform to damaging superficial weight standards. He has enjoyed his childhood and looks so happy.
spreadable nutty chocolate
Fuck off enabler, you help no one.
t.Former Fatty
can we get an answer on this please?
how did they get the untouched version tho
Don't eat the bait plz
Is it just me who finds chubby hands to be the most disgusting thing ever?
because fast food workers are lazy teens. more breaking news at 11
the last person who posted it named the picture sausages.jpg, so no there was another user
>Hamplanet to the right preparing for the curve
>Shifts 150 lbs of leg to the right for a drift
>you awake tied to a log in a darkened swamp
>out of the darkness a qt red head ogre approaches
>she ignores your calls for help, instead scooping up bugs from the ground below
>she pours the bugs over your crotch, watching as your squirm
>her delicate frame hides an immense muscle mass that you can't fight back against
>she strips down to reveal a hair green snatch with a swampy aroma that fills your nose
>as she lightly chokes you with one hand, she sticks the other in her ear
>she pulls out a long wax like stick and begins using it as a dildo
>the light crawling sensation of the bugs as given you an erection at this point, and she takes notice
>she wipes her hand across her vag and uses the swampy smelling juices as lube to jack you off
>"YOU MAKE US HAPPY NOW!" she grunts louder
>out of the darkness, shrek approaches
>he whispers in my ear "this is my swamp, this is my lady"
>he grabs me by his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>Im ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for shrek
>he penetrates my butthole
>It hurts so much but I do it for shrek
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please shrek
>He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>he says "Its all ogre now"
>shrek is love, shrek is life
Behold the aryan Master race
im so glad hes out of the state and in texas
but his stupid fat brother is still here running a "shop
behold superior african genes
I love every version of this except the original
>20 pounds in 80 days
What the fuck?
oh my god
Do these people suffer a mental illness besides the obvious eating disorders? How can she think she'll pull one of the top 0.1% of men?
It's probably a troll taking photos from facebook in all honesty
Found the trigged lil whiteboi
>When Assanti secretly ordered pizza, a violation of his health plan, he was discharged from the hospital. He blamed the hospital for not stopping the deliveryman.
typical fat logic, kek
Bet you have a super easy time getting laid...
He might do. I doubt he gets massively political with the women he fucks
His father would literally have to shove his sons face with garbage all day just to maintain 800 pounds. Why is it so hard to just fucking feed him normal meals? How is driving around all day looking for help easier than NOT bringing him tons of food?
Jesus fucking christ this just can't be real.
I don't get why they don't make the fatties sign legal waivers saying the hospital can barr them from using phones/computers etc while they are checked in desu
>thinks you have to respect women to fuck them
That's absolutely terrifying
The touched up version is nauseating yet I never would have guessed she looks THAT much worse in real life.
Think about it, some photographer had a photoshoot and THAT is the best angle/pose they could get of her.
You´re googling fat black people because someone posted a fat white person, sure you shouldnt be the one killing yourself?
>outing yourself as a virgin
hello reddi.t
>using google
nah really kys
>at church
>younger looking fat chick is sitting next to me, and on the other side of her is what I assume is her friend or boyfriend
>not my 600 lb Life level fat, but still big
>time to get up to get the eucharist
>we stand up, there were a lot of people in the church and we were were sitting in the back so it would take a while for it to be our turn
>she starts moving out into the aisle
>I start to move up behind her, guessing it was our turn
>suddenly, for no real reason, she back pedals without looking behind her and almost knocks me over with her huge ass alone
>"haha omg I'm sooo sorry!!"
>say it's okay, just wanted to get on with it, whatever
>dude behind us asks the guy she was with "So I guess you didn't get the one with the backup sensor huh?"
>work at a retouching company
>coworker had to shop a nude portrait of a gay photographer once
>leather, chains the whole go
>spend an entire afternoon working on the guys dick with the photographer in the room
w-what did they want you touch up about a guy's dick?
This is a blue board.
I don't like when people post this. She knows how bad she looks and comes across as just a nice going mum who has serious health problems. feels bad desu
veins, hairs, skin blemishes.
Just google Erwin Olaf nude and you'll get the drill.
Does this imply the cops are looking for a stolen meteor? This is incredibly well thought out.
Might be true. Although, most of those "women shouldn't be able to vote/make decisions" types tend to congregate on /r/incels where they can commiserate about Chad/Tyrone cucking them.
Personally, I think Hillary is (and was) a POS and voted for Trump. I just figure we should stick to hating fat people, not women.
>Bought into the "alpha males are douchey" mythos.
C'mon. Be better.
>Doesn't hate women.
>Must be a virgin.
Try harder.
Why not? You dont get pussy by respecting women, Mr. White Knight
butthurt lefty. go to pol with this shit.
Why do you two retarded faggots have to come here? Get your own thread where you can duke it out and then jack eachother off. Nobody cares for your faggotry.
This is my favorite version
Dude just post fatties
Rather than take the vote away from women, I'd just take it away from those who don't pay taxes or haven't performed major 'civil services' like soldiery or fire-fighting. You'd ultimately get the same results politically speaking
Does anyone think septum piercings look good? It just makes you look like a cow
There's something like a human bite mark that screams "danger", more than a normal bite wound. I think it's our brains warning us against signs of cannibalism in other tribes, or some shit idk
My one genie wish would be that fat women would actually look like how they draw and depict themselves as.
Eh. I've generally gotten a really positive response from women when I've been good to them.
I find that fat men tend to hate women the same way that fat women tend to hate men.
It's easier to be happy/not as invested in gender wars when the opposite sex is attracted to you.
Which is to say: Let's get this FPH back on topic.
I used to be sensitive to that, but after being made fun of for being skinny by so many fatties i dont give a fuck anymore.
Because that shit takes forever to clean and the sooner you shut it down the sooner you can fuck off and go home
Yes lol
Looking at how clean the curves are on that drawing I'd fuck her senseless if I could, but knowing how in reality she'd look like is annoying.
All I want meself is a woman like this
or bring back literacy and IQ testing.
The fact that both cops are named Jenkins is what fucking kills me every time.
I always laugh when i see animated depictions of fat women. They always draw the face of a thin woman.
>Peecha chakka no wookie bonowa teepi, Han Solo, ho ho ho ho hoooo
>calories boiled out
Nice punchline at the end