Doing deadlifts

>doing deadlifts
>young man next to me is pulling 5pl8 and isn't even fat
>damn bro are you natty?
>he kind of mumbles yeah and starts pulling earbuds out of his pocket
>oh shit gotta salvage the situation
>offer to buy him a protein shake at the bar after his workout
>n-no thanks
Why are lifters so beta? I also pointed out a 10/10 ass Stacy and he just looked at the floor

someone give this guy gold haha, you just won the internet my friend

wtf why was that faggots comment deleted?

I didn't want to bring race into this

youre such a fag i hate you

Are you grill?

It's impolite to take protein offers from guys here in Russia.

no i am a male

*тaкec eapбyдc фpoм пoкeт*

fuck off stalin

You aren't gonna make friends that way, bully