What does Veeky Forums think of Jon "Jujimufu" Call?

What does Veeky Forums think of Jon "Jujimufu" Call?

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He's okay.

gets kind of annoying and seems "fake"

Probably a top tier power bottom

You watch one video of his, you've seen all there is to see. Hell, even 5 minutes and you've seen enough.

The only truly cool thing I've seen him do is getting up from a bench press without using his arms, which was pretty gnarly. He just racked the bar and had enough core strength to just crunch up to a standing position without using his arms at all. Looked dope.

He gave us more clarence

Fun things are fun.

>The only truly cool thing I've seen him do is getting up from a bench press without using his arms,
What? How is that impressive? You seriously can't do that?

He stopped making informative vids but hes okay. Pretty geniune guy. Better than most youtubers but gets old real quick

Haven't seen any of his videos in full. Looks like he's always desperately trying to get attention.

No arms or hands or anything? No, I cannot. Post a vid of you doing it. Rack the weight and then stand straight up while keeping your arms fully extended straight out and using nothing else to raise yourself. Don't roll back and forth or kick either to gain momentum. I'll wait.

How fucking unathletic are you to find that impressive?


Go ahead. Produce a matching vid. I'll wait.

What did he mean by this?

Solid dude. Makes lifting fun, even if he's just fucking around. Plus home gym master race.

>ywn, ever, push clarence around sam's club in a shopping cart

This. I watch his videos but whenever hes like "Hehh WHOA Im kinda CRAZY and WILD Hahaha! WHOA WHAT will I do NEXT HEH RANDOM LOL PTERODACTYLS!!!!" I skip forward. Dude needs to not try and be funny, it is not his strong suit. And he need ot be nicer to his editor, seems like he bullys a lot.

that pterodactyl shit was cringey as fuck and i couldnt believe it went on as long as it did

Pretty fucking crazy the shit that he can do with his body. He's annoying as fuck though, his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

You do know that one of the basic tests of physical health is being able to get up from a sitting or lying position without using your arms, right?

Are you some kind of lardass?
Or someone with a mobility disorder?
Are you, perhaps, just uncoordinated as fuck?

That's not what you said, you freaking doofus. Try to explain yourself better next time.

just become clarence instead bro, get working on that 300kg atg paused squat.

I have a pair of his pants. They're comfortable as hell, but the stitching is already coming undone around the waistband after only a couple of months. I expected better quality for 60 bucks.

Anyone here fans of his before he got big? I went through a 'tricking' phase in '08 and used to watch his videos. He was lean but not big. Fast forward to a year ago, my brother shows me a recent clip of him and he is a 300lb steroid monster. What happened?


I watched one of his videos with Clarence. If he had shut his mouth up for a few minutes it would have been enjoyable. And I don't like it how he was shoving ammonia in his friends face

He tries way too hard to be likeable. From constantly shoving his horse mask routine to kick the flamingos he needs to just lift.

his ultra dangerous lifts are gonna take him straight to snap city

Kek, I legit cant tell if im being had right now

I don't give a fuck about him until the Eric collabs start dropping.

cant wait bros



Stupid looking.

I bet you 60 bucks that I could disappoint you more than those pants. it will only cost you 60 bucks.

He's been overdoing his thing pretty much since he stopped with his day job. I get it tho, he kinda has to, but it has made his vids annoying.
Let's be honest, Tom made this thread. It's obvious he browses Veeky Forums

Tom is way more annoying. Wish he would just film and not try to be a personality.

t. tom

Have you guys seen that vid with his father deadlifting.... holy shitballs, that looked uncomfortable as fuck.

uncomfortable how? i thought it was pretty heartfelt and his dad seems like a great lad.

Obnoxious roid abusing faggot.

I bet that faggot claims natty

How the back of his father was about to visit snap city is what I was specifically alluding to. It was so damn arched!

I used to watch this dude in like 2006 when I was into doing backflips and stuff as he had tutorials on that sort of thing.
I forgot about him until about a year ago when I saw that he's now fucking enormous and relatively popular, it was a weird feel


I really like him, he has a comfy garage gym and he seems like a really nice guy.

I could do without all the horse mask memes though.


but it's the second post ??

>reddit spacing
>likes reddit muscle man

There's nothing wrong with reddit.

And the reddit spacing meme is cancer.

you have to go back

annoying fat retard

He tries too hard to be funny and often ends up being cringe

His videos with Clarence Kennedy was god-tier, but that was thanks to Clarence.

Sometimes get the impression he's hiding low key depression or something when I watch his vids. Dude has that protest too much happy attitude.

Good guy tho. Another user said his strength isn't necessarily his humour and I'd agree. His vids would be more compelling if he let himself act a bit calmer and maybe let his true self out a bit more imo. Still, wish him well on the youtube buzz

I can't wait for the Eric videos. Only thing that will top the clarence ones

Is he gay with that other faggot in his videos? I get a mega homo vibe from the guy.

>Juji talks to the camera
>"WRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGHH" in the background

what does he keep sniffing?
is it that stuff that loosens up your butthole for anal sex?

Opinions on his advice that it's possible to balance strength and power lifting, hypertrophy training, bodyweight work, and tricking all at the same time? Seems impossible for the average person.

Tricks and antics are getting old.
Makes super boring stuff.

reddit on roids

>silent mike reaction at 1:03

i really enjoyed his collab with Clarence,
and theres supposed to be Eric Bugenhagen collab soon

His flexibility book was great, taught me some good lessons

I enjoy his videos, but he does sometimes do the high-energy thing a bit too much and it grinds. Seems like a cool dude though, especially in videos with other lifters (and like that one he did with his DYEL but weirdly strong neighbour).

He's the male version of Lolsoquirkylol, very fake and annoying.

It gets me kind of salty about Eric's growing popularity. I remember when he was just some weirdo screaming in his basement.

I bet he could sit still on a dick and make it cum through the powerful flexation of his sphincter muscle and glutes.

Jason Blaha can do that. Clearly not too hard

Facebook bullshit.

smelling salts

try them. they're great. $8 a bottle from amazon for some good ones

Why is his wife so ugly? He's a superman but his wife is a dumpy piece of shit.

>what is love

Someone post the webm of him deadlifting 5pl8 on rollerblades

There was a video back 2 years ago where he's talking quiet to the camera because sam is sleeping. she walks in and he looks at her with the most genuine, love infested heartwarming face ive ever seen and says goodmorning.

i cri every tim

pics? can't find any of her.


>that hairline

fucking lol he looks like john travolta in battlefield earth

>Veeky Forums is shocked that being a roiding stunt monkey with body dysmorphia doesn't get you a hot wife

dumb haircut t b h

delete this

He's Veeky Forums in a nutshell.
>hides his depression all the time
>shut in
>forced happiness
>takes a shitload of useless supplements
>frauding because otherwise would stay dyel
>""""thicc"""" """"cute"""" borderline autistic gf
>former wagecuck
>his only quality is lifting heavy shit and jumping around like a monkey

wtf im juji?