ITT: the most beta thing you've ever done

>be me, 19
>out on the town with a group of guys and girls, my crush of 3 years included
>she goes home with random chad, crushed
>asleep on my friends couch alone @5am
>she calls me and asks if i can pick her up
>says she didn't fuck him
>I believe her
>drive 30 mins to pick her up
>bring her back to friends house and cuddle on the couch
>i believed her

she just drained his balls 4 or 5 times with her mouth, she was being truthful bro

>cucked this hard
>not banging that sloot yourself

The cucking classic deluxe

We've all been there. Everyone on this website is maladjusted but you and I at least are making ourselves better. We're all gonna make it brah, we're all gonna make it.

for the record that was 9 years ago, since then I've become an entry level chad, fucked her as much as I will ever want to and have rejected her trying to get into a relationship with me many times. she won many battles, but I won the war

Proud of you. But you should forget about her if you really want to 'win the war' for the lack of a better phrase.

>we've all been there
>everyone is maladjusted
>but you and I are making ourselves better
>but you and I
lmao you need to practice your speech, you maladjusted autist

don't worry I have user :) I actually feel sorry for her as she has become anorexic and depressed over the last few years, and the only reason we didn't get together back then was because I was such a beta fagit. not her fault