Should I lose weight?

I'm 5'6" and weigh 137 pounds. I want to lose weight, but everyone keeps telling me I don't "need" to. Should I? If so, how can I lose weight quickly?

Ur too you for this site albert

Post pic
But for real, 137 at 5'6 is almost definately skinny fat. I've been 139 at 5'6 and that was the leanest I've ever been. If you feel like you have fat to lose you are probably skinnyfat and need to exercise

I agree with this user, I'm 5'6" 140 lbs and consider myself pretty lean with well defined abs

Just excercise more

What are your lifts/time training fellow manlet bro? I started to lift at a power gym and everyone is well over 250lbs so I usually don't have anyone my size to compare with.
>captcha KIDD :'(

didn't realize this was the /manlet/ general

Exact same stats as you. Sitting at 20% BF. I can already feel my shoulder blades so I'm going to become skeletor.

Lifting for 2.5 years
280 bench
455 DL
370 squat
155 OHP

God damn I'm fuckin weak. This is at 140lbs?

If you're pretty new you can probably just eat at a slight deficit and still make some gains while you lean out

Hey Im not op but Im 5'7 and around 140lbs and maybe lower now since Im on a cut. I also used to be overweight so yeah I still don't have defined abs. What should I do to lean out? Keep cutting? My lifts are also dropping but Im trying hard to keep it back tho

What's your bf% at?

I'm actually a girl; the exercise I do is ballet, so the only muscle I have is leg muscle. I'm honestly more interested in being skinny than being ripped. I just wanted to see if anyone had weight loss tips.

yeah this is at 140 lbs
I hold a few state records for my weight class
The best weight loss tip: eat less

I haven't checked it sorry. But I have fats on my lower abdomen if it helps. Also been cutting for almost 2months now

I've been restricting to 700 calories a day, but it's been hard because people bitch at me for not eating since I'm a healthy weight.

nigga just hit the gym, its good for you

>lose weight
>lose fat
there's a difference, learn

I don't just eat small amounts of shitty food. I eat lean only lean meats, vegetables, and whole grain. I don't see how that isn't a good attempt at losing fat? I want as low of a % body fat as possible.

You're so tiny how does it feel to know that I could literally pick you up and toss you around with little to no effort

Thanks Veeky Forums, I'm 6'3" and was 300lbs, I'm down to 220 now.

I appreciate the advice. Soon I'll start strength training.

Holy shit you're so clueless, read the sticky

Okay that makes me feel better. Congrats though, That's super impressive. Goals bruh
Rough estimate is fine, more or less that 15%? Over 15, keep cutting, under 15, look into bulking to fill out a bit. I like floating between 10-17% between cuts/bulks

>I want as low of a % body fat as possible.

So you want to go Auschwitz mode? Just read the sticky. It has everything there

My bad. Just trying to find dieting tips since almost every other site is recommending way too many calories.

nigga you obviously don't know what your doing you can't just say that the other sites are wrong

read the sticky

I've read it, but I've followed most of the advice already and haven't seen a lot of results yet. It's been a month and I've only lost four pounds.

A pound a week is literally exactly a 500 cal deficit. You are doing things completely right. If you want more results, either burn more calories or eat less, whichever works better for you.

Hmm I looked at some pictures and my belly looks like around 20% but everything else is thinned out like on the 15%. I guess I'll go finish my 3months cut. Im just really afraid of hitting the underweight zone chasing those defined abs

Those bf% pictures/charts are inaccurate. Post body

caloric deficit is the only way.

hitting the gym will add muscle which means more weight.

adding muscle doesn't burn enough calories.
at his weight he needs to lose weight to his ideal weight by not eating, weight lifting, and doing cardio.


Wrong. Diet determines weight, hitting the gym while staying at a deficit will help him lean out faster, And if he's a noob he will put on some muscle as well, which will burn even more cals. Going to the gym alone won't make him bulk up.

Cant take pic right now but 5'7 around 140lbs or lower. Also Im flexing my belly here so imagine a little more fat to that belly

Also sorry for op for kind of messing up your thread. Were almost the same height and weight so I didn't resist asking for help too

Pretty blurry but your arms look a little doughy, and not much definition at stomach, I'd say you could go either way. Cut a bit more now if you wanna do a longer bulk, but just bare in mind you don't look crazy ripped until you have some muscle on you as well, you know?

Yeah I still have a long way to go. Im excited to get this cut over with so I can start my first bulk. But I think I'll complete this 3months cut to have a good base or something

Fair enough, I agree. Keep the cut going strong, And then follow through with a slow bulk and a proper lifting program and you will see great progress. What's the goal?

Well I used to be a fatty so my goal is to just look good naked haha. But short term, I was expecting to lose 12lbs in 3months but I messed up my order or calorie count because I lose around 9.5lbs in just the first month. But I think it's for the better because my stomach still don't have definition on them

Tdee* auto correct haha

Same, I used to be 215, went down to 138 and have been bulk/cut cycling up slowly since. It's definately achievable, And you will already probably impress normies. But keep it up, And the mires just keep coming baby. Losing that much is fine, waterweight comes and goes like that, but just remember not to cut too hard or else you will lose what precious muscle you already have. It's definately a test of patience.

Alright man I'll definitely keep that in mind. Also did you use split or full body workouts? My thoughts were if I just keep being consistent on any workout program I'll be fine so I just stick to my current program I saw on google

I started with fucking around with machines with no program for like 2.5 years and made 0 gains besides lose weight, then read sticky and did brosplit for 1.5 or so and did alright, but this last bulk I did an actual powerlifting program and my numbers went up pretty well, although honestly I'd just recommend 5x5 with extra arm/ab stuff if you want aesthetics and a good strength base to start. Give yourself a foundation to work with and then focus on more defined goals from there, either strength or aesthetics

Consistency is the key man, any program as long as you are actually pushing yourself will yield results, only difference will be depending on what your goals are. I've heard SS, ICF and SL5x5 are all pretty solid beginner programs with am emphasis on strength, while I also hear lots of people have good results with brosplits/PPL for more aesthetics. Pick a program in line with your goals and stick to it and you'll be fine man

I also used to do 5x5s but change to bro split when I started cutting. I guess I'll go back to 5x5s when I start bulking. Thanks a lot for your help man! I really appreciate it

Solid plan, I usually fuck off to a split when I cut too. No problem bud, good luck and take it easy

Im doing some bro splits I saw on Google right now and Im in it for the aesthetics. I'll do some research on PPL and see whats up. Thanks for the suggestion

>Should I?
only if you are fat