>tfw finally broke up with chubby gf
Tfw finally broke up with chubby gf
Good for you user.
living the dream man
my gf is having an attitude and I'll probably dump her as well, such a shame
Dumped my gf yesterday, deleted her from facebook and all that. Felt weird when I woke up that she is now totally out of my life, but I know it was for the best
Unless you have a new bitch ready, you're both fucking idiots and delusional.
>codependent faggot
>can't make it on his own
>thinks everyone's is like him
Are you the guy who had the abusive chinese gf?
If so, congrats bro.
Ma man
I've consistently had women in my life for the past 10 years. I could probably use a break from them desu.
how do you fags end up with a chubby GIRLFRIEND in the first place? Especially as you get older fit men are in the unique position of being able to surround themselves with a stable of hot whores and never commit.
you are doing it wrong
Alcohol and low self esteem
trust me, I understand fucking fat girls. I personally like to keep one around as a blowjob slave.
But GIRLFRIEND? Having to admit in public and to everyone you know you did that?
Chad be with us all, that is horrible.
The typical situation is that their girlfriends are attractive--or at least skinny--when they first get together, then the girls let themselves go.
Well she's not THAT fat. She's like 27-30%bf. She would be cute if she lost like 25lbs but she won't.
Does telling her "if you get fat then I'll dump you" ever work
Desu, fucking random whores is extremely unfulfilling and gets old pretty quickly. Would much rather have a stable relationship with someone I enjoy spending time with.
Pics? I wanna see how chubby she is
>tfw 5'5" boylet
>try online dating
>have no success and long periods of no activity
>get a qt womanlet's number that seems promising
>suddenly flood of messages come at once
>massive, tall, huge tiddy, fertility goddess sends me cheeky message first
>Abused male
>By a chingy chongy nip woman with a sideways vagina
Never gonna make it lel
lmao you sound like a child
grow up
I want a chubby gf.
I don't know how to talk to girls and I have no social life. 26 yo kv with low standards and no experience, fml. Maybe by lifting heavier and heavier objects, one day it'll happen.
Its a trap. They'll either kill your gains or get upset that you're so much better than them. All most women know how to do is take, take, take—chubby/fat girls are the worst at this. They'll take everything from you until there's nothing left of you other than a guy who makes her feel comfortable with HER self.
i had a fat chick grossly overweight. she caught me in her netkept asking me to help her get fir. told her what needed to be done and she told me to accept her for what i am. fuck no chubby fuck. decide to leave and load my car with my things leave. still to this day shes not fit and now has a child with some dude she doesnt know. HAVE FUN LOOSER getting caught in that child support trap
>doesn't understand that humanity existence is all about codependency
to bad you can't give your brain some steroids so that your tick sized thinking machine can actually have the capacity think more than in workout sets
If you claim to actually love someone how can you ceaselessly weaken them by making them rely on you for everything
let's just say, even if you were to love someone, without actively being in a relationship aka being a r9k kind of creep, the pure existence of the loved once is a dependency, which would not exist if the person wouldn't
Well yeah he was a beta bitch but she was being emotionally abusive and finally telling her to fuck off is at least a step in the right direction.
Jesus Christ bro
how old are you? If you arent fucking whores in your 20s you WILL regret it
and variety is the spice of life. you are definitely just coping with your situation saying this, it is patently untrue.
roastie detected
24 yo, I fucked plenty of women in HS/Uni but having constant one night stands isn't very fun for long. It definitely sounds like you are the one coping here, I'm in a great relationship with the perfect gf and couldn't be happier.
You sound like you're 17.
Broke up with my chubby ex too this spring. She used to be so thin, it's a shame. She refused to exercise at all, refused to wean off her extremely sugary diet, refused to make any changes. It was always my fault too, apparently. Plus I felt that I'm too young to be in such a long term relationship, and we were long distance too for the last 6 months. I was turning into a spineless nu male. Even though I'm single, I'm happy about it. It feels good to work on myself. I was too reliant
Why? How? Explain please
>If you arent fucking whores in your 20s you WILL regret it
I guarantee I'm older than you, and I know shitloads of guys who fucking wasted their 20's fucking whores and having shallow relationships. They're all emotionally fucked, have gigantic complexes, or severely regret not looking for genuine relationships.
everything you listed applies to me. i am 26 and have ment to seek a meaningful relationships and none of them lasted.
overall still in a comfortable position as i earn good money and can buy whatever i want or travel wherever i want without having the burden of another human being incapable of maintaining some lifestyle and living up to some irrational standard.
human pleasure and companionship is degenerate but admittedly i can't live without it ...
((((((((((C U C K))))))))))
you'll see once you're older. for sure have fun with your little first girlfriend, but you're an idiot if you settle down at 24. That is way too young to know what you really want. That's how people end up in shitty loveless marriages.
>you can't have a relationship in your 30s
this is exactly what I was talking about. you are bitter as fuck because you had no fun in your 20s.
>tfw broke up with chubby gf and turnt her into my side bitch
>If you arent fucking whores in your 20s you WILL regret it
Tbh I have a great gf right now (23) and I fear that every day, but I can't break up with her for that and then end up regretting it. Its a weird sort of limbo.
yeah the people who just try to fuck instead of lock down something are retarded. their goals don't align with their expectations. sex with someone you care about is WAY better than random ONS.
>human pleasure and companionship is degenerate but admittedly i can't live without it ...
stop going to /pol/. stop going to /r9k/. do not listen to the opinions of loser NEET incels.
if you are happy with her then by all means stick with her. but love does not last forever, and don't waste your life being with someone you dont want to.
who says it has to be a one night stand? you can have healthy casual relationships.
it's pointless talking to you guys, you are too afraid to talk to women anyway.
i am not going to either, i have sociopathic tendencies and i don't like humans (yes i know how that sounds, fuck off). having an interesting conversation once in a while, sex and cuddling is nice. but if i'm done with it i don't need the other person, i just want my quiet and do whatever i please in peace
>you can have healthy casual relationships
no. one party will get more invested than the other and it will be bad. it's a waste of time. are you gonna stay in a casual relationship forever? that's not feasible for someone in their mid 20s.
that happens sometimes but not always
and are you fucking retarded? the point of a casual relationship is that it doesn't last forever.
your puritanical ideals are dated, fag. go back to /r/incels
>i refuse to try because i don't want to lose
you sure are a winner
these are people in their early 20s who just got a girlfriend for the first time, or old ass virgins who say they wouldn't get with a girl unless she was a virgin. they have no idea what a normal sex life is like and only understand relationships from the outside looking in.
What, is that really fat?
Don't do it man. I just got out of a relationship with exactly that description and it was a nightmare of insecurity and jealousy. She would constantly berate me about the people I hung out with and the stuff I did. Even when I spent time with her, she never wanted to do anything interesting.
Find someone that you not only enjoy spending time with, but finds you the same. I had to learn that the hard way.
are you me? Exact same age and situation. I've only banged 4 girls
I'm not in a position to be picky.
There's a difference between wanting to share your life with someone and not ending an unhappy relationship until you have a new relationship lined up you spineless faggot.
>tfw 27yo KV
>just want a long-term committed monogamous relationship
Someone assassinate me at any time. It's too late for me and nearly all girls my age are either taken or turbowhores.
Broke up with gf a few days ago
no more...
>guessing why she's mad
>money out of my pocket cause she wants to go out again tonight
>her trying to get me to ask her to move in with me
>her complaining she doesn't have any hobbies or interests
>tying to get her out to do fun stuff only to get turned down because "that doesn't sound interesting"
>her making fun of my interests
>blowing up my phone with messages when I don't respond quick enough
>saying she wants to be a model but takes shit care of herself
>hearing her talk shit about genuinely good people
Thought she had changed after a couple years.
Should've known she hadn't when I learned all her relationships ended up imploding.
Genuinely feel bad for the guys she dated
>It's too late for me and nearly all girls my age are
Dude, why do you need a chick your own age? It's not uncommon for guys to be with 10 year younger chicks.
chubby chicks are nice. the comfy thick thighs which you can lie your head down in, the slightly bigger ass that you can slam without being afraid of breaking the skinny yoga whore, the juice tits that melt your dick
thick/chubby is great to fuck and comfy to cuddle with.
>missing the point
you failed this class, faggot
Ideally the lowest I'd like to date is 24 but the lowest I actually would is probably 20. I don't want to be with a fucking child.
I'm honestly impressed with that post. It's not easy to so strongly imply you are a kissless virgin so desperate for a relationship that you rage at others for not being in one when they could be, but you really did an amazing job accomplishing just that. I bet you are the epitome of the virgin meme.
If you're looking for a long-term relationship, she will age with you. I mean if you're 30 when you get married, there's no reason why she can't be e.g. 22.
Sure but there are other factors needed in order for a long-term relationship--any relationship--to prosper.
Well yeah, that's a given, but at the same time you say this as a KV... Like...pic related
I'm unattractive. Not a lot I can do about that, especially when attracted to a shallow sex that prioritizes physical appeal.
no they don't believe you
so then you dump them
No, you're actually wrong. Males are way waaaay more attracted to physical attributes than women. Women are drawn to strength, independence, power and status. Do you listen to or watch any of Jordan Peterson's stuff?
>that desperate damage control
lmao, go jerk off to your steroid build and suck your weight lift buddies dick, you fucking sissy ass nigger faggot. keep telling yourself that you know anything about anything, you are nothing but a superficial pseudo who likes to intimidate and impress but in reality is shallow and rotten to the core by his inferiority complex
keep on raging bra, come at me, i have already won :)
>she passed on he genes
>you wont
Wooah, really makes you think..
This is pasta right?
No, I think it's reddit. I'm kind of at a loss for words with this guy. I'm glad he will never have an opportunity to breed. I just feel bad for the kid and the father of the kid he will probably end up raising one day...
How?? Same height as you and thats the dream for me
t. edgy HS boy
>realise I'm too good for gf and can actually have any girl I want easily
>dump her
>weekly romps on town and dates with random bitches without gf whining at me
Life is good.
>broke up with twink but abusive bf
I'll find someone who loves me right??
No. Faggots don't love. That's a human emotion.
What do you think made him abusive?
also london?
samefag lol
get back with her now, you will regret this later user
brehs i fucked a girl from a bar but she's 4 years older than me and slightly thicc
I want to go back for more but I think that's a mistake. What should I do? it was some pretty sweet sex btw.
No it's not. I like people, I just happen to think anyone who isn't white isn't a person. Also Jews. They are basically insects to me.
Did you give her your real name? If you did, you probably shouldn't go back. If you have her a fake name, hit it as much as you like.
Go back to facebook roastie
>tfw I could do this but I'm not a degenerate
How do I find a traditional Catholic girl?
>inb4 go to mass
That doesn't work
Congrats user
Can we be honest and realistic here for a moment - What are the chances of finding a girl who isn't gonna cheat on you at some point? I can't deal with that shit cuz I would hit a bitch who did that to me
Pretty high unless they are a devout Catholic or Muslim
>money out of my pocket cause she wants to go out again tonight
I think paying for a girl should be for special occasions and within reasonable expenses (talking once every month or so). It is a very slippery slope towards becoming her ATM, and if she leaves you you'll have just blown all that money away for nothing
my point exactly
it's got me worried so if I get married, I would want to get preen up. That could cause all sorts of problems tho with the woman.
If she flips shit then I know to drop her so there's that
>GF might be pregnant
>if she isn't then I'm gonna leave her
>relationships are a meme