What's your skincare routine?
What's your skincare routine?
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an ingrown hair on my cheek ruined my life for a couple days
soap and water
Never wet shaving, ever. That shit ruins your skin.
no exfoliation or face wash, just use some lukewarm water to wet face
benton aloe BHA toner
benton snail bee moisturiser
biore UV 50+ sunscreen
shiseido perfect whip cleanser
cosrx BHA toner
benton snail bee high content essence
benton snail bee moisturiser
been doing this for months and my face is baby soft, sparkling clean.
I tie a plastic ice pack around my face and commence with the morning's stretching exercises. Afterwards I stand in front of a chrome and acrylic Washmobile bathroom sink - with soap dish, cup holder, and railings that serve as towel bars, which I bought at Hastings Tile to use while the marble sinks I ordered from Finland are being sanded - and stare at my reflection with the ice pack still on. I pour some Plax antiplaque formula into a stainless-steel tumbler and swish it around my mouth for thirty seconds.
Then I squeeze Rembrandt onto a faux- tortoiseshell toothbrush and start brushing my teeth (too hung over to floss properly - but maybe I flossed before bed last night?) and rinse with Listerine. Then I inspect my hands and use a nailbrush. I take the ice-pack mask off and use a deep-pore cleanser lotion, then an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for ten minutes while I check my toenails. Then I use the Probright tooth polisher and next the Interplak tooth polisher (this in addition to the toothbrush) which has a speed of 4200 rpm and reverses direction forty-six times per second; the larger tufts clean between teeth and massage the gums while the short ones scrub the tooth surfaces. I rinse again, with Cepacol. I wash the facial massage off with a spearmint face scrub.
The shower has a universal all-directional shower head that adjusts within a thirty-inch vertical range. It's made from Australian gold-black brass and covered with a white enamel finish. In the shower I use first a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey-almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Vidal Sassoon shampoo is especially good at getting rid of the coating of dried perspiration, salts, oils, airborne pollutants and dirt that can weigh down hair and flatten it to the scalp which can make you look older. The conditioner is also good - silicone technology permits conditioning benefits without weighing down the hair which can also make you look older.
what the fuck is this you nerd
Wash with soap
On weekends or before a date I prefer to use the Greune Natural Revitalizing Shampoo, the conditioner and the Nutrient Complex. These are formulas that contain D-panthenol, a vitamin-B-complex factor; polysorbate 80, a cleansing agent for the scalp; and natural herbs. Over the weekend I plan to go to Bloomingdale's or Bergdorf's and on Evelyn's advice pick up a Foltene European Supplement and Shampoo for thinning hair which contains complex carbohydrates that penetrate the hair shafts for improved strength and shine. Also the Vivagen Hair Enrichment Treatment, a new Redken product that prevents mineral deposits and prolongs the life cycle of hair. Luis Carruthers recommended the Aramis Nutriplexx system, a nutrient complex that helps increase circulation.
Once out of the shower and toweled dry I put the Ralph Lauren boxers back on and before applying the Mousse A Raiser, a shaving cream by Pour Hommes, I press a hot towel against my face for two minutes to soften abrasive beard hair. Then I always slather on a moisturizer (to my taste, Clinique) and let it soak in for a minute. You can rinse it off or keep it on and apply a shaving cream over it - preferably with a brush, which softens the beard as it lifts the whiskers - which I've found makes removing the hair easier. It also helps prevent water from evaporating and reduces friction between your skin and the blade. Always wet the razor with warm water before shaving and shave in the direction the beard grows, pressing gently on the skin. Leave the sideburns and chin for last, since these whiskers are tougher and need more time to soften. Rinse the razor and shake off any excess water before starting. Afterwards splash cool water on the face to remove any trace of lather. You should use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol. Never use cologne on your face, since the high alcohol content dries your face out and makes you look older. One should use an alcohol-free antibacterial toner with a water-moistened cotton ball to normalize the skin.
Applying a moisturizer is the final step. Splash on water before applying an emollient lotion to soften the skin and seal in the moisture. Next apply Gel Appaisant, also made by Pour Hommes, which is an excellent, soothing skin lotion. If the face seems dry and flaky - which makes it look dull and older - use a clarifying lotion that removes flakes and uncovers fine skin (it can also make your tan look darker). Then apply an anti-aging eye balm (Baume Des Yeux) followed by a final moisturizing "protective" lotion. A scalp-programming lotion is used after I towel my hair dry. I also lightly blow-dry the hair to give it body and control (but without stickiness) and then add more of the lotion, shaping it with a Kent natural- bristle brush, and finally slick it back with a wide-tooth comb.
drink a lot of water
when finishing shower dont rub your skin off with the towel, it hurts your skin, just pad it lightly and it'll air-dry, feels much better
drink a lot of water
How's that meth treating you user? Remember to stay hydrated
>wake up
>wash face with warm water
>apply face moisturizer
>go lift
>take shower
>apply moisturizer again
>wash out before bed
>never wash face with soap in the shower
>exfoliate every 2 weeks
Is this good against severe acne? Or should I go see a dermatologist? Asking for a friend.
>been applying Clean and Clear morning, nightly, and blackhead facewash consistently for three months
>see no difference at all
I feel like the chemicals in there are to make your skin FEEL soft, but won't do shit for actually cleaning your skin so you get more. I feel gypped, you guys have any recommendations?
I've got oily skin which sucks but is manageable so long as you're using products tailored for it.
Cleanser, toner, moisturise (with SPF)
Cleanser, toner, night moisturiser
use a face scrub about twice a week
just dont go outside or near windows, fuck that UV shit man
Not sure if baiting or not.
You guys never seen American Psycho? I highly recommend it.
scrub with coconut oil/grounded coffee twice a week
some nivea after shave/shower
I use jojoba oil every morning to moisten my skin. Its by a huge margin better than any moisturizer I've tried. It has a natural nutty smell that is not overpowering. At first I thought putting oil on my face will make me get more acne but it did the opposide.
I would encourage anyone to use it, skin feels amazing.
Once a week I use a aztec clay mask to remove bad stuff, but thats pretty much all.
It's from the book you filthy casual
Imagine living in an area where the sun is an issue lmao
Even if it looks overcast outside, sunscreen will slow your face from aging
Cold water
Essential minerals
All you need, can sub niacin for copious amounts of cayenne (or do both for proper skinmaxxing) all jew chemicals are pretty much counterproductive
I wash with dove soap.
Lush tea tree toner
Enzymion moisturizer.
Every 2nd day I squeeze whiteheads out of my nose and exfoliate with dove and a face towel. It's the only routine that'll keep my face clear and it's ridiculous how much time/work it takes while other people roll out of bed with perfect skin and no pimples.
I'm 26 already so you'd think it'd be easy by now.
good tastes in skincare
Oil cleansing method with squalene
Biore UV Rich Watery Essence sunscreen
OCM w/squalene
Adapalene .3%
Pic related illustrates the importance of sun protection; this is a French truck driver—one side of his face was exposed to the sun every day
No face wash (too drying, will just cause you to produce more oil and potentially cause breakouts esp if you have oily/combo skin)
Skinfood peach sake toner
Skinfood peach sake emulsion (lightweight moisturizer that goes under sunscreen/serum)
Tony moly Mango gel sunscreen (gel based moisturizers are better for oily skin)
Skinfood peach sake serum
Peach foam cleanser
Peach toner
sheet mask 1-3 times per week
Skinfood cucumber gel cream
I have oily/acne prone skin and the sake based stuff really helps with mattifying the skin (not drying it but making it look smooth and porcelain and getting rid of shine) and also heals breakout and hyperpigmentation nicely. I know the products are girly but that doesn't matter it just needs to work. Also for acne prone skin peels or enzyme exfoliates work best since scrubbing will irritate more. I used to have cystic acne and both time, diet, drinking enough water and the skin care routine makes a big difference. Hope this helps people with oily skin
Irish Spring soap and shaving with no cream because im too fucking lazy.
What do all these things do? Care to explain.
Shave once every week or two. Maybe wash my face before bed twice a week.
Make his skin worse than if he just washed once with soap and water in the morning and then manned up
How the fuck do I see men with perfect skin around when all they do is wet their face and maybe use soap? This is injustice.
>wet shaving ruins your skin
Let your razor do the work, shave with the grain, and change your blades more often.
Use a blackhead mask once every week or two.
shaving blade. you will never have any problems again.
Imagine having so little melanin in your skin that you have to worry about the sun lmao
I just wash it with water. Skin products is just a temporar solution, better to be healthy instead.
i have beyond smooth and perfect skin at 26 and i literally do not even wash my face
like i guess it gets wet in the shower but outside of shaving i do not touch it
Have fun with your snake skin and malignant cancer
I enjoyed both but they're pretty different imo
i also have 23 inch shoulders, thick, perfect hair and high cheekbones
and autism. crippling autism
>worse than if he just washed once with soap and water in the morning and then manned up
LMAO "manned up"
GL being 25 and looking 40 with your literal shit skin
So I should just rinse my face twice a day and apply moisturizer? That's it?
I've been getting a lot of vit a,c , e. Maybe more biotin?
I just want to minimize meth induced wrinkles.
I put used coffee grinds on my kitchen counter, smash a bar of soap into it, and use it to scrub my entire body, face included. I usually smash the soap into coffee grinds every second day.
go see a dermatalogist, i suffered from extreme acne a couple years ago and they helped me fix it, if your acne really is severe u cant fix it on your own
Enjoy your cancer friendo
Sometimes i regret not taking a picture of my face when i had horrible acne, so i could compare it to what it looks like today.
>Hot water doesn't touch face, not even in the shower
>Use a face scrub (keracnyl)
>Tilt head back and let shampoo from hair run down on back (bow down head completely if bacne) NEVER let those jewy shampoo ingredients touch your face. You will get inflammation and acne
>Apply moisturizer meant to combat dryness using drying treatments (clindoxyl, accutane etc.)
After gym
>Face scrub
>Mouistorizer (ducray keracnyl repair)
>Wash off mouistorizer
>Apply Clindoxyl (prescription)
>Sleep on a fresh towel
Touch your face minimally
Post face user, with before and after. Going to need proofs. Didn't take care of my face when I was younger, so my skin is far from baby soft.
drink alot of water. i bet you never drink water.
I intentionally do NOT shower after a workout and get on the bus. Everyone can bask in my glorious pheromones . I consider it a public service for the women.
Reading what you people are writing... it's like you're speaking in a different language. Does Veeky Forums have a guide for this sort of thing, because my skin is bad and I could use the assistance.
my before pic really doesn't capture how awful my skin was before my current skin routine. i have rosacea and very sensitive, dry skin so i had to find products tailoring to my personal needs. just do some research before trying out products that's harped by randoms on a mongalian fishing forum.
You look like a girl
Here is my routine
>cerave cleanser gel
>cetaphil moisturizer
>cerave cleanser gel
>stridex exfoliating pads/rosehip seed oil
I also do clay mask once a week and exfoliate with scrub twice a week.
Impressive. If that really is you. I sort of look like your before pics. Going to try your regimen. Also, do you or did you use to have acne craters?
hahaha you do that every day nigga? what the fuck is wrong wit you hahaha you don't even get laid
Sent from my iPhone.
How often do you change pillowcases? Does your pillow get oily when you go to bed right after applying moisturiser?
i may have a few :( but my acne scars were mostly of the discolouration kind which (i think) could be solved by using AHA products. i think unless you have crazy sensitive skin like mine, usually a good cleanser/moisturise/sunscreen should suffice haha.
i change pillow cases like once a month... not ideal. and nah i do shit while it dries.
BHA for getting rid of blackheads, i.e. smoothing of the skin, toner for moisture, essence for extra layer of moisture (it's like a gel type of liquid, feels so good), aloe for its calming properties, snail bee because why not, all the koreans are doing it.
I have a friend who never drinks water, just coke. He even had health problems at 19 when playing soccer because he couldn't keep up. He has the most clear skin I've ever seen, it's ridiculous.
That place is shit
What does 'Snail Bee' mean? Snail-related in some way?
They have a good wiki if you are confused about a skincare routine
it very much is.
Is this some genius alternate version or extrapolation of the American Psycho copypasta?
Pic is me off my school ID. Good skin.
Exfoliate with charcoal scrub daily, drink a lot of water, wear 110 SPF sunscreen and a bidaily facial mask.
That's the original from the book, much more detailed and autistic
What ever creams and instructions my sister gives me
you look like a school shooter
what kind of mask do you recommend? Clay, moisturizing, etc
OP literally opened the thread with the scene from the movie is quoting, and you still didn't get the reference.
Wash with Dove men+care exfoliating bar soap (the red one, prefer the yellow oil eliminating one but I can't find it in ND), "sensitive skin" shaving cream, and shave with a razor. Then persa-gel (10% salycilic acid) and non-oil-based skin lotion.
Harsh regimen, I know, but my face is hella greasy so it works for me.
Spoken like a true walletlet who won't spend $50 on a decent single edge blade, a brush, and some soap.
Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser
Nivea Purifying Toner
Kikumasamune Sake Skin Lotion High Moisture
CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30
Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen SPF50+ Pa++++
(Have oily but non-acne prone skin, gonna try not applying cleanser in the mornings)
KOSE COSMEPORT softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil
Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser (double cleanse)
Stridex Red 2% BHA (every couple days)
Nivea Purifying Toner
Kikumasamune Sake Skin Lotion High Moisture
CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion PM
Face is as soft as a baby, male btw
Half guard beard trimmer on entire face and head every Sunday. Wash scalp and face with Aveeno body wash. Repeat next Sunday for perpetual Jason Statham look.
Get /fitlit/ you fags
he actually looks pretty handsome no homo reminds me of legolas
hey idubbbz
Do you know of anything that can help with craters? I have a couple. Not very noticeable from afar, but up close they become very obvious.
Reminds me more of matpat from game theorists.
Face wash
Facial lotion
Face wash
(Exfoliate if it's the day)
(Face Mask if it's the day)
Facial lotion
Exfoliate 2-3 times a week
Face mask 1-2 times week
Face feels fucking amazing and no unpleasant guests on face.
You really shouldn't be out giving advice with those facial aesthetics. I don't know what you exercise in the gym but everything on you is looking weak. Eat something my man.
I got this shit figured out
1-.Wash face in the shower
2-.Apply AM facial cleanser
3-.Apply AM mosteurizer UV+20
4-.Put some vasceline lips
5-. A dab of eyecream/concealer (inb4 homo, i never have bags around my eyes)
1-. Apply scrub twice a week
2-. Cucumber eye treament once a week
1-.Wash face
2-.Apply cleanser
3-.Pm mosteurizer
4-.Anti-aging night cream
Egg yolk face mask, just use the left over egg yolks you get when making whites for breakfeast.
I literally just cup some water in my hands and put that on my face then dry it off
That's it
I've put t-shirts I don't use outside pillows so I don't have to change the pillowcase itself as often. By turning the pillow around, or flipping the shirt inside-out I can use one shirt four times.
>Caudalie instant foaming cleanser
>Caudalie vinosource moisturizing sorbet
>Eau Thermale Avène SPF 50 plus hydrating sunscreen lotion
Throughout the day:
>Too Faced hangover 3-in-1 replenishing primer & setting spray
>Caudalie instant foaming cleanser
>Caudalie vinosource moisturizing sorbet
>Sunday Riley U.F.O. Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil
>Caudalie instant detox mask