Who else here is training to be the swole right? We can't let those swole leftists with their 200 lb bench presses be the only jacked ones running around.
/Swole Right/
Other urls found in this thread:
>they're both finnish
fuck you nazis , who /swole left / here
Who here is swole anarchy
dude ur a fag
>being a kekistani faggot
The only acceptable right wing stances are as follows. Fascism, Traditionalism, Monarchism, Gaullist.
Neo con Jews like trump and his faggot followers are not right wing. The only right wing stance they take is a vague sense of family and anti modernity but eyre too retarded to articulate it properly.
>Richard spencer lovers
>trump supports
>American republicans
Are not right wing or conservatives.
You shouldn't be sharing private images of scoobs like that user
>waah i'm a special snowflake
kekers aren't right wing they're just basement trolls
We gotta bee strong to fight nazis
Is that a fucking yesstyle jacket?
don't lump /pol/ in with the civic nationalist reddit nerds and kekistani faggots pls.
genuinely stop
i want him to bash my fashhole
Who here /preparingfortheracewar/
this, except they aren't basement trolls. They are reddit nerds who fell into the hype around /pol/ memes and trump without really understanding what any of it was about.
Am I the only one who thought that was a chick at first?
I think it a transitioning man so you're half right
I'm only a monarchist if I am the king.
You nazis better watch out
Do these people not have any self awareness? That kekistani bs is no way funny and is just pure cringe.
Isn't this a tranny?
I swear to god this is a FtM tranny...
Good to see some actual right. The number plebbit jewnold lovers bannon but hadn't read Evola or Dugin was disgusting.
More centrally, I think the notion of nobility in the sense of virtue undergirds older strains of right wing ideology.
Trump and his supporters are completely shameless and degenerate, so much so that concepts like 'family' are really meaningless to them. They don't really have beliefs about how the world ought to be, as all they are equipped to do is mock and resent. Honestly it's pretty close to the Nietzschean idea of a untermensch who lives a life of ressentiment.
Look at Blahino go