So what are the hottest and most aesthetic tattoos a guy can get? I'm thinking something pic related
Post pics of your tattoos or tattoos you want to get
on Veeky Forums bodies only
So what are the hottest and most aesthetic tattoos a guy can get? I'm thinking something pic related
Post pics of your tattoos or tattoos you want to get
on Veeky Forums bodies only
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Absolutely pathetic
fuck off virgin
You aren't supposed to make any markings into your flesh if you're a true christian
You should know this.
Just go to the closest tattoo parlor and pick something from their fucking books if you're gonna get tattoos just to look bad ass, it'll go well with your nose ring
correction: you're not supposed to dephile your body. the term dephile is debatable
I'm not religious. I just like the style.
Just go to the closest tattoo parlor and pick something from their fucking books if you're gonna get tattoos just to look bad ass, it'll go well with your nose ring
Don't be so salty, smoothskin
>Leviticus 19:28
It's pretty straightforward, heathen.
>Don't be so salty, smoothskin
Lol, I have my entire back covered in tattoos and both lower arms and not once did I ask fucking Veeky Forums what to get. Like you're not religious but "like the style", what a fucking disgrace you are to both atheists and religious people like myself. Get tattoos that mean something to you, don't get shit that means shit to other people.
loser tier: quotes, religion, brands, pet faces, relationship-related, tribal
cool tier: basically art
>normie gets BTFO
>immediately jumps to ad hom, basic bitch facebook tier insults
Tick-tock like clockwork, faggot.
Mind posting yours?
Tattoos are for clowns
Yeah, actually I do mind posting mine, because this is a shit thread and you are a shit for brains posting about tattoos in a fitness board. I hope you get banned, retard.
Says the one who wants to get a tattoo
>loser tier: quotes, religion, brands, pet faces, relationship-related, tribal
That is gonna look like a blurry mess in a year though
i think i'm gonna get a neck tattoo of like an anchor
So? Live fast, die young. Women don't want weak men who think of such shit
Tattoos are fucking stupid. There is no way to actually justify their addition other than "it looks cool." Not unless a fucking dying family member requested that you got one or it was an act of solidarity with a group. I know my brother got a tattoo with all of his army buddies before they got sent overseas.
something poetic
Sources the daily fucking mail... hahahaha
Nobody gives a shit about your 2deep4u justifications. Fuck off faggot.
It's just fucking vapid you stupid cunt. It's the exact same as a woman getting a stupid fucking quote or some gay little shit design because she thought it looked cool.
and your mother is a filthy whore
Pic unrelated?
My buddy has "a meaningful sentence" across his chest like that. It's fucking hilarious.
>A well thought out piece is the same as some generic tattoo
Regardless, I'm happy that such people get banal tattoos. it let's me know right away that there's nothing to gain by interacting with them.
Write your name and your address on you somewhere people can read. That way they know where to take you home if you get black out drunk at a bar for example.
>You aren't supposed to make any markings into your flesh if you're a true christian
The same chapter says no wearing "garment with two different fabrics combined" and more importantly "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head "
If you dont look exactly like pic, you're not a good christian according to the bible.
Protip: The entire Book of Leviticus is an instruction set for priests, not for civilians.
Martin Luther was wrong, retards shouldn't be allowed to read the bible and interpret it for themselves, its the job of priests to guide readings, so dipshits do go misquoting and misinterpreting basic shit.
the Chad comment
the virgin reply
Ideal tattoo
yeah dude that's gay
this boy spent so much money to show people he's retarded
Tattoos are the mark of a slave. You are branded with the sign of another man, and much like the farmer who brands cattle the 'artist' will soon forget that the act ever occurred while you will bear its and his memory forever. Willingly paying another person to permanently ink their stamp into your body is one of the most pathetic things you can do.
Post a tattoo more than 3 years old that you think looks good.
You conflated tattoos with branding, and couldn't even keep up the act for two full sentences.
Tattoos are part of many culture's heritage.
If you want to abandon your cultural heritage, becuase some goat headsets 2000 years ago made some wicked-cool campfire stories good for you.
The irony of your post? You call tattooed people branded cattle, when youre actively trying to disassemble cultures, and promote a world of unquestioning sheep.
While I agree 95% of tattoos are stupid, there is some that are really good looking pieces of art or have an interesting story tied to them so they have a reminder of that memory and I can respect that.
I also kinda like it when people go full retard and just get dozens of stupid as fuck meaningless tattoos in a mash up too though so idk.
What culture? Samoan? Celtic? What ties do you really have to your culture? Language, religion, morals, values? Do you still perform traditional rites? Wear traditional clothing?
Probably not, just modern sensibilities and a dash of plastic 'muh heritage' thrown in to make you feel special. If you feel the need to have Heroin Johnny scar your body with ink just admit you do it to look cool, don't hide behind culture when you have no other ties to said culture. Pic related, its you.
post tats
isnt antifa being officially classified as a domestic terrorist group in some states now? you should report people like this to the authorities
tattoos are fucking gay unless youre a sailor or something
im willing to bet women in the west have a higher percentage of tattoos than men
>Old testament
Nice try schlomo
heh i made myself curious and guess what?
Strawman: the post.
Not only that but it's Leviticus of all things.
>isnt antifa being officially classified as a domestic terrorist group in some states now?
Odd how a bunch of pussy worshippers get added to that list, but the alt-right guys who are literally doing terrorist shit aren't.
C'est la vie
mmm no they got added because they keep destroying public property and bringing weapons to rallies to attack people and literally publicly advocate violence against anyone who disagrees with them
what terrorist shit is the "alt-right" doing again?
>call yourself terrorists
>surprised when you are labeled terrorist
say la vee
>bringing weapons to rallies to attack people and literally publicly advocate violence against anyone who disagrees with them
>what terrorist shit is the "alt-right" doing again?
Anyone else remember that thing with a car not too long ago?
>Anyone else remember that thing with a car not too long ago?
literally happens every time mobs block traffic. nothing will happen to him and its completely legal to gun it out of a violent mob
Or maybe that thing where the all thoe Alt-right folks are calling for shootings and mass violence leading to a race war.
Dunno, maybe I'm just crazy.
you are truly a genius. one of the few on this board with genuine intellect
>Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.
please report all antifa-posters
What's your point son?
>What's your point son?
that leftists are extremely violent and naturally gravitate towards terrorism and right wing groups one some of the least violent and terroristy
this is obviously an old chart and leftists have become much more violent than they normally are recently
>I'm so unattractive and boring I need to inject ink into my skin to make girls like me
>please tell me how I can do this in the most attractive way because it means nothing more to me than trying to please women
>calling others virgins
>the leftist motto of "we the minority will force our superior views on the ignorant majority no matter what" turn out to be terrorists
>the rights motto of "we have the majority and might makes right so you should fall in line" tend to sit on the sidelines and let cops and the government sort things out
really makes me uh....
(((superior views)))
>what terrorist shit is the "alt-right" doing again?
Driving a car into a crowd
Beating people (Charlottesville)
Bombing abortion places
Dylan Rooff
Why can't you faggots accept that both sides are terrible?
Fuck any fucking non centrist
>the group of people who believe in the rule of law don't like breaking the law
You don't say?
Hey guys this tattoos general seems like a great place to discuss politics please do so all the time so we dont have to listen to you in other threads because you're really fucking annoying and nobody will ever love you
i got a horrible tattoo on my forearm of an orchid en memorium for my late girlfriend (suicide). id post it but itd be guaranteed bully zone
Biohazard symbol is all I need.
Basically if you have to think of a justification to get one, you probably shouldn't get one
And the Left still messes with the far right.
id like to point out to all you would-be tattoo donners that getting tattoos really fucking hurt. like really. its horrible
No it doesn't. Getting them removed is pretty bad, like yellow jacket stings. Getting the tattoo is much more full.
>I do them on myself so a couple had to go
If you really want a tattoo, then get one that actually has meaning to you. Nothing worse than people asking and you going "oh.. I picked it from a book"
Its'k bro.
I have my ex's astrological sign and a flower on my arm. Make you feel even better, I got it months after we broke up so I wouldn't forget how much I loved her.
And yeah fuck no, not posting it cause you guys are cunts.
The absolute cuckoldry aside, if you really loved her that much, why would you be worried about forgetting it?
getting tattoos is like taking a big block of marble, and instead of carving a sculpture out of it, just drawing a bunch of dumb shit on it
So we should carve into our bodies instead?
wtf dude?
that is actually really well done. would look better if the guy wasnt dyel
>just let them rape your children goyim
>don't think for yourself just do what they say, wash and kiss the feet of invaders
If you follow an abrahamic faith you are subhuman
this is the single most pathetic thing ive seen all week.
Anti abortion is Christian and thus not right. No Christian can be a right"ist" any Jew faith precludes that. Roof is a lone wolf by that stance every Muslim attack is on the left side since they advocate for them. Checkmate cuck
Stop spreading this degenerate shit.
Nothing is aesthetic in such shitty life long failures.
Nu-male faggots just want to be "manly" with tattoos.
>these fucking retards are trying to act like they know the first thing about any religion at all
these are nice, but pretty gay
Sweet, this one looks great. Should go even lower tho
It has scientifically been proven chicks dig men with tattoos and they are seen as more masculine. Tattoos are the ultimate cheat code to increase your sexual market place value.
>dont think for yourself
>just do whatever the magic man who somehow was appointed magic man says
audibly kekd
The samefag
tribal done right
Lmfao that's the funniest thing I've read on this site in forever. Hope to God it's true. Cuck
veni veni veni
On the chest.
Both pecs.