Sometimes when I'm carrying plates I do shrugs with them.
Things you do you think no one else does
The over-head press.
I never see anyone else at my gym doing it
If it's getting late and all the weights are messed up, I help put some away.
What is that pic from and why is it making my dick hard
>wrist curls
>calf raises
>focus on the negative
>never confuse my muscles
>eat meat once a day, rarely consume protein
>convince myself i'm not a dyel
Literally me
Me too. I'm not sure why, I see it recommended everywhere on the internet
Sometimes on a random plaze like on a cab back from work, I'm just thinking about lifting and my breathing changes like if I'm doing the excersise, also when I'm watching a movie and the guy may have to lift something really heavy like if I were the one doing it
While laying in bed on my back I will tilt my head downward which flexes my abs all the way down to my crotch.
I only see people using the seated barbell press chair+rack. Never standing barbell or dumbells
Looks like balding Clarence sort of..
When loading/unloading the bar I carry multiple plates at the same time to work my pinch grip.
It has great orgy scenes.
I assume perfect ATG squat form when putting back the 20kg plates on the racks closest to the ground, but don't go ATG on actual squats.
I have perfect form when deadlifting 20kg plates back/from the rack but I'm gonna throw my back when I really do dl.
Sometimes when I superset arms I just curl the plates if I happen to be next to a plate rack.
This sort of visualization is great, and can theoretically produce similar effects to actually doing the exercise
I've failed a lift and injured myself because I was thinking of a shitpost to post later that day on Veeky Forums.
I ohp with the 70lb curl bar. I'm sorry.
I worry my left arm doesn't match up well with my right. I don't think the asymmetry is noticeable but for me it is.
>Speaking negativity into existence
>mfw do squats, OHP and deadlifts all at the curl rack
more than 5 pullups with pauses and good form (no kipping etc)
>attach wrist roller to low pulley cable for dat dere increasing resistance as I roll
>barbell hip thrusts with small butt plug (srs, also n-no homo)
>HIIT fucking the Mrs., i.e. go hard and rapey for 30 sec, and slow and sensual for 30, rinse repeat until I nut
>Lu raises, original with pl8s like he does and all
>spazzing out like a mad retard before a PR to really get me hyped and ready, screaming and chest thumping and jumping around and shit, works better than ammonia kek
homegym btw, I aint THAT autistic to do the last one in front of people
Use wrist weights to microload
Actual deadlifts, everyone else in my gym does romanian.
I read a few studies on controlled brrathing and activating ypur edricine system .so before i play sports or attempt a new pr i take 5-10 kinutes hyperventiling .i feel that it really helps put me in the zone but then again im an autistic fitzen.
I've seen one other guy do standing ohp, no one ever does farmer's carry as well, I swear people think I'm retarded when I do it
hang upsidedown off pullup bar on rack with barbell on bench and do lat pulls with it
blew up my lats. way better than pullups / pulldowns
u wot
shill this to the crossfitfags, I implore you
1hand farmer walks
I need to see a webm of this
I do the last one at my local LA fitness and I do it before any heavy set of deadlifts. Fuck it
position myself perfectly in front of that warped spot in the mirror so that the distortion makes me look like a bigger guy
first of all, mirin dedication, either you dont spazz as hard as I do or you truly give zero fucks
second, dont murrican chain gyms sound the lunk alarm when you ape out? :^)
A lot of people do that crap, mostly dyels tho
Actually doing squats to depth.
I'd love to see this.
I kekd not sure why
I workout at home so much easier to get away with this:
>Workout in the basement so a little cold sometimes, will sneeze or spit on my arms if needed during sets and rub it across cuz I'm hyped
>use talcum powder for balls on bar and hands for better grip strength on shrugs
>sing along to metal lyrics
>sometimes workout but naked if too hot