Being skinnyfat is the worst, because both choices you have give you shitty results

being skinnyfat is the worst, because both choices you have give you shitty results
go skelly mode
go whale mode

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Yeah, that's your punishment for being a lazy faggot.

If you're really skinnyfat and not just lardo you'll only have to cut like 10-15kg max. Life heavy while doing it and you'll be ready to start making real progress in a few months.

it's always better to bulk as a skinnyfat, you'll never cut that pouch away and you'll fuck yourself up

lift heavy and bulk (slight surplus, not a 1000 calories)


Or you don't do any of those

as a skinnyfat, this will take a fucking decade

are you an idiot? that shit will never work for a skinnyfat

yeah why get lean quickly and efficiently while taking advantage of (primarily) neurologically mediated novice strength gains if you can piddle about at maintenance calories and get it done in the slowest possible way?

kys retard

lmao you should be happy that you look decent clothed
No matter what Ill wear Ill still look like a beached whale
If its hard for you to cut 30lbs try cutting 140 like im doing, faggot

was skinnyfat and went through 3 cutting and 2 "bulking"(slight surplus) phases so far. Currently i'm in my last cutting phase and i won't stop till i either see some abs or till i go twink mode

This is a myth

just go skelly mode, bro. sure the diet sucks and looking little sucks but it beats struggling to burn off fat for ages and being made fun of for looking fat

Or you could just

what do you mean by

I'm taking the long route and recomping. Although I think I'll up the calories once my noob gains are done and my lifts start stalling.

I seriously feel for other skinnyfat bros. I've only been at it for 3 months and it's a fucking doozy. Sometimes I think there should be a skinnyfat general but I guess we really just belong on /fat/.

>acting like it's someone else's fault that he got that heavy to begin with
you're fucking pathetic dude lmao, actually consider hanging yoruself

and whose fault is that youre skinnyfat and you let yourself have zero muscles
neck yourself my dude

who says I'm skinnyfat?

i doubt he would be able to

im basically twink mode with a little bit of love handles, how do i escape

>need skinny fat general
This. Been lifting about 2 months already. Weight hasn't changed that much, I'm hoping it's because I'm losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously. I certainly feel somewhat stronger. I'm lifting weights I couldn't lift 2 months ago but not seeing any physical changes. At least I see my abs taking shape, so there's that.

Shit sucks, yo.
I've been lifting for 3 weeks now, so obviously no serious improvements. I can do almost 20 reps with the bar now, and when I started I could barely do 5, so that's nice.

Just lift weights combined with a cut. Nothing too radical, like 500 kcal deficit.

Noob gains with a leaner look will give you some nice results in no time.

My advice is not to bulk. Gaining more fat will destroy your motivation. Better to lean down first.

everyone on Veeky Forums is stupid except me, going whale mode is alpha vro

R E C O M P.

I struggled for a long time deciding whether to cut or bulk, in the end I've decided to bulk. I don't notice any big difference but my strength has definitely gone up.

Whatever you decide to do just stick to it. We're all gonna make it.

Bad advice. You'll get too fat very quickly and then lose most of the small gains you've made by cutting.

It is NEVER a good idea to start with a bulk if you aren't truly skinny. Always cut first.

t. former skinnyfat

Alright, thanks mate. I'm not doing any radical changes to my diet as of now, just more protein and veggies and less sugar and processed food as the sticky said.

>a beautiful lady

Good, just make sure to track your kcals and proteins. Stay 500 below maintenance for calories and be sure to get at least 1.5 gr of protein per kg of lean mass, or 0,7gr per lbs of lean mass.

Combine that with progressive overload in your training and you're basically guaranteed to see some strength and muscle gains and lower bf% before you know it.

It's not rocket science especially at the start when you can still get those noob gains even during a cut.

CUT first. Don't fall for the bulk meme first if you're skinny fat. It will always end with you becoming fatter than you want. Then you'll try cutting and lose what little gains you made. It might also make you lose motivation.

you've probs stuffed your face with many more tasty dishes than skinny fats around the world so just keep in mind you enjoyed gaining the weight you fuck up

patience mi amigo, legit just go on with your life and keep lifting, stop thinking about physical gains just keep it consistent and they're bound to roll in. sus it out in a year and boom, fit by normie standards


Being skelly is objectively more aesthetic than being skinnyfat. Anyway just bite the fucking bullet and do it, either way. Cut first if you care that much about how you look, bulk first if you'd rather be stronger faster

>tfw I know cutting is for the best but it still annoys me having to postpone gains

he should go right to 1000 deficit if he can tolerate it, he's fat as fuck

worst advice in the world, it is always better to cut if you have excess bodyfat regardless of how much muscle you have

this is a marathon not a sprint, get lean to set your future bulk up for success


1000 deficit is too much imo for somebody who starts lifting at the same time.

1000 deficit is for fat fucks who are sedentary and need to lose large amounts of weight.

Have you tried actually lifting?

It took you 20 something years to get the shitty body you currently have. Don't expect to get rid of it in 6 months.
Bullshit, it's easily possible. Then again the definition of "skinnyfat" can vary wildly among people and I'm not sure if OP is eating at a deficit or not.

>tfw 6'0 and weigh 54Kg
>tfw bulking healthily is costly
>tfw i constantly have to deal with embarrassments of not being able to clear the plates when invited to eat out or at someone's house

Am I gonna make it, Veeky Forums?

You faggots should stop talking about cutting/bulking and go lift some damn weights at the gym. 4 months ago I was skinny fat. Then I started hitting the gym and lifting hard. I quit sugars and fried foods completely. I was eating on a deficit for the first month or so. Then I started eating at maintenance. Last month i hurt my shoulder and I've been out of the gym since then. Lost a few pounds. Today I have 4 abs and an Adonis belt . it's not that hard just go lift

i know this feeling very well

How about just eat like a normal healthy human being and lift?

Fucking pussy ass bitch

Wew made me feel better at 5'7 54 kg. You must be a actual skeleton

On a related note, what weight should I cut to if I'm 6'04"? I'd rather start with a blank slate to build muscle on. Was 250 a year ago, currently 190 after cleaning up my diet and lifting for about 6 months. Haven't made many gains due to being on a pretty big deficit.

weight is irrelevant bf% is important