Give me an intermediate program that's just the big three maybe some assistance ohp and pull-ups

Give me an intermediate program that's just the big three maybe some assistance ohp and pull-ups

GZCL method


basically something like SS without progressive overload each workout but periodized


Oops, on day 3 you do nuckols' bench day 3, which is an AMRAP with 80% of your 1rm, not bench 1x5. Ignore that, I'll delete the post. Fixed:

Texas method + nuckols 3x int med load bench (the one with AMRAPs at the end of each week).

Day 1:
5x5 squat at 85% of 5 rep max
Nuckols bench day 1
Speed deadlifts 6x3 at 70% of 5 rep max

Day 2:
Nuckols bench day 2
Paused oly/highbar squat 2x5 at 80% of day 1's 5x5
Good Mornings 3x12-15

Day 3:
Squat 1x5
Nuckols bench day 3
Deadlift 1x5

Add your "maybe" exercises wherever you want, do some light reverse flies or facepulls in between bench sets if you want.

Looks good

like to live in or to enter into?

To break through stalls, either add more sets to that lift on day 1 or do weakpoint work at the end of day 2.

RTS Generalized Intermediate Program. I love doing it and made some very good gains using it

madcow 5x5

>benching 3x week with no rows or real upper body pulls at all
yeah im sure our weak as fuck "intermediate" with no muscle to speak of will really do well with this


He said big 3 only. I'm not his mother. I do 100 chins/week on that program.



Candito's 6 program

5/3/1. If you really wanna strip it down to nothing, the "I ain't doing jack" template.

Post dick

Combine this with Nuckols 3x a week bench instead of TM like the other user suggested

What's wrong with 5/3/1?

Very little volume in higher intensity range and only once per week training each lift. A lot of this is fixed with variations and updates but there are simply a lot more programs that are more optimal

5/3/1 is a progression template not a program.

confused how to combine those since candito's 6 has varying training days each week help this dumb Veeky Forumsizen nigga

I have never understood how you people can do a 5RM of both squats and deadlifts on the same day

Hepburn Power & Pump
If you don't want to do OHP as a power movement, do it at about 65-70% and chase that or superset it with pullups. Just make it a monthly progression, but keep the daily volume and set/rep scheme to something usable.

My opinion is that you're screwing your bench hard by not pressing heavy enough. My tendency with a hepburn scheme is to lift 4x/week, squat/bench and DL/press on back to back days, so M/T/Th/F. I also make my pump the opposite day's lift so I'm hitting everything 4x/week

As long as you keep the pump work from being too killer, and you reset instead of grinding bad reps, the volume alone will push your 1rm up

Thick, tight, solid.
Too bad she's underage as hell. No adults wear hairbands on their wrists, those shitty art-class bracelets, have those unkempt nails, and such chubby fingers.

This is literally an 8th grader.

Or she's just some short girl. Either way, she's just begging to be spit roasted

I grew up with the internet and jacking off to girls my age. That includes 12 and up. This is literally the poster child for a middle schooler. The skin softness and fat distribution is that of a child.

>No adults wear hairbands on their wrists
How sheltered can you be? Were you homeschooled?
polite sage

This is deum0s she starting doing porn at 18