Whats wrong with my biceps

whats wrong with my biceps

too many curls

i literally never isolate

It doesn't look right

weird genetic shape

It's attached to a self-conscious little he-woman. Just go life heavy things and stop thinking.

Its trying to poke out of your armpit

too much of this nigga

i love my rows

short bicep genetics, i got them too

you have the same shape and cut as my bicep too.

>tfw long biceps

that's a sick peak bro

You are not allowed to feel good about anything here on fit.

Just genetics

Pic related or a tumor. Get it checked.

youre too fat. cant see the muscle.

OwO what's this?

Torn bicep tendon. Did you feel it snap or feel any sharp pain in your upper arm?

My biceps are fine bro

>Just go life heavy things and stop thinking.
this. it looks fine, but maybe biceps aren't gonna be your vanity muscle, so work on what you're genetically gifted at.

cut and you'll be fine, also work on your forearm

What the fuck man, it's night here where I'm reading this thread.

can't sleep now fuck