How does one stop being a lazy coddled piece of shit and becoming hard working and disciplined?

How does one stop being a lazy coddled piece of shit and becoming hard working and disciplined?

I got kicked outta uni and I'm facing neethood.

I don't know user, but tell me if you find out

Clean your room

For me it took getting so low that i was in constant emotional pain.
I just started walking because it numbed the feeling in my gut, then it slowly evolved into running, then into lifting.
Just find something to really fuck you up

You haven't fallen far enough if you're still wondering why you have no drive to get back up

For me it was never an option. I grew up malnourished and was often beaten. the cops kept bringing me back home whenever I ran away until I graduated high school. I'm married, wife is pregnant with our 4th kid, I make about $150k a year, have a STEM degree, and I haven't seen or spoken to a member of my family since June 26th, 2002.

You can do it right now. Just accept that it's gonna be hard at first, unless you don't take that first step right now, nothing is gonna happen.

Don't wait for a magical day where you instantly feel like taking action. That day will never come.

I hope life shits on you harder so you stop asking little bitch questions

Move past the why and start with small actions. Tr not to dwell on the past. I know that's hard, but start with small consistent things like making your bed. Making your bed every morning is tiny, consistent discipline. Grow from there.

One thing I did was understand my problems. Don't focus on how they make you feel. Approach them in a non emotional, fully objective way, almost as if they have no direct affect on your life.

Throw away computer and buy a shitty laptop that can only run office programs. Cut out internet use.
Congratulations you have an extra 8 hours everyday in your life.

>tfw did this, bought an X220 and now I spend 8 hours a day modifying GNU/Linux


How did you learn this?



I joined the airforce because I was too lazy to do well in school. It's worked so far.

>i joined the chairforce to do things
>literally a glorified office worker

Join the military if you don't have the discipline to do it yourself. Seriously, got be back up after five years of being a NEET cunt.

Also this is a good start:

Not all of us have loving parents, and some of us manage to make something of ourselves regardless of where we came from. My only issue with what happened to me as a kid is that I turned out to be a manlet because I didn't eat enough.

If you think I don't really make that much, I work as an engineer at a mine. We get paid very well.

>Work in a lab
>Calibrate oscilloscopes and make sure all kinds of measuring equipment work properly, troubleshooting electronics and fixing shit
>got free 2 year degree from 6 month training
>PT is in work hours
>Literally get paid to lift 3 times a week

Checkmate atheist

I'm in the air force and get paid to ride atvs in the woods, shoot sim rounds at students, and workout for like 3 hours a day.

Get a really shitty minimum wage job. It worked for me. I took a year off from uni after nearly flunking out and worked as a lifeguard at the Ymca for a year and some change. I hated that job so much, and living at home. Having no purpose made me feel like a huge scumbag but I'm here back at school now performing significantly better than I was in the past. I figure that if I flunk out again I'm going to look for some union work/trade school and then try to build a stock portfolio while living deservedly well beneath my means. Maybe that could work for you.

AFSC? I'm guessing you're a Staff or higher

Honest mate. Put the computer and TV away untill 9 in the evening. You will be forced to follow a routine wich involves doing real shit. The more real shit you do, the more disciplined you'll get. It gets really easy to see yourself and your progress when you don't fill your day with distractions. Atleast this works for me, computer and TV is reward. If its not, I just kill time and fall behind

Forgot the shit so cash bro

the Nike commercial isn't a meme
>Just do it.
Room is dirty? don't feel like cleaning it... do it anyways, right now.
Getting a job is tough? Do it fucking anyways right now, no hesitation, just do the shit.
Will is like a muscle. The more you train it the easier shit becomes.

I'm not following you

What career do you recommend for someone mediocre at maths?

I don't wish you bad things but this OP.
I just think about my life becoming shittier and shittier then, about how good I could make it instead and my willpower skyrockets.

> (OP)
>I figure that if I flunk out again I'm going to look for some union work/trade school and then try to build a stock portfolio while living deservedly well beneath my means. Maybe that could work for you.

We don't plan for failure.
Put your entire focus on your plan A and make it work.

You will figure out plan B if and when there needs to be one.

I've had an issue where I need some kind of recognition that I'm starting from this certain point, so a journey to a better place has some meaning so other people will care. I know that's bullshit and the only way to succeed is doing it for myself.
How do you willpower?

>how do I stop being a faggot?

Either you do or you don't. There is no secret.

t. doesn't know the answer

>shitty laptop

I have no idea. I'm extremely smart at math. I can't think of a single STEM field job that doesn't require a high proficiency in math.

You would probably learn enough to get by if you spent a tremendous amount of time studying. Getting a degree is the hardest part. After that life is gravy. I started out as a plan checker and now I design upgrades for existing pipelines for bitumen in an oilsands mine. I'm not even that far along in my career.

>tfw super good at math
>got a math and physics degree
>got a shit job where all my peers never even went to college

Shit sucks.

Become an engineer, they stop at Calculus. I finished that shit freshman year.

I make what I make because I live where no one wants to live. My wife and kids are happy, but I don't plan on staying here forever. Most people fly in and out and stay at work camps. I like coming home. My wife would much rather live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere and see me every night than live in a city and only see me one week out of the month.

Also how did you learn to do things on your own after growing up with people like your family? My family is shit tier towards me and I ended up like OP, I'm just having trouble becoming independent and they'll throw me out if I pursue a trade.

Woah woah woah. That sounds pretty sick, since I'm alone and will be forever.

How do I look into such a career? Oil, you say?

I had no choice. I had a guidance counselor help me apply for college and government student loans, I lived in a tent I bought at a Salvation Army for my first summer out of high school and washed dishes in a Chinese restaurant, and I just worked really hard. I never had anything so it wasn't hard to live without anything. I never rewarded myself for doing good. I still don't. Some people who grow up with nothing can't handle it when they have money. They buy everything they want and live in excess. The only thing I want are for my wife and kids to have the things that make them happy. I only buy myself something when my old one is too worn out to use. I still wear a pair of DC shoes I bought in 2010. Right now I'm wearing underwear I bought in college. I'm not cheap or frugal, I just don't want stuff. I have taken my kids to Disney land and Disney world, my wife gets to go visit her family twice a year, and she drives a 2015 touareg. I have no issue spending money, there's just never anything I want for myself I guess...

That Touareg is fucking sweet tho.

I would suggest petroleum engineering. You can get a gravy job driving around and checking well sites all day. Pay is great, work is simple, and you can always get into more complicated but more financially rewarding positions. if you don't want to spend 4 years in college you could always learn to operate heavy equipment.

I'm math/physics major guy. Is that what you suggest still, or was that post assuming no degree?

where do you recommend working?

Alberta? Texas? Oil is pretty slow all over.

Petroleum engineering is pretty heavy in chemistry. You can always look into the different positions available and see what is most interesting to you. I did civil engineering. It made the most sense to me because I can always find work no matter where I want to go.

Depends where you are. If you're Canadian, fort mcmurray. If you're American, probably Alaska or Montana. Australia would also be an option.

Engineering. Just memorize the formulas, done.

This is the mantra I've been trying to teach myself. I wasn't sure if it would work but hearing some other user say it is pretty affirming.

I'm not op but thanks rando fitizen!

Honestly dude there is no "how" in this situation. There aren't any secret tricks that are gonna make you turn your life around. You are gonna have to make conscious decisions everyday to better yourself even if you don't feel like it

medicine if you can remember shit

Clean your room, sort yourself out, descend into the underworld and rescue your father, in that order.

What did he mean by this?

Do you harbour any resentment towards your family? Howd you meet your wife and does she work? Also to keep Veeky Forums whats your big 3.

By emotionally understanding the root cause of your indecisiveness and passivity (your family)

I went through this recently and am in the middle of recovering from a long period of doing nothing.

First thing is figuring out what the problem is, do you have anxiety, are you tired all the time, are you eating enough, sleeping enough? All kinds of things can cause your life to fall apart. For me it was drinking too much coffee and having low Iron and magnesium, and I think in general the first place you should look for problems is nutrition and exercise.

And the biggest thing is wanting it. You can think about fixing things and talk about fixing things but if you can't show a real desire for change then nothing is going to happen.

impossible, tried for years sometimes I even thought I manged it, but all it needs it one bad event one worse day at the gym and I'm relapsing back to my old habits which then take months again to recover. I've been in this circle for years now on average I manage 3-4 productive months in a year.

that sucks to hear user

I'm in the same boat OP.

I just come home and sit straight on the computer after work until bed. Need to get the fuck away from the PC

Clean your room

the price is shit your not gonna find a job easily now

>an extra 8 hours everyday
More like 14+ Tbh

Where can I learn more about this? Never heard anything like this before.

Jordan Peterson


I don't know if you would call it resentments. They have no place in my life except in memories. I don't let what happened to me ruin my future.

I met my wife on a beach in Tofino. She went camping with her friends and she was upset because they kept ditching her to get drunk and my wife is allergic to alcohol. She was sitting on the beach reading a book and I went and sat beside her and asked if this seat was taken. She thought I was a fucking weirdo at first, but that's just because I was high on mushrooms. I went to my car and grabbed my tiny charcoal BBQ and some food out of my cooler and grilled her up a salmon fillet, corn on the Cobb, an onion, and a red pepper. I think it was the fact I went through all that trouble for her when we had just met and I didn't even eat that made her look past the fact I was a walking disaster. She ended up asking to spend the day with me and gave me her phone number and email. She even came and found me the next day before she left to say good-bye. We didn't kiss or anything like that, we basically spent our time together talking about books and she kept asking me different ways to cook stuff. We kept in touch, and two years later after she graduated university she asked if she could come visit me and she never left. She has a degree in human resources management but doesn't work. We both agreed it would be better for our kids if she was at home raising them. When our youngest is old enough to start grade one we will move somewhere that she can find a good job, but our youngest is still in her stomach so it will be a few years yet.

My big 3 are basically just ss. Squat, bench, and deadlift. I do other shit, but I always get those three lifts in before work each day. I don't have time for the gym so I bought a squat rack and bench for the garage. I have Dumbbells and a pull-up bar and use it all often, but the little ones keep me busy. But we eat healthy and I'm definitely in great shape, just not at my natty limit

I reckon if I just blocked 4chin I'd get an extra 4 hours a day

Get a job in retail. Deal with procreating fat fucks and their scream fucking fat fucklettes every day. See all the shit and snacks in their carts. They make more money than you, they work less hours than you. If they wanted to they could afford a gym membership and better healthier food than you. Shit they could afford a personal trainer and dietitian. Rents gonna be hard to pay this month. Why are they shopping with their shitty fat fucklettes. Those kids should be doing after school sports. Those fucklettes will have college paid for them. I wish I could afford to go back to school. No we don't have that bookshelf in Maple but sure I'll check in the back. Maybe one of them will have a heartattack while I'm in the back. She seriously ate half a bag of chips in the six minutes to took for me to make sure we didn't have the maple bookshelf.

Eventually something will snap and you will find the energy to workout before you become one of them

nah I always have energy to work out, it's the more important shit in life like school.

I avoid that shit and do everything else. Last year I learned a new language, became proficient at Piano and a bunch of other useless shit but fucked up the most important thing.

By cleaning your extremely messy room you are embodying Ethos and creating order out of chaos, basically reenacting genesis as God.

Read "The Pale King" by DFW. Shit woke me up and made me take control of my life.

This. Once you hit rock bottom, you either kill yourself or change yourself cardinally.