If you do not Squat/Bench/Deadlift explain your reasoning

If you do not Squat/Bench/Deadlift explain yourself. You can pretend all you want that you dont need to, but you know deep inside you don't do them because

a) you aren't good at them
b) you have poor mobility which is why you get injured doing them
c) you secretly love getting cucked seeing chad deadlift 4pl8 in the gym while you're in the corner on the hyperextension machine like the incel you are "b-but muh back snaps"

fuck you

Other urls found in this thread:


i hurt my knee playing football in college so i dont squat anymore

still bench and deadlift tho

> Squat
Used to squat then realized that girls don't give a shit about huge legs. Plus I don't like squatting

> Bench
I do bench

> Deadlift
Absolutely nothing I need from a deadlift to look good

Deadlifts provide close to 0 hyperthrophy.

3 times a week motherfucker

i'm a weightlifter

see above

kek now post a pic and show everyone your frail body

thats Larry wheels
idk if its bad that i know that

>deadlift 4pl8
Pick one

My hip hurts really badly (a pulling pain) when I deadlift. I don't know why. I have good mobility and I actually like to dl. I don't do sumo either, which seems to give people sciatic nerve pain (not my problem, mine is hip pain). I have no idea what to do.

It's his 50 rep warmup.

nah I watch their videos on youtube too, kigerstrength has good videos with them


I want to become a pro boxer and anyone who concentrates Squat/Bench/Deadlift is a weak as fuck cow who will lose all their fury and strength within 30 seconds inside the ring.

The ring, where it matters.

>Deadlifts provide close to 0 hyperthrophy.

Why is it only the ones who do these memelifts always feel required to preach to others about them?

sounds like you're already retarded so it won't be too much harder for you to become a boxer! good luck!

Enjoy being a weak cow.

I do all three of those but I'm posting in this thread anyways.

so do you deadlift or not?
deadlift is the definition of weight-lifting

I do lots of deadlifts

not too much bench sine i like pushups + OHPs more

I skip the squats because i dont want to snap up my knees

I don't do squats.

Mostly cause I only have a limited amount of time in the gym, I'd rather hit my mirror muscles.

Don't do OHP cause I do dumbell shoulderpress instead.

I still do bench cause its good for triceps, and I do deadlifts everyonce in a while cause its good for lats.

Listen dude, you can call them meme lifts all you want but for as long as ive been lifting I can tell you for sure that my body just looks different when im benching and squatting 3 times a week and deadlifting twice a week. When my routine is geared more towards the main lifts and I stay lean I look the most aesthetic. Period. I cant quantify that for you or give you a scientific case study about the pseudo bro science im telling you if you are a natty lifter the only way to actually look good is to be strong. You can always tell the natty guys who are big but not very strong. Their muscle just has a different "look" to it.

>DL 455 a year back, 185x8 is babby tier, hadnt squated seriously but never waivered below 275x5
>lost job, no gf, unemployment not really covering much, all around shit situation
>decided to spend my time studying for certs and getting new skills
>got a job in a woodshop in addition to part time teaching that left me too exhausted to do big 3's safely afterwork.
>just got a job at a university managing lab space/equipment
>now doing hypertrophy based routine for vanity and resurrecting my deadlift for posterior chain strength.

idk life has its ups and its downs. you wont be hanging around a gym down the street from your dorm constrained by about 16 hours of class and a chill workstudy job forever.

because bb bench snaps my shit up and is inferior to db bench for chest

literal meme lift

how pathetic is your mile run time though OP

christ I bet a 6 min mile isn't even possible for you anymore

hur let me just sit here for 5 minutes to get the energy to move for 8 seconds so I can get exhausted for another 5 minutes



Squats build ass, which girls generally approve of, and deadlifts build back thickness, which EVERYONE approves of.

>projecting this hard

>doesn't know what projecting means

I squat and bench but i don't do deadlifts cuz i can't keep my back straight during them for some reason

I do Rack pulls instead of diddly is that okay? Because I do legs the day before back and like to give them a rest

jesus christ how fucking new are you faggot? Post your stats right fucking now so we can all laugh at you... oh wait you cant because YOU DONT SQUAT BENCH OR DEADLIFT.

Post a pic of your physique... oh wait you wont because YOU DONT SQUAT BENCH OR DEADLIFT

enjoy your sweating problems

kys glamour muscle faggot
lift for you, not for pussy. the pussy will come regardless

>only these three exercises work
any more false religious talking points you'd like to try

I don't like having huge legs because they make my cock look less grandiose

>Does Oly weightlifting
>Doesn't deadlift

For fun, tell me what your lifts are.

Yeah, why squat? It's not like any remotely decent boxer punches from his legs or anything.

>It's not like any remotely decent boxer punches from his legs or anything.
No, they don't.
They use their bodyweight.
It's two COMPLETELY separate things you disgusting shit cow.

wont help me achieve my goals
wont help me achieve my goals
wont help me achieve my goals

>you aren't good at them
not really, would just rather not bother training them. I have a 225 bench without training it, but i still wont bother.
>you have poor mobility which is why you get injured doing them
my mobility is very good in things beyond the squat, not an issue at all
>you secretly love getting cucked seeing chad deadlift 4pl8 in the gym while you're in the corner on the hyperextension machine like the incel you are "b-but muh back snaps"
not really but whatever helps you sleep at night

I'm doing a before/after of 5/3/1 and a program write up so I got ya on the proofs. Gonna run it for 3-4 months

I've been training for years running in a hamster wheel and am borderline dyel in some areas. So far it's only my third week and like you said I'm just flat out bigger, leaner, and stronger. Making faster and higher quality gains than even my first few weeks of even touching weights doing a weekly progression program I pulled out of my ass.

Pic related, it's before

>confirmed never been to a boxing or mma gym
fat thighs always get gassed during sparring

out of curiosity, what ARE your goals?

Strength and aesthetic



Post body.

>no main compounds
>pushing the boundaries of functional autism this far

I do all three, but my squat and dl are weak. I think it's because of poor flexibility, which I'm slowly working on

I bench 280 for reps but I am always having issues with my right knee so I am hesitant about squatting heavy. I can still hit 265 for reps but I would love to join the 3pl8 club

I try to squat but it's a coin flip every session as to whether my hip will start grinding. If it does I have to leg press instead. This plus long-ass femurs mean embarrassingly bad squat numbers that never go up.
I bench all the time and have a great chest.
I deadlift but focus on volume. Doing a single rep of some huge number isn't going to do anything for your physique and will likely injure you eventually.

Strengthfags mad that people don't do their sacred cow squats every day

I do compounds only, just not b/s/d. Thanks for worrying.

different strokes for different folks

Because I hate to do them. And I don't go to the gym to appease frequent posters on a Cambodian Pygmy pig enthusiast board. I do it to do things I enjoy. I also don't judge those that go to the gym to squat, etc.

>tfw b is exactly it

I know it's my tight hamstrings and ankles.

Plz gibe me a stretching routine anons that will specifically help my squat and deadlift. I'm desperate, I really enjoy doing these lifts but lately it's not worth it. The doctor x-rayed my back and he said my discs are fine, it's the muscles around my spine causing problems.

there's the bench/squat/deadlift body

full of fat
zero function except lift something for 8 seconds then relax 5 minutes to move 8 seconds again

>Back bigger than front
>legs bigger than upper body
>lower pec bigger than upper pec
>large forearms, not bracioradialis though
>posting a pic of someone else
>someone that looks like they s/b/d mainly

I get really good results from lunges, farmers carries, and sprinting. I front squat and do clean high pulls sometimes but don't have any urge to deadlift or backsquat.

thats a picture of me
and you should post your own pic so I can critique your forearm to bracioradialis ratio

Pretended to sumo diddly in the gym shower, causing me to pass out and pinch a nerve in my back.

Haven't been able to squat/ deadlift in like 2-3 weeks.



??? tried this thing yet??

I bench and deadlift but I don't squat. My quads and glutes are already big enough.

here's what you're looking for: reddit.com/

traps, upper pecs and delts need more work. Also bicep peak is non existent.
Strong 3/10, if you fix your traps you could get to a 4.

True m80, thanks

I just do Bulgarian split squats and weighted hip thrusts.

I'm a home gym master race and ran out of weight to increase my deadlift and squat numbers and dont feel like investing in more weights. So I grab 2 dumbbells and do the split squats which feel way better then normal squats anyway and I can actually deadlift more then I can hip thrust so I'm assuming its more beneficial too.

This exactly

A few reasons.

When I quit lifting heavy and doing the big three I put on a serious amount of muscle.

Volume is the key to hypertrophy and aesthetics. Lifting 'heavy' with the big three requires longer rest periods which equates to longer gym sessions to get an adequate amount of volume.

I don't like taking long rest periods. Anything longer then a minute is long.

Those lifts result in a lower body dominant physique (See every physique in this thread) and I don't want my legs to be larger then 22".

While the barbell bench-press can be effective for the upper body I can get more work done with a couple of 50 or 60lb dumbbells in reference to pec development then I can with 2 or even 3 plates on the barbell.
I like high volume routines. So yesterday, which was Monday, being chest-day I did 26 sets of chest exercises in the 8-15 rep range. Before some cuck doing meme lifts wants to talk about too much volume for a natty I've been lifting for 12 years now. High volume bro-splits are the key to aesthetics whether your on gear or not. The amount of weight you move is irrelevant. As the great Kai says I'm a bodybuilder not a weight lifter.
A few of the bro's might watch and mire your heavy lift. Everyone watches and mires the most aesthetic guy in and out of the gym.

>I can deadlift more than I can hip thrust
I can bench more than I can pec fly retard

>Lifting heavy requires longer rest periods

Idk man my workouts are usually a bit less than an hor long and I've been putting on some good mass and little to no body fat. All while lifting heavy and getting 8-12 sets in. I superset pull with push and abs, though, so some days you could so I do more like 24

Two totally different motions retard. Hip thrust is a deadlift without using your back.

I bench and squat, but I don't deadlift. I only started working out about a month ago, in my home gym. I tried deadlifts, but they didn't 'click'. I'm just sure I'm going to end up injuring myself.

There is no reason to do an exercise that you are not comfortable with. Like you said you will most likely end up injured, you will never get good at it and for what? So you can comply to what a bunch of neckbeards on Veeky Forums say.

Thanks. This is pretty much what I've learned. At the start, every exercise felt wrong, because of course my body wasn't used to any of it.

But I've been able to tell a difference between an exercise that will take some time to get used to and one that my body is just really not going to feel safe or happy doing.


this is just 1 day of training
handstand push up deep 3x5-8
weighted pull up 3x5-8
nordic curl(glute and hamstring exercise)3x5-8
weighted push up 3x8
front lever row 3x5-8
tuck planche push up 3x3
weighted lunge 3x10
one arm toes to bar 3x5(each arm)

And Gilbert Melendez mode is any better? Guy's legs were already trembling before the storm of low kicks that descended on him. You don't need huge ass legs, but some strength is necessary.

>Used to squat then realized that girls don't give a shit about huge legs
saddest thing I've read all day

Yes when you punch the power comes from the legs, but that mostly has to do with technique more than anything. Hammering out squats and deadlifts isnt the best way to build punching power.
Pic related.

I broke my lower back in a car accident and after years of lifting I concluded that deadlifting wasn't worth it. The pain from a successful session of dead's can make me bedridden and put me out of the gym for over a week.

Remember boxers have to be as small as possible to fit the lowest weightclass they can. In real life if you have powerful legs that can squat 500lbs you're going to have a devastating punch.

I squat/bench/trap bar deadlift

Of course if you are a bigger guy you will be landing harder punches, but that has less to do with squatting and more to do with having more bodyweight behind your punch.
If squatting and deadlifting was the best way to knock people out professional fighters would focus on it more.
Plus whats more important for knocking someone out is connecting with a good punch that they don't see coming, not trying to hammer their face in to see who can hit harder.

let me guess. you lift for pussy but you still get none. why do you do this to yourself? once you hit your late 20s no woman will want to have sex with you and you will be left behind in favor of younger men. once that happens, you'll lose the one thing you have because you lift for women but women are unavailable to you because you spent all of your time trying to chase one-night stands at clubs instead of settling down. fast forward a few more years, you're an out-of-shape single man at age 35 staring down the business end of a gun because you wasted your life away. use the weights for self-betterment, and what better form of self-betterment than building up your strength or aiming to be as massive as possible?

it would be bad if you didn't know that. larry wheels is a fucking monster powerlifter and he's also pretty aesthetic too so i don't see why you wouldn't know him.

haha ok raffy, you're not gonna hide just because you left /plg/

gtfo skellington

You are projecting your own fears and insecurities here.
Let the lad lift for whatever he wants to. Lifting doesnt have to be a chore where you have to get sets of exercises that you hate doing every session. You will get nowhere like that.

i'm just saying he's headed down a path to ruin. if that is ultimately what he wants, then fine. that's cool. whatever. i'm just saying.

I don't squat
Broken patella on one knee, torn meniscus on the other.
Naturally T-Rex legs and ass too so fuck squats.


Can't do squats cus I tore my acl rock climbing

>squat and deadlift
Currently recovering from patellar tendinopathy, probably tendinosis. Loading the joints increases the pain and sets back the healing process. I'm stuck doing light eccentric movements for probably the rest of the year.
At least it gives me an excuse to concentrate on upper body, r-right?

Mirin' these shorts tho. Where to cop?

>lower pec upper pec bullshit

I will never fucking understand how even seasoned lifters fall for this bullshit. I have a friend that's been lifting for years and he swears by that shit and even recommends different ab exercises to 'not get fucked up looking abs'.

Kids, it's a muscle. It contracts. There's not certain parts of it that can contract more than the others.

> There's not certain parts of it that can contract more than the others
Except there are. The part that's of debate is whether the inner pec fibers can be individually contracted from the outer. The upper lower pec is an established fact

I front squat

I incline bench

I conventional deadlift

I honestly dont care. Like I said I mostly lift for strength and a little aeshetics. When I lean out I know that my upper pecs will start to look more defined.

I don't do them because I have no one to lift with me. Big compounds are no fun without a lifting buddy.

>I just want someone to work out with

I do them all but i don't particularly like bench. I find dumbbell variations have felt more useful and helped me grow more.

Weightlifting is snatch and clean and jerk. You retard

Nice physique but sucks how you're ugly as fuck and have a rat jewfro
