It's that season again. What are you doing this year Veeky Forums?

It's that season again. What are you doing this year Veeky Forums?

Half and half. Unless it's your profession, taking fitness so seriously that you don't eat anything but oats, eggs, rice, and chicken is just moronic. Maybe you'll have marginally better success, if you're lucky, but there's literally no point in being alive if you can't enjoy eating (which you'll be doing at least 4 times a day every single day).

This obviously, why limit yourself but at the same time don't be a fat idiot.

Still cutting because I'm a gross skinnyfat bitch

>he doesn't eat beans

t. fatty powerlifter

80%-90% clean

I'm unironically vegan.

Nope, 165lbs 6ft and pretty weak

I want to do more skill work and put on more mass.
But I also don't want to go back to being 300 fucking pounds.
So...I'm taking it one day at a time.

I don't fucking understand how people can bulk while eating clean. I've tried to do it for the past year and I barely gain any weight, even though I eat a fuckton of peanut butter and oatmeal

the difference between dirty and clean bulking isn't the type of ffood you bulk on you fucking retard. It's simply eating a calculated amount over your TDEE vs eating like a pig

Aussie here
I am starting a 5 month training thing for work (qualification update some shit in a class room)
Cause I can't miss a day of it I decided to do a summer bulk
Never bulked before as I was fat and just got gains while cutting to respectable weight 126 kg at heaviest
Oats berries lamb chicken rices some greens milk seafood
Vitamin gummies
And whey
And the odd cheat meal and scotch

Never done a proper bulk before
Ex fattie

Ohh yeah any advice or things missing from diet

half and half.
4 weeks in on Kris Gethin's 12 week muscle building program and making great gains

>tfw don't enjoy eating

At least calorie dense foods get it over with faster.


At least 90% clean so far. 1 1/2 weeks in. No desire to drink alcohol, no chocolate. I'm starting to see results

>not abusing junk food for massive insulin rush combined with IF as the ultimate gains tool...

Guys I'm a skinny bastard.

I'm 5"10 with chicken legs and skinny arms. I just want to have enough muscle to look good in a t-shirt, I've just given up smoking and am now ready to bulk up. Is eating anything and everything my best choice or should I be focussing on meal times and certain kinds of foods ?

I have read the intro but the advice their seems to be for skinny fat people, in plain skinny

permabulk desu

This. Eternal cut still in progress.

Going for the clean bulk while looking for a job. Im poor as fuck and can only afford milk and oats

What ratio of milk to oats should I cook my oats with and would a milk substitute like rice or almond milk taste okay?

Not gaining a lot of weight is literally optimal if you're progressing on your lifts.

>165lbs 6ft and pretty weak
The memes write themselves.

Jokes aside once you get stronger you'll notice the importance of having good macro and to a lesser extent micro nutrients when it comes to your recovery.

You're not special. Follow the sticky. Eat your protein and calories, pay attention to macros if you really want to get it, but at least eat your protein and calories. Because, once again, you're not special. Why do you think advice would be so vastly different for you?

dirty bulk because i'm on cycle

Try it out bro, for me honestly I don't mind almond, cashew, rice and hazelnut milk in shakes with fruit and 2-3 scoops of whey however I would rather add only water than to have them with oats their consistency is not great for it imo.

For ratio it should literally depend on your macros, calories etc...

It will taste bland either way at first, but once you get uses to it it's quite nice. There really is no need to oversweeten your oats or add too much crap.

As for the ratio, add just enough milk so the oats don't start swimming up but that you can see some milk around the oats. They'll soak it up nicely when cooked and you'll get that mushy goodness.

Been bulking for a month and already up 6kg feelsgoodman

Unless you're a beginner, absolute skelly or on gear you should reel it in.

Joined a powerlifting gym, went from a long summer cut to a bulk coz training is intense as fuck.
We weight every month so in 30 days i agained
>1.4 kg of muscle
>0.6 kg of fat
I know its too much fat but man i can't but feel proud

Clean/dirty refers to the degree of caloric surplus, not the types of foods eaten.

Because I'm special

Thanks anyway

Good bait OP, you managed to draw out all the newfags who don't know the actual meaning of dirty/clean bulking

Starting first bulk form endurance runner mode. Got a race 1 of October than lean bulking starts. Plan on doing it all the way thought to February than go back to my perma cutting faggot self. Hopefully i put on some muscle mass and brunk my lifts to 2/3/4/5

What are you current lifts?

tell us more user, im curious

i do 1 oats/2 milk. At 3dl/6dl thats 757 kcal. Add 50g of cashew and you got a nice 1k cal 40g proton breakfast

>0,6 kg of fat
Just do waterfasting for a day and it´s gone or do some cardio like 2-3 hours fast cycling.

I'm still cutting till mid October (74,7~kg right now, goal is 72kg), eating 2200 calories. Not sure if I should recomp at 72 for a month and then bulk at a 300cal surplus or start bulking asap.

Currently doing a filthy bulk

>1k cals for 40g protein

thats terrible

I should really bulk more. I'm currently about 60kg 188cm

>literally no point in being alive if you can't enjoy eating
t.fatty who should kill himself

Food is fuel

Absolutely dirty bulk

Dirty permabulk

Eating unhealthy foods is unhealthy for reasons other than caloric intake. High amounts of sodium, cholesterol, etc are not good for you.